Women Who Lead: The Call of Women in Ministry WOMEN WHO LEAD [ Mary Re...
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WOMEN WHO LEAD Mary Rearick Paul BEACON HILL PR2011 Paperback English ISBN:9780834125643 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religio...
How to Think Politically Sages, Scholars and Statesmen Whose Ideas Hav...
価格:2,378 円
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<p><em><strong>'A wonderful introduction to history's most influential scribblers'</strong> ? <strong>Steven Pinker</strong></em></p> <p>What is truly at stake in politics? Nothing less than how we sh...
Zukunftschancen f?r Musikp?dagogen. Kooperation zwischen Musikschulen ...
価格:2,394 円
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<p>Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Soziologie - Medien, Kunst, Musik, Note: 1,8, Hochschule f?r Musik Detmold (Instrumentalp?dagogik), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Musikp?dagogen sehen ...
Die Tranceformation Amerikas Die wahre Lebensgeschichte einer CIA-Skla...
価格:2,394 円
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<p>"Die Tranceformation Amerikas ist die unglaubliche, aber umfangreich dokumentierte Autobiographie einer Amerikanerin, die Opfer geheimer Regierungsprogramme im Bereich Mind Control wurde. Cathy O´B...
Das Internet der Dinge, philosophisch betrachtet Aspekte der Technikph...
価格:2,394 円
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<p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Philosophie - Praktische (Ethik, ?sthetik, Kultur, Natur, Recht, ...), Note: Sehr gut, Universit?t Wien (Institut f?r Philosophie), Veranstaltung: Sem...
Die Realit?t schl?gt zur?ck Politik f?r eine postpandemische Welt【電子書籍...
価格:2,400 円
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<p>Covid-19 hat die Krisenhaftigkeit unserer politischen Systeme schlagartig zum Vorschein gebracht. W?hrend viele Staaten am Auftrag, ihre Bev?lkerungen zu sch?tzen, gescheitert sind, wussten sich an...
Blackpilled Masculinity, Media and Incels【電子書籍】[ Meadhbh Park ]
価格:2,400 円
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<p>Incels ? involuntary celibates ? are often cast as violent, misogynistic loners, consumed by resentment towards women. With shocking tragedies like the 2014 Isla Vista killings and the 2024 Bondi J...
R?dh?tte og ?dipus. Brikker til en feministisk psykoanalyse【電子書籍】[ Nin...
価格:2,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>I eventyret om R?dh?tte, plukker R?dh?tte blomster til sin bedstemor i den forbudte skov, hvor ulven huserer. Og i ”R?dh?tte og ?dipus” dykker den danske k?nsforsker Nina Lykke ned i de fortr?ngte ...
amazinGRACE Die neue Dimension der Heilung【電子書籍】[ Annette Bokpe ]
価格:2,400 円
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<p>Die ehemalige Skeptikerin Annette Bokpe schildert in diesem einzigartigen Buch ihre pers?nlichen, mitrei?enden Erfahrungen auf dem Weg zu ihrer heutigen Berufung: dem Leben und Wirken als begnadete...
EMOTION UND PSYCHE Heilung durch die Kraft der Meister【電子書籍】[ Annette ...
価格:2,400 円
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<p>Jeder hat sie in sich, die g?ttliche Energie. Aber kaum jemand ahnt, wie man sie sich zug?nglich machen kann. Auch Annette Bokpe war kritisch, als sie von ihrer Freundin und Mentorin Annette M?ller...
Pantere nere Storia e mito del Black Panther Party【電子書籍】[ Paolo Bertel...
価格:2,400 円
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<p>Pantere Nere ? la storia di un leggendario gruppo di rivoluzionari neri nel “ventre della bestia” Usa, che ha caratterizzato in modo unico il movimento degli anni Sessanta del secolo scorso. La lor...
Det m? aldrig ske igen. En dansk politibetjents oplevelser i tysk fang...
価格:2,401 円
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<p>Den 19. september 1944 opl?ste tyskerne det danske politi, og n?sten 2000 danske betjente blev anholdt.</p> <p>DET M? ALDRIG SKE IGEN er den unge betjent Anton Guldb?ks beretning om det, der begynd...
Net-Works: Workplace Change in the Global Economy A Critical and Pract...
価格:2,409 円
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<p><em>Net-works: Workplace Change in the Global Economy</em> primarily discusses how sociology may be applied to the Global Net-Work Economy and the changing workplace. It demonstrates how the sociol...
