The Composition of Anthropology How Anthropological Texts Are Written【...
価格:8,778 円
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<p>How do anthropologists write their texts? What is the nature of creativity in the discipline of anthropology? This book follows anthropologists into spaces where words, ideas and arguments take sha...
A??klama ve ?rneklerle Vergi Usul Kanunu Uygulamas?【電子書籍】
価格:179 円
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<p>Vergilendirme Bildirimler De?erleme Cezai H?k?mler Vergi Davalar? Bu kitapta Ticaret Kanunu, Bor?lar Kanunu, Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu gibi ?zel hukuk alan?n? d?zenleyen ?nemli yasal de?i?ikliklerl...
彌勒皇道行【十九部曲】-皇邪之心【電子書籍】[ 彌勒皇佛 ]
価格:1,147 円
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<p>大自然中的相生相剋之道是運轉不息的,為了維持一個平衡?況,除了相生之外,尚必須有一相剋之能彼此消長,才不至於到一個無法挽回的失衡之境。這樣的機制是自然力量所生成的,我們完全無力去改變。所以在一個相生之境?生的同時,必然也出現一相剋之能,只不過必須等待時機?!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こ...
中国?疆学(第九?)【電子書籍】[ ?广程 ]
価格:1,873 円
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<p>《中國邊疆學》由中國社會科學院中國邊疆研究所、武漢大學國家領土主權與海洋權益協同創新中心編輯出版,本期為第九輯。本輯選入有關中國邊疆學研究的論文16篇,包括中國邊疆學理論、中國邊疆治理、邊界與海洋問題方面的研究,?對中國邊疆學研究動態進行介紹,學術觀點新穎,所引文獻資料豐富,代表了目前中國邊疆學研究的前沿和方向。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kob...
Clergy Self-Care Finding a Balance for Effective Ministry【電子書籍】[ Roy M...
価格:4,312 円
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<p>Nationally known for his work and teaching on clergy development, Oswald integrates research and experience into a liberating perspective on the pastoral calling. Discover how imbalances in your ph...
Sodobno voja?tvo in dru?ba【電子書籍】[ Anton Bebler ]
価格:667 円
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<p>Knjiga je zbornik besedil, ki so jih prispevali na?i in nekateri tuji</p> <p>obramboslovci in s katerim so ?lani Katedre za obramboslovje Fakultete za</p> <p>dru?bene vede sklenili obele?iti trides...
Celtic Warfare From the Fifth Century BC to the First Century AD【電子書籍】...
価格:3,256 円
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<p><strong>An in-depth study of Celtic warfare’s evolution from early rise to Roman conquestーwith more than 120 illustrations.</strong></p> <p>Warfare was a crucial aspect of Celtic society, deeply li...
Intellectual Liberty Natural Rights and Intellectual Property【電子書籍】[ H...
価格:11,311 円
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<p>Considering the steady increase in intellectual property rights in the last century, does it make sense to speak of ’user’s rights’ and can limitations on intellectual liberty be justified from a r...
Читающий мозг в цифровом мире【電子書籍】[ Марианна Вулф ]
価格:1,500 円
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<p>Книга ≪Читающий мозг в цифровом мире≫ ー посвящена одной из самых загадочных областей в организме человека ー мозгу, а именно тому, как он воспринимает и обрабатывает текст. Насколько иначе начинает ...
Stick with Love Rejoicing in Every Tongue, Every Tribe, Every Nation: ...
価格:1,214 円
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<p><strong>'What a delight... a fascinating mix of characters whose stories bring to life the Way of Love to which Jesus calls us all.'</strong></p> <p><strong>BISHOP MICHAEL B. CURRY</strong></p> <p>...
East Africa History Unveiled The Untold Story of the Continent’s Heart...
価格:1,349 円
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<p>"East Africa History Unveiled" explores untold stories of the continent's heart, thus uncovering the complex fabric of civilizations, empires, and events that have molded East Africa.</p> <p>From t...
古月照今塵【電子書籍】[ 王端正 ]
価格:1,206 円
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<p>同樣的白天,同樣的夜?,<br /> 意識念念像波浪,生住異滅,<br /> 如常,也是無常。</p> <p>從生活題材到國際見聞,<br /> 從經典古籍到西方科學論述,<br /> 作者引經據典,以精?文字抒發己見,<br /> 照見人性的明淨與塵染。</p> <p>目?<br /> 〔編序〕慢慢讀就好 陳?君</p> <p>【風簷展書】<br /> 不要擠,世界那麼大!<br /...
Taking Care of Business Study Guide Finding God at Work【電子書籍】[ Andy St...
価格:1,146 円
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<p>What Does the Boss Have to Say?</p> <p>Work. For most people, it’s a necessity. For some, it’s a passion. And for others, it’s a four-letter word to be avoided as much as possible. In this DVD and ...
Reimagining the Body of Christ in Paul’s Letters In View of Paul’s Gos...
価格:1,485 円
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<p>This book questions all familiar readings of the body of Christ in Paul's letters and helps readers rethink the context and the purpose of this phrase. Against the view that Paul's body of Christ m...
