Moments of Focus A Weekly Devotional, Journal & Bible Study Leader’s S...
価格:1,349 円
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<p>Moments of Focus is a Weekly Devotional, Journal & Bible Study Leader’s Support Guide. It provides clarity for individuals who are looking for a better understanding of how the Word of GOD applies ...
Biograf?a no autorizada de un l?der Lecciones extraordinarias que un "...
価格:2,362 円
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<p><strong>EL verdadero l?der no nace, se hace</strong></p> <p>Muchos libros se han escrito sobre el liderazgo pero muy pocos incluyen dentro de s? aquellas vivencias que podr?an poner en entredicho l...
La vie et la mort Croyances et doctrines【電子書籍】[ Marcel Granet ]
価格:164 円
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<p>≪ L’id?e centrale de la sp?culation chinoise est la conception d’une stricte solidarit? entre le Monde et l’Homme. Les penseurs se repr?sent?rent les lois de l’?volution naturelle ? l’aide d’une my...
A Collection of Biography of Prominent Taiwanese During The Japanese C...
価格:1,433 円
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<p>孔子曰:「為政不得獲罪於大?」。在日本殖民統治台灣初期,為安撫人心,對前朝有功名人士及有財力人士刻意籠絡。本輯中,好幾位有錢人,在日清戰爭時,到中國避難,觀望之後再返回台灣的例子。楊氏資料庫5882筆簡傳;列有前清秀才298名,監生16名,貢生39名。四品頂戴5名,五品40名,六品13名。三個進士家庭。</p> <p>日本殖民統治方式,基本上效法英國在香港印度的殖民統治手段;即努力維持傳統的...
Prayer Against Untimely Death Daily Meditations For Working Through Gr...
価格:600 円
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<p><strong>Untimely death</strong> has caused <strong>disaster</strong> to <strong>families</strong> and <strong>nations</strong> at large. <strong>Bread winners, loved ones, and people loaded with ta...
Beyond Your Wardrobe A Biblical Approach to Understanding Modesty, Why...
価格:559 円
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<p><strong>Is there more to modesty than the clothes we wear?</strong></p> <p>Modesty. It’s a word that can tend to make women cringe. This is because for many years, people have concluded that modest...
Babaylan Sing Back Philippine Shamans and Voice, Gender, and Place【電子書...
価格:2,869 円
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<p><em><strong>Babaylan Sing Back</strong></em> <strong>depicts the embodied voices of Native Philippine ritual specialists popularly known as babaylan.</strong> These ritual specialists are widely be...
Sexualidade e Individua??o【電子書籍】[ Carlos Alberto Correa Salles ]
価格:1,600 円
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<p>Sexualidade e individua??o. Assuntos complexos num primeiro olhar, mas que este livro consegue traduzir para o cotidiano de maneira simples e, como n?o poderia deixar de ser, prazerosa. Do Banquete...
The National Security League, 1914-1922 Wall Street and the War Machin...
価格:2,699 円
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<p>The early 20th century saw the founding of the National Security League, a nationalistic nonprofit organization committed to an expanded military, conscripted service and meritocracy. This book det...
Among the Ashes On Death, Grief, and Hope【電子書籍】[ William J. Abraham ]
価格:4,050 円
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<p>How can we hold fast to the hope of life eternal when we lose someone we love? In this book William Abraham reflects on the nature of certainty and the logic of hope in the context of an experience...
Kultur, Vielfalt, Integration Ein Kompass im Dschungel kultureller Unt...
価格:2,400 円
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<p>Seit er denken kann, lebt Dan Wiener mit kulturellen Unterschieden. Seine Vorfahren stammen aus sieben verschiedenen L?ndern. Als rund um den Globus t?tiger Kommunikationstrainer hat er es t?glich ...
The Seven Ranges Ground Zero for the Staging of America【電子書籍】[ Will Ho...
価格:3,782 円
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<p>When Surveyor-General Thomas Hutchins drove a stake into the ground to mark a "point of beginning" for the 1785 establishment of Seven Ranges of townships on the west bank of the Ohio River, he had...
Creating God The birth and growth of major religions【電子書籍】[ Robin Derr...
価格:4,992 円
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<p>What do we really know about how and where religions began, and how they spread? In this bold new book, award-winning author Robin Derricourt takes us on a journey through the birth and growth of s...
Escaping Escapism Stop putting things off. Start taking things on.【電子書...
価格:966 円
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<p>Almost anything that is worth doing is a struggle. Almost anything that benefits other people is tough to do. Almost anything that makes a difference in this world is hard to see through to the end...
