The Friendship Key to Lasting Peace, United Communities,Strong Relatio...
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<p>War is raging again. Corruption is rife. We are more divided now than in living memory. To top it off we are lonely and struggling to make ends meet while the rich gloat over their ever-increasing ...
Exerc?cios aer?bicos para emagrecer【電子書籍】[ Infoproducts ]
価格:39 円
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<p>Os exerc?cios aer?bicos, como corrida e caminhada r?pida, auxiliam a emagrecer, pois gastam muitas calorias aprenda fazer com esse livro digital.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いし...
HR Information Systems Integration Patterns【電子書籍】[ Sudheer Devaraju ]
価格:44 円
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<h3>Today's HR Information Systems (HRIS) aren't just tools for managing recruitment, payroll, and benefits-they're the lifeline of modern businesses ranging from Retail to Healthcare, Imagine the sca...
La mente hologr?fica : un modelo efectivo para generar cambios r?pidos...
価格:74 円
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<p>?D?nde est? la mente? Esta pregunta ha sido contestada a lo largo del tiempo de muy variadas formas. Durante siglos, los seres humanos buscaron la mente dentro de la cabeza porque sab?an que all? e...
JAVASCRIPT - A GRANDE AVENTURA parte 1【電子書籍】[ Claudio santos da silva ...
価格:75 円
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<p>Descubra o poder da programa??o com essa incr?vel hist?ria em quadrinhos! Acompanhe a jornada de um jovem her?i em um mundo m?gico, onde ele aprende a capturar e criar drag?es usando os m?gicos c?d...
Through The Digital Lens - Mastering Photography【電子書籍】[ Timothy Ray ]
価格:75 円
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<p>"Through the Digital Lens: Mastering Photography" is an essential guide for anyone looking to delve into the art and science of photography in the digital age. This book offers a comprehensive expl...
価格:76 円
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<p>Essa ? a hist?ria de Jonny, um programador que cai no sono enquanto trabalha em frente ao computador. Quando acorda, ele se encontra preso em um mundo formado por c?digo e n?meros, e seu corpo tamb...
Segredos da Muscula??o【電子書籍】[ Infoproducts ]
価格:79 円
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<p>Existem t?cnicas reais que voc? pode seguir que n?o s? ir? embalar no m?sculo em um curto per?odo de tempo, mas n?o vai te custar um centavo no processo! N?o h? mais suplementos, revistas de m?scul...
Robots That 'Grow up' Article【電子書籍】[ Janani Gopalakrishnan Vikram ]
価格:80 円
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<p>Programming devicesーand robotsーto do stuff is no longer exciting. The next thing on the wish list is robots that learn how to behave and do things autonomously, just like humans and animals learn a...
Run Automated System Tasks with ANACRON Article【電子書籍】[ Narendra Kangra...
価格:80 円
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<p>Periodic command scheduling is the main feature of Anacron, which, in contrast with Cron, does not assume that the system is running all the time. Anacron makes life easier by taking care of routin...
Essai sur la restauration des anciennes estampes et des livres rares -...
価格:80 円
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<p>Une estampe en parfait ?tat sous tous les rapports n’a presque rien ? exiger de moi dans cet opuscule. On n’a qu’? la conserver en cadre ou en portefeuille. (Voir le dernier chapitre.)</p> <p>Je su...
Cours de philosophie positive ( Edition int?grale ) 6 tomes【電子書籍】[ Aug...
価格:80 円
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<p>Le philosophe fran?ais Auguste Comte (1798-1857) a constuit une des plus grandes philosophies syst?matiques du XIXe si?cle. C’est entre 1830 et 1842 qu’il va fournir son plus fameur ?crit surle pos...
L'Assistance publique en 1900 ( Edition int?grale ) illustr? - annot?【...
価格:80 円
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<p>Au moment de l’Exposition universelle de 1889, l’Administration g?n?rale de l’Assistance publique ? Paris, qui, deux ans avant, en 1887, avait d?j? publi? un important recueil des lois, d?crets et ...
LED Market Could Grow Manifold in Next 15 Years Article【電子書籍】[ Sneha A...
価格:80 円
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<p>A few years ago we did not consider LED lights as a viable option, but today the scenario has changed. The price of LED lights has come down, awareness has increased and the quality of lights has a...
Create Dynamic Graphics in PHP Article【電子書籍】[ Dr Gaurav Kumar and Amit...
価格:80 円
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<p>In this article, the authors take the reader all the way through the process of creating dynamic graphics, right from setting up the Graphics Drawing library to drawing various types of graphs.</p>...
Is Application Knowledge Enough to Buy the Right Programmable Power Su...
