Th?orie des organisations - 6e ?d.【電子書籍】[ Jean-Michel Plane ]
価格:1,216 円
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<p>La <strong>th?orie des organisations</strong> se fonde sur un ensemble de <strong>concepts</strong>, <strong>m?thodes</strong> et <strong>outils</strong> tr?s vari?s provenant de disciplines telles...
Les tableaux de bord de la gestion sociale - 6e ?d D?veloppez les nouv...
価格:3,553 円
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<p>Ce livre pose les principes de r?alisation et de diffusion des tableaux de bord sociaux. Partant de l'indicateur social comme unit? d'oeuvre du tableau de bord, vous pourrez gr?ce ? des <strong>ind...
R?ussir sa d?marche de VAE - 6e ?d. B?tir le dossier de validation des...
価格:2,244 円
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<p>Ce guide m?thodologique s’adresse ? tous ceux qui envisagent de faire reconna?tre leurs acquis professionnels. Il a pour objectif de r?pondre aux questions que se posent les candidats au moment d’e...
The Psychology of Money Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happine...
価格:2,295 円
レビュー件数:1 レビュー平均:5
<p>Doing well with money isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. Moneyーinvesting, personal finance, and business d...
逆思維:華頓商學院最具影響力的教授,突破人生盲點的全局思考 Think Again: The Power of Knowing What Y...
価格:1,410 円
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<p><strong>想法轉個彎,人生路更寛!</strong></p> <p>《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜<strong>No.1</strong></p> <p>《華盛頓郵報》年度最佳非小?類書籍</p> <p>《商業週刊》年度最喜歡的21本書</p> <p>售出<strong>41國</strong>版權,銷售突破<strong>70萬</strong>本</p> <p>Amazon書店編輯評選...
人生4千個禮拜 時間不是用來掌控的,直面「生命的有限」,打造游刃有餘的時間運用觀 Four Thousand Weeks: Time Man...
価格:1,206 円
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<p><strong>{我應該?平,還是積極?出?}</strong></p> <p><strong>時間永遠不?用/工作永遠做不完/夢想永遠達不到?</strong></p> <p><strong>──人生就是一場時間管理。</strong></p> <p><strong>【朱家安 導讀】</strong></p> <p><strong>★亞馬遜網站編輯選書★</strong></p> <p>●...
Design Rules, Volume 2 How Technology Shapes Organizations【電子書籍】[ Carl...
価格:13,506 円
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<p><strong>How the innate physical properties of different technologies influence the strategy and structure of the organizations implementing the technologies, the sequel to <em>Design Rules: The Pow...
有錢人的書櫃總有一本心理學書:打造?的「易富」體質,成為掌握財富的5%人! ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??【電子書籍】[...
価格:1,268 円
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<p><strong>看?人心的走向,</strong></p> <p><strong>就能掌握錢的流向!</strong></p> <p>**打造?的「易富」體質,成為掌握財富的****5%**<strong>人!</strong></p> <p>隨書附贈</p> <p><strong>有財人生秘笈?圖</strong></p> <p><strong>一個念頭的差異,一個行動的不同,</stro...
The End of Burnout Why Work Drains Us and How to Build Better Lives【電子...
価格:1,859 円
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<p><strong>Going beyond the how and why of burnout, a former tenured professor combines academic methods and first-person experience to propose new ways for resisting our cultural obsession with work ...
權力與進?:科技變革與共享繁榮之間的千年辯證 Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle ...
価格:2,869 円
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<h2><strong>全球獨家中文版!《金融時報》年度選書</strong></h2> <h2><strong>關心AI時代人類命運的必讀之作</strong></h2> <h2><strong>當代經濟學巨擘****從千年?史經驗借鑑,重新定位科技變革的價?與方向</strong></h2> <p><strong>?</strong> <strong>《國家為什麼會失敗》、《自由的窄廊》作者最...
How to Know a Person The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply ...