Das Zellged?chtnis: Wie man durch Neuprogrammierung der Zellen frei un...
価格:1,430 円
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<p>Die moderne Zell- und Reinkarnations-Forschung belegt immer ?berzeugender, wie bestimmte traumatische Erfahrungen oder furchtbare Schock-Situationen das menschliche Zell-Bewusstsein pr?gen. Diese E...
Also for Glory Muster The Story of the Pettigrew Trimble Charge at Get...
価格:572 円
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<p>July the third 1863 it seems, will forever be associated with an event known by almost everyone as “Pickett’s Charge” . . . the day more than 12,000 officers and men in Robert E. Lee’s Army of Nort...
Who God Says You Are A Christian Understanding of Identity【電子書籍】[ Klyn...
価格:4,052 円
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<p><strong>WHO ARE YOU?</strong></p> <p>For respected New Testament scholar Klyne Snodgrass, this is the most important question a person can askーthe question from which everything else in life flows....
The Great Concern Preparation for Death【電子書籍】[ Edward Pearse ]
価格:2,972 円
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<p><strong>Are you prepared to die?</strong></p> <p><strong>Sadly, too many people are not ready to face the inevitable.</strong></p> <p>In this book, Edward Pearse delivers ancient wisdom and encoura...
The Power of Healthy Relationships for Church Growth and Development【電...
価格:1,130 円
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<p>The efficacy of healthy relationships in achieving incredible result is amazing. Surprisingly, many are yet to fully understand how it can be effectively applied for maximum result. Though it has b...
Voice, Trust, and Memory Marginalized Groups and the Failings of Liber...
価格:5,943 円
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<p>Does fair political representation for historically disadvantaged groups require their presence in legislative bodies? The intuition that women are best represented by women, and African-Americans ...
The History of American Abolitionism (1787-1861) Four Great Epochs of ...
価格:318 円
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<p>In 'The History of American Abolitionism (1787-1861),' Felix Gregory De Fontaine meticulously chronicles the evolution of the abolitionist movement in the United States, spanning the years from the...
The Pilgrim's Progress: A 21st-Century Re-telling of the John Bunyan C...
価格:377 円
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<p>This freshly revised version of John Bunyan's classic tale, first published in 1678, shares the journey of Christian to Mount Zion and is one of the most widely known and extensively translated boo...
Money Counts How to handle money in your heart and with your hands【電子書...
価格:966 円
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<p>Some of us want to escape money. Some of us want to embrace money. We fear money, and we desire it. We think about it every day, and yet often we try not to think about it.</p> <p>Graham Beynon sho...
Unruly Audience Folk Interventions in Popular Media【電子書籍】[ Greg Kelley...
価格:3,505 円
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<p><em>Unruly Audience</em> explores grassroots appropriations of familiar media texts from film, television, stand-up comedy, popular music, advertising, and tourism. Case studies probe the complex r...
Le Saint Graal et les rites eucharistiques【電子書籍】[ Eug?ne Anitchkof ]
価格:167 円
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<p>Evgeny Vasilievich Anichkov (1866 - 1937), historien litt?raire russe, critique, folkloriste, ?crivain en prose.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※こ...
Griffin, Georgia: We Could Have Been Famous... Volume 2: Heroes, 1890-...
価格:1,256 円
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<p>Located south of Atlanta, there is a small, all-most forgotten Georgia town called Griffin. While this city is virtually faded from memory today, once it was a thriving center of commerce and cultu...
The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit Unlocking Your Mind's Potential f...
価格:310 円
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<p>In "The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit," Ralph Waldo Trine presents a profound exploration of human consciousness and the latent capabilities of the mind. This seminal work, steeped in the philos...
Fuego griego, flechas envenenadas y escorpiones Guerra qu?mica y bacte...
価格:1,600 円
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<p><strong>Armas de destrucci?n masiva, ataques con ?ntrax, temor ante envenenamientos masivos por parte de grupos terroristas</strong>... Aunque el miedo a la guerra bioqu?mica puede parecer muy mode...
Ma grande famille【電子書籍】[ Karin Bojs ]
価格:2,090 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>" M?ticuleux et jamais fastidieux, ce livre s'appuie sur des centaines de r?sultats scientifiques pour brosser un tableau complet de l'?volution de l'humanit?.<br /> Il nous montre comment la reche...
Knowing History in Mexico An Ethnography of Citizenship【電子書籍】[ Trevor ...
価格:3,045 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>While much has been written about national history and citizenship, anthropologist Trevor Stack focuses on the history and citizenship of towns and cities. Basing his inquiry on fieldwork in west M...