Catherine the Great & Potemkin The Imperial Love Affair【電子書籍】[ Simon S...
価格:2,366 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>A widely acclaimed biography from thebestselling author of <em>The Romanovs:</em> "One of the great love stories of history” (<em>The Economist</em>) between Catherine the Great and the wil...
Granny Squares Bliss Create stunning granny squares in minutes【電子書籍】[ ...
価格:657 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Embark on a journey of creativity and comfort with "Granny Square Bliss: Create Stunning Squares in Minutes." This book is not just a guide; it's a gateway to crafting beautiful, timeless pieces th...
Broadcast Policy in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Power Stru...
価格:15,630 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Hitler’s regime invested heavily into radio as the most modern media of its era. First in Germany, later in Austria and the Sudetenland, Joseph Goebbels motivated his <em>Volksgenossen</em> to beco...
Rolle der Politik der IG Farben AG 1933-1945【電子書籍】[ Torsten Friedrich ...
価格:5,211 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 1997 im Fachbereich Geschichte Deutschlands - Nationalsozialismus, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Note: 2, Philipps-Universit?t Marburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Geschicktheit...
Programming the Absolute Nineteenth-Century German Music and the Herme...
価格:15,534 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><em>Programming the Absolute</em> discusses the notorious opposition between absolute and program music as a true dialectic that lies at the heart of nineteenth-century German music. Beginning with...
Representaci?n gr?fica de espacios y territorios Teor?a y pr?ctica de ...
価格:1,100 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>El presente libro de cartograf?a social pone de manifiesto una metodolog?a inserta en la investigaci?n cualitativa desde la Investigaci?n Acci?n Participativa (IAP), fundamentada en la concepci?n d...
Useful Python【電子書籍】[ Stuart Langridge ]
価格:1,755 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Python is a versatile and powerful language that can be used for a wide variety of tasks. In this book, we'll look at how Python can be used for various tasks that will make your life easier:</p> <...
洋書 Vanderbilt University Press Paperback, Additive Schooling in Subtra...
価格:10,715 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs...
Modernismos, os sentidos da comemora??o mem?ria, cultura, historiograf...
価格:1,153 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Ao mergulhar nos textos que fazem parte deste volume, o leitor ser? levado a problematizar os marcos fundadores e temporais, reafirmados em efem?rides, por meio de pr?ticas e representa??es, que el...
Kinder mit Autismus in der Kita Grundwissen und Hilfen f?r die Praxis【...
価格:4,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>InImmer h?ufiger zeigen Kinder im Kita-Alter Entwicklungsbesonderheiten, auch Autismus-Diagnosen werden fr?her gestellt. Verhaltensweisen von Kindern im Autismus-Spektrum l?sen jedoch oft Unsicherh...
Schwerin auf historischen Ansichtskarten Teil 2: Schloss und Umgebung【...
価格:1,267 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Der Teil 2 enth?lt Karten vom Schloss, Schlossgarten, Burggarten, Altem Garten, Marstall, Ostorfer Hals und den Gro?herz?gen, erg?nzt durch aktuelle Bilder der Bundesgartenschau und interessante Te...
Les ombres de l’histoire ? la lumi?re des esprits【電子書籍】[ Claudine Camu...
価格:993 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>L’histoire nous a l?gu? bien des myst?res qui pr?tent encore ? controverses, soit devenus l?gendes, soit enjoliv?s au fil du temps au point que les historiens doivent ? chaque g?n?ration revisiter ...
Espiritismo sob investiga??o Avaliando sua progressividade【電子書籍】[ Carl...
価格:710 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Este livro trata da din?mica e das conclus?es de Congressos internacionais, bem como de estudos cient?ficos quanto aos fundamentos e ?s caracter?sticas do espiritismo. Quais destas caracter?sticas ...
Un regard chr?tien sur... l'agriculture biodynamique M?thode bio ou pr...