価格:2,209 円
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<p>**<em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? A practical, heartfelt guide to the art of truly knowing another person in order to foster deeper connections at home, at work, and throughout our livesーfrom ...
轉型再成長:策略架構與執行力【電子書籍】[ 李吉仁 ]
価格:2,869 円
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<p><strong>結合學理邏輯、針對實務痛點、提供架構解方</strong></p> <p><strong>架構思維 × 管理工具 × 決策個案</strong></p> <p><strong>轉型變革,是持續成長的必經?程。</strong></p> <p><strong>領導轉型,需要系統思維與管理能量。</strong></p> <p><strong>有效轉型,才有機會再成長!</str...
Rich Dad Poor Dad What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the ...
価格:1,214 円
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<p>April of 2022 marks a 25-year milestone for the personal finance classic <em>Rich Dad Poor Dad</em> that still ranks as the #1 Personal Finance book of all time. And although 25 years have passed s...
The Oxford Handbook of Conflict Management in Organizations【電子書籍】
価格:5,323 円
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<p>New ways of managing conflict are increasingly important features of work and employment in organizations. In the book the world's leading scholars in the field examine a range of innovative altern...
Asian Family Business Case Studies The Role of Culture, Value and Iden...
価格:14,183 円
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<p>Family business is the backbone of the global economy, as they account for seventy to ninety percent of all businesses worldwide. Although research on family business started in 1960’s, much of the...
完美的師父ーー如何找到?在真正的心靈導師 The Perfect Master: Talks on Sufi Stories【電子書籍】[ ...
価格:2,410 円
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<p>當門徒準備好了,師父就會出現</p> <p>奧修告訴?,如何找到?在真正的「心靈導師」</p> <p>一部心靈成長重要的指引經典</p> <p>如果想要尋求?在心靈的安定,該怎麼做?</p> <p>是盲目的追隨所謂的大師?還是改變自己?在的品質,真正的師父自然便來到?</p> <p>法蘭克福書展,出版社推薦書單ーー</p> <p>這本書是一個獨特聚會的記?:談到有關古代蘇菲奧祕的故事,由一位...
Regeneration Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation【電子書籍】[ Paul H...
価格:1,894 円
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<p><strong>A radically new understanding of and practical approach to climate change by noted environmentalist Paul Hawken, creator of the <em>New York Times</em> bestseller <em>Drawdown</em></strong>...
Cisco Networks For New Engineers【電子書籍】[ VICTOR P HENDERSON ]
価格:1,600 円
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<p><strong>Cisco Networks for New Engineers: Techniques, Strategies, and Tactics</strong><br /> <strong>By Victor P. Henderson | Certified Ethical Hacker | ISSO-TECH ENTERPRISES</strong></p> <p><stron...
An End to Poverty? A Historical Debate【電子書籍】[ Gareth Stedman Jones ]
価格:4,590 円
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<p>In the 1790s, for the first time, reformers proposed bringing poverty to an end. Inspired by scientific progress, the promise of an international economy, and the revolutions in France and the Unit...
最佳?態:超越心流,掌握個人持續卓越的情商 Optimal: How to Sustain Personal and Organizatio...
価格:1,605 円
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<p>★繁體中文版與美國同?出版★</p> <p>★耶魯大學校長、Salesforce董事長、美國聯航執行長一致盛讚</p> <p>EQ之父──丹尼爾.高曼──最新力作</p> <p>《EQ》後30年的最新科學,打破?對情商的所有想像。</p> <p>擁有滿意的?一天,是超凡成就的關鍵,</p> <p>讓日常的小贏累積成為一生的大勝利。</p> <p>善用情商,將?的最佳?態變成日常?態,</p>...
大腦拒?不了的行銷:100個完美挑動感官的行銷法則 Brainfluence: 100 Ways to Persuade and Convi...