価格:80 円
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<p>Being a test engineer, what is the first question you ask yourself when you decide to buy a programmable power supply (PPS)? Is it the price or features you look for? Now, when you think of feature...
Simplify Your Source Code Search with grokit Article【電子書籍】[ Raghu Sesh...
価格:80 円
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<p>Here is an introduction to grokit, a tool that can help to set up a source code search and cross-reference tool.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※こ...
Les grands froids Livre I ? V ( Edition int?grale ) illustr?【電子書籍】[ ?m...
価格:80 円
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<p>Nous estimons d'habitude l'?tat calorifique d'un corps par l'impression qu'il produit sur la main. Le corps nous semble chaud ou froid suivant qu'il donne de la chaleur ? la main ou qu'il lui en en...
La Fin des livres ( Edition int?grale )【電子書籍】[ Albert Robida ]
価格:80 円
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<p>Robida est un de nos plus grands dessinateurs-illustrateurs, mais il est aussi un consid?rable auteur d’anticipations. On est en 1895, le XXe si?cle de toutes les promesses, le si?cle de l’?lectric...
Windows Insider Program【電子書籍】[ Shubham Sharma ]
価格:80 円
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<p>Windows 10 is available now and it's getting very good response from the users, one of the most core reason behind the success of windows 10 is windows insider program, which helped Microsoft in sh...
La fin du monde par la science ( Edition int?grale )【電子書籍】[ Eug?ne Huz...
価格:80 円
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<p>Choix d’extraits de deux essais dans lesquels E. Huzar (1820-1890) rend hommage au progr?s scientifique et technique tout en soulignant les risques que fait courir la r?volution industrielle : modi...
Lettre d’un citoyen z?l? Sur les troubles qui divisent la m?decine et ...
価格:80 円
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<p>Cette lettre parut en 1748, en une brochure de 33 pages in-8°. Elle portait le titre de Premi?re lettre, mais elle n’a ?t? suivie d’aucune autre. La querelle entre les m?decins et les chirurgiens ?...
Semer et planter ( Edition int?grale ) illustr? - annot?【電子書籍】[ David ...
価格:80 円
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<p>Choix des terrains, semis, plantations foresti?res et d’agr?ment, entretien des massifs, ?lagage, description et emploi des essences foresti?res indig?nes et exotiques, etc.</p> <p>Trait? pratique ...
Les merveilles du feu ( Edition int?grale ) illustr?【電子書籍】[ ?mile Boua...
価格:80 円
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<p>≪ Qui se repr?sentera jamais, a dit M. Albert R?ville, le bonheur, le ravissement, l’extase radieuse de celui de nos p?res inconnus qui, le premier, montra en triomphe ? la tribu stup?faite le tiso...
De l’origine des esp?ces ( Edition int?grale )【電子書籍】[ Charles Darwin ]
価格:80 円
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<p>La publication en 1859 de L’Origine des esp?ces a marqu? une r?volution intellectuelle, comparable ? celle qui est associ?e au nom de Copernic et de Galil?e. En proposant une “th?orie de la descend...
Handheld Test And Measurement Devices Growing to The Standards of Benc...
価格:80 円
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<p>The continuously-evolving technology, modification and creation of standards, and increasing requirements of customers are pushing the test and measurement equipment industry to move at a faster pa...
Notions d’agriculture et d’horticulture Cours e?le?mentaire : premie?r...
価格:80 円
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<p>Les nouveaux programmes officiels du 27 juillet 1882 placent parmi les mati?res obligatoires de l’enseignement dans les ?coles primaires les ?l?ments de l’agriculture et de l’horticulture, qui n’y ...
Astronomie populaire Description ge?ne?rale du ciel ( Edition int?gral...
価格:80 円
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<p>≪ Ce livre est ?crit pour tous ceux qui aiment ? se rendre compte des choses qui les entourent, et qui seraient heureux d’acqu?rir sans fatigue une notion ?l?mentaire et exacte de l’univers.</p> <p...
Solar Industry Expected to Grow Fast Article【電子書籍】[ Sneha Ambastha ]
価格:80 円
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<p>In spite of a few challenges, the Indian solar industry is expected to grow substantially from 2600MW to 20,000MW by 2022 with the help of government and solar manufacturers’ initiatives. We might ...
Nouveau moyen de pre?parer la couche sensible des plaques destine?es a...
価格:80 円
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<p>Vous avez bien voulu annoncer ? l'Acad?mie que j'?tais arriv?, par une suite d'exp?riences, ? reconna?tre d'une mani?re certaine que, dans l'?tat actuel de mon proc?d?, la couche sensible ? la lumi...