価格:1,216 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Parce qu'elle se pr?sente comme une agriculture biologique d'excellence, la biodynamie s?duit. Mais l'enthousiasme pour une alternative bio de qualit? sup?rieure et un label reconnu n'exclut pas la...
Green Justice The Environment And The Courts【電子書籍】[ Thomas M Hoban ]
価格:11,649 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In the nine years since Green Justice first appeared, the field we have come to identi as “environmental law” has taken a number of twists and turns, few of which were foreseen by the authors or, s...
Russell Westbrook The incredible story of Russell Westbrook-one of bas...
価格:429 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>RUSSELL WESTBROOK</strong></p> <p>This book aims to serve as a biography of sorts, giving you an insight into the life and journey of the NBA superstar, Russell Westbrook.</p> <p>Inside, yo...
Die Niederlage des Siegers Der Hamas-Angriff - Hintergr?nde und Folgen...
価格:3,662 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Was geschah am 7. Oktober genau auf dem Schlachtfeld? Warum konnte die Operation ≫Al-Aqsa Sintflut≪ ?berhaupt stattfinden und welche Ziele verfolgte die Hamas? Welche Lehren lassen sich aus den Ope...
The Filigree Ball【電子書籍】[ Anna Katharine Green ]
価格:167 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>A beautiful young bride is found shot to death in an old family house that has seen other mysterious deaths, including the death of a stranger during her wedding just a few weeks prior.</p>画面が切り替わり...
洋書 Paperback, Bali: Coffee Table Photography Travel Picture Book Album...
価格:4,744 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs...
洋書 Hardcover, Im Eden: Photographers Discover the Everglades
価格:6,021 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs...
洋書 EVAN-MOOR Paperback, Daily Word Problems, Grade 4
価格:7,649 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs...
Foodtech. La gran revoluci?n de la industria agroalimentaria. Innovaci...
価格:1,687 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>La ciencia y la tecnolog?a m?s avanzadas han aterrizado en nuestra dieta y en la forma en la que producimos los alimentos. El consumidor es m?s consciente y quiere comer de forma m?s sana, segura y...
洋書 Paperback, C#: The ultimate advanced guide to master C# programming
価格:5,304 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
*** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs...
Against Erasure: A Photographic Memory of Palestine Before the Nakba A...
価格:6,336 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
AGAINST ERASURE Teresa Aranguren Sandra Barrilaro Mohammed ElーKurd HAYMARKET BOOKS2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9781642599800 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Political Scienc...
A Walk With Grandpa【電子書籍】[ David Iverson ]
価格:1,433 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Grandfather teaches his grandchild how to use the imagination to enrich his life. He identifies and illustrates real examples of imagination, inspiration, and innovation on their walk.</p>画面が切り替わりま...
Marina, Marina Roman【電子書籍】[ Grit Landau ]
価格:1,600 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Die wechselvolle Geschichte eines italienischen Dorfes und seiner Bewohner und der Roman einer leidenschaftlichen Liebe f?r alle, die Italien und das italienische Lebensgef?hl lieben<br /> Eine gro...
Der Landvogt von Greifensee【電子書籍】[ Gottfried Keller ]
価格:200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Der Landvogt von Greifensee ist die dritte und letzte Novelle im ersten Band von Gottfried Kellers Z?richer Novellen. Die Novelle nimmt das Walten des Salomon Landolt, zu seiner Zeit als Landvogt v...
21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: The Targeting Process - Field Manu...
価格:1,057 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this Army Field Manual describes the targeting process used by the United States Army. The FM 3-60 is descriptive and ...
GraceThrough Again【電子書籍】[ Tiana Sanders ]
価格:2,869 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>While "GraceThrough" is a term I've coined as a result of the abundant grace I've received in life, it also speaks to the grace I've been able to give. I trust that something I shared within this b...
Underground Caves【電子書籍】[ Yves Earhart ]
価格:1,824 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>"Underground Caves"</strong> presents a comprehensive exploration of Earth's subterranean world, weaving together the fascinating intersection of geology, human history, and scientific disc...