価格:1,769 円
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<p>行銷只能在當下的一瞬間成功!</p> <p>努力推銷≠銷售翻倍;投放更多廣告≠獲得更多青?</p> <p>當人們專注的時間愈來愈少,?該怎麼推銷自己的?品?</p> <p>?知道??當?努力向他人介紹?品時,對方的大腦早就做好決定了!</p> <p>人類95%的想法、情緒,都是在無意識下發生的,</p> <p>最レイ害的行銷,就是激發這95%的潛意識,讓顧客為?推出的?品買單</p> <p>...
The Power of Now A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment【電子書籍】[ Eckhart Tol...
価格:1,755 円
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<p>To make the journey into the Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. From the very first page of Eckhart Tolle's extraordinary book, we move rapid...
巴菲特的投資原則:股神唯一授權,寫給合夥人的備忘?(増訂版) Warren Buffett’s Ground Rules: Words of...
価格:1,605 円
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<p><strong>巴菲特授權,讀?股神投資的選擇,資金少也能逐?累積財富</strong></p> <p>巴菲特在波克夏給股東會的信公開推薦:「米勒對巴菲特合夥事業做了出色的研究和調?,並且詳細解釋波克夏是如何發展至今。如果?對投資理論與實務深感興趣,?會喜歡這本書。」</p> <p><strong>獨家收?1956-1969年巴菲特經營合夥事業時期信件中文版</strong><br /> <...
The Spirituality of Imperfection Storytelling and the Search for Meani...
価格:2,366 円
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<p><strong>Learn how to embrace your faults and vulnerabilities to experience true spiritual growth with this hopeful and motivational guide.</strong></p> <p><strong>“Inspiring . . . offering comfort ...
Data Science from Scratch First Principles with Python【電子書籍】[ Joel Gru...
価格:4,611 円
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<p>Data science libraries, frameworks, modules, and toolkits are great for doing data science, but they’re also a good way to dive into the discipline without actually understanding data science. With...
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster The Solutions We Have and the Breakthr...
価格:2,366 円
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<p>**#1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER ? In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practicalーand <em>accessibleー<em>plan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emis...
深刻認識一個人:發現自己與他人的非凡之處 How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others De...
価格:1,616 円
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<p><strong>────<strong><strong>本書是?給他人和自己的終極禮物</strong></strong>────</strong></p> <p><strong>在疏離的年代</strong></p> <p><strong>?助?真正看見他人,透視自己</strong></p> <p><strong>締造深刻人際關係</strong></p> <p><strong>《成為更...
Healing Is the New High A Guide to Overcoming Emotional Turmoil and Fi...
価格:2,159 円
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<p><strong>Achieve genuine inner healing, let go of past trauma and find clarity, resilience and freedom with #1 <em>Sunday Times</em> bestselling author Vex King.</strong></p> <p>Vex King developed i...
納瓦爾寶典:從白手起家到財務自由,?谷傳奇創投家的投資哲學與人生智慧 The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A G...
価格:1,505 円
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<p><strong>一本讓人頓悟不斷、好評如潮的書</strong></p> <p>原書名:《快樂實現自主富有》</p> <p><strong>暢銷全球45國、美版熱賣40萬冊,數百萬人因此改變一生</strong></p> <p>致富不是靠運氣,幸福也不是從天而降。</p> <p>累積財富和幸福生活,是?可以學習的技能。</p> <p>**ー**?谷傳奇創投家?連續創業家 納瓦爾</p> <p...
心流:高手都在研究的最優體驗心理學(繁體中文唯一全譯本,二版) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experi...
価格:1,943 円
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<p><strong>出版三十多年暢銷不墜,建基於十數萬筆經驗取樣研究,</strong></p> <p><strong>提出「心流」概念,並以科學方法加以探索的開創之作。</strong></p> <p><strong>?發心理學、腦科學、社會學、運動學、人類學、宗教學等?多領域研究,</strong></p> <p><strong>廣泛影響全球文化建構與無數人生命經驗的心理學經典。</stro...