50 Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance Approaches Simple, easy a...
価格:3,922 円
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<p>A practical guide containing 50 different quality improvement and quality assurance approaches to help improve practice.</p> <p>・ Helps staff to improve the quality of the products and services off...
2003SARS和平