La route vers la libert?【電子書籍】[ Mietek Pemper ]
価格:2,420 円
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<p>" Ne me remerciez pas d'?tre vivants ", d?clarait Oskar Schindler en mai 1945 ? ses ouvriers juifs venus le remercier d'avoir inscrit leur nom sur sa liste. " Remerciez plut?t MM. Stern et Pemper, ...
La science sacr?e des chamans - Une voie de gu?rison pour le monde mod...
価格:2,420 円
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<p>D?couvrez les secrets de gu?rison au c?ur de la for?t amazonienne.Le livre qui raconte le film The Sacred Science.<br /> En 2010, Nick Polizzi, r?alisateur de films et documentariste, organisa une ...
Qu'est-ce que l'art pr?historique ? L'Homme et l'image au Pal?olithiqu...
価格:2,420 円
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<p>L'irruption soudaine des images au d?but du Pal?olithique sup?rieur, il y a environ 40 000 ans, r?v?le les extraordinaires capacit?s cognitives des premiers hommes modernes et pose la question de l...
Father Peyton's Rosary Prayer Book【電子書籍】[ Fr. Patrick Peyton ]
価格:2,424 円
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<p>The most complete prayer book of meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary today. He gives 230 meditations on the twenty mysteries of the Rosary, with each set of five meditations having its own t...
1603 The Death of Queen Elizabeth I, the Return of the Black Plague, t...
価格:2,430 円
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<p><strong>This lively history reveals how a single year radically changed British society, politics, and culture: “absorbing . . . in its rich texture and detail” (<em>Publishers Weekly</em>).</stron...
Rock Paper Sex The Oldest Profession in Canada’s Oldest City【電子書籍】[ Ke...
価格:2,430 円
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<p>St. John’s is known as a flourishing port city, a cultural gem, and popular tourist destination: a picturesque city of pubs and restaurants, music and colourful houses. But a thriving sex trade qui...
Intermediate Japanese Workbook Practice Conversational Japanese, Gramm...
価格:2,430 円
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<p><strong>Boost your language skills with this exciting and new workbook for Intermediate Japanese!</strong></p> <p>This companion workbook to <em>Intermediate Japanese</em> is the perfect guide for ...
Jewels of Enlightenment Wisdom Teachings from the Great Tibetan Master...
価格:2,430 円
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<p>Delve into Tibet’s rich religious heritage with this compilation of Buddhist prayers, poems, and teachings from all the various schools. A perfect companion for meditation and contemplation, <em>Je...
The Pentagon's Wars The Military's Undeclared War Against America's Pr...
価格:2,431 円
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<p><strong>A gripping insider account of the clash between America's civilian and military leadership</strong></p> <p><em>The Pentagon's Wars</em> is a dramatic account of the deep and divisive debate...
Putting Wealth to Work Philanthropy for Today or Investing for Tomorro...
価格:2,431 円
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<p><strong>By 2025, Americans will likely be donating over half a trillion dollars annually to nonprofit organizations. Those philanthropic gifts will transform significant parts of America's civic se...
Murder in the Model City The Black Panthers, Yale, and the Redemption ...
価格:2,431 円
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<p>May 20, 1969: Four members of the revolutionary Black Panther Party trudge through woods along the edges of the Coginchaug River outside of New Haven, Connecticut. Gunshots shatter the silence. Thr...
The Erudition Network Presents: 101 Black History Question Challenge, ...
価格:2,431 円
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<p>The Erudition Network Presents: 101 Black History Question Challenge, Early World is an intriguing quiz book that takes readers on a captivating exploration of various ancient civilizations and the...
Black against Empire The History and Politics of the Black Panther Par...
価格:2,433 円
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<p>This timely special edition, published on the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Black Panther Party, features a new preface by the authors that places the Party in a contemporary politica...
New York Politics: A Tale of Two States【電子書籍】[ Edward V. Schneier, Joh...
価格:2,433 円
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<p>Completely revised and updated with extensive new material, this acclaimed book offers an inside look at how influence is wielded in Albany. The authors--an Albany-based political scientist and a f...
洋書 Paperback, Dot Grid because my best work is not inside the lines: S...
価格:2,436 円
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*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs...
The Colfax Massacre The Untold Story of Black Power, White Terror, and...
価格:2,439 円
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<p>On Easter Sunday, 1873, in the tiny hamlet of Colfax, Louisiana, more than 150 members of an all-black Republican militia, defending the town's courthouse, were slain by an armed force of rampaging...
King's Mountain Men, The Story of the Battle with Sketches of the Amer...
価格:2,440 円
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<p>By: K.K. White, Pub. 1924, reprinted 2023, 272 pages, Index, E-BOOK, ISBN #978-1-63914-580-5. This book is about the men who participated in the battle of King's Mountain. It was compiled from reco...