Nonautonomous Linear Hamiltonian Systems: Oscillation, Spectral Theory...
価格:12,154 円
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<p>This monograph contains an in-depth analysis of the dynamics given by a linear Hamiltonian system of general dimension with nonautonomous bounded and uniformly continuous coefficients, without othe...
Simply Dreaming A Compilation of My Dreams【電子書籍】[ Dana Coverstone ]
価格:1,290 円
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<p>In 2019, Pastor Dana had an alarming dream. When his dream recurred with more detail, he promptly shared the dream with a group of men he prayed with weekly. In March 2020, COVID-19 struck the worl...
Identities, Boundaries and Social Ties【電子書籍】[ Charles Tilly ]
価格:9,285 円
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<p>Identities, Boundaries and Social Ties offers a distinctive, coherent account of social processes and individuals' connections to their larger social and political worlds. It is novel in demonstrat...
A God-Balanced Life Who Or What Are You Yoked Up With【電子書籍】[ James E. ...
価格:572 円
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<p>Life can sometimes be challenging. But there is one thing for sure. That is, as a Christian, who don't have to live it like a ping pong ball bunching from wall to wall. There is a balanced way to l...
袁世?帝制?辟的政治学??:基于合法性与有效性的?角【電子書籍】[ ??凡 ]
価格:1,873 円
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<p>本?以袁世?的洪?帝制?一帝制?辟?象?个案,以合法性与有效性?切入点,形成一个??辟政治?象的?型?分、?同比?、?生机理、?作?程、??根源以及?果影?等?度的政治学解?,在拓展和建?理解?辟政治?象的空?的同?,?一?増?理解一个?有力的中央?威?建?有效政治秩序、保持中国社会?定性和??性的重要意?。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商...
Advances in Child Development and Behavior【電子書籍】[ Hayne W. Reese ]
価格:12,200 円
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<p>Advances in Child Development and Behavior is intended to ease the task faced by researchers, instructors, and students who are confronted by the vast amount of research and theoretical discussion ...
The American Civil War (4) The war in the West 1863?1865【電子書籍】[ Joseph...
価格:1,639 円
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<p>Union military forces suffered momentary defeat followed by sustained success in the Western Theater during the second half of the American Civil War. Following the Union's defeat at Chickamauga, U...
Ich glaube - hilf meinem Unglauben! Das Buch zur Jahreslosung 2020【電子書...
価格:1,000 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Das Buch zur Jahreslosung 2020! Jedes Jahr begleitet die Jahreslosung Christen aller Konfessionen. Die beliebte Autorin und proChrist-Evangelistin Elke Werner schreibt ?ber das Wort f?r 2020, "Ich ...
Sistema penitenci?rio e o papel da Defensoria P?blica uma perspectiva ...
価格:1,700 円
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<p>A presente obra tem por escopo analisar criticamente o fen?meno do Estado de Coisas Inconstitucional relativo ao sistema carcer?rio brasileiro. Para tanto, abordamos a ilegitimidade do sistema pena...
????? ??????? - ????? ??????【電子書籍】[ ??? ?????? ??????? ]
価格:430 円
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<p>????? ????????? ?????????? ??? ????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ?????????? ??????????????? ??????????? ???? 459. ????? ????????? ?????????? ??? ????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ?????????? ???????????...
Chiodi e martelli dieci saggi per dieci saggi【電子書籍】[ Lanfranco Abele ]
価格:920 円
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<p>L’idea di scrivere una serie di saggi, i cui temi sono stati liberamente scelti dai 10 autori (psicologi e antropologi, filosofi e pedagogisti, artisti e fisici, counselor e antiquari, ma soprattut...
Made Like Martha Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done【電子書籍】[ K...
価格:983 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>An invitation for overachievers to discover what it means to rest as God's daughters without compromising their God-given design as doers.</strong></p> <p>Are you a Martha who feels guilty ...
Letting Go and Trusting God 180 Devotions for Life's Tough Decisions【電...
価格:1,349 円
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<p><strong>The Good, the Bad, and the Great Decisions of Biblical People</strong></p> <p>Tough decisions will always come, but the strong God who loves you shows you where to go, if only you will list...
Koncepcje filozofii kwantowej Pogodzenie wizji wszech?wiata sk?adaj?ce...
価格:713 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Witamy w fascynuj?cym ?wiecie filozofii kwantowej! W tej ksi??ce zanurzymy si? w z?o?on? sie? idei sk?adaj?cych si? na filozofi? kwantow?, pr?buj?c pogodzi? wizj? wszech?wiata z?o?onego z indywidua...
Faith and Fake News A Guide to Consuming Information Wisely【電子書籍】[ Rac...
価格:3,375 円
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<p><strong>Share if you love Jesus. Scroll past if you follow the devil.</strong></p> <p>Most Christians have encountered phony posts on our feeds meant to rile us up. But not everything we see on soc...
Planning Your Way to Heaven【電子書籍】[ Edwin K Danowski ]
価格:637 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
If you have struggled, like so many people, with finding a way and the time to focus more on studying scriptures, more of a regular commitment for prayer or for other aspects of living the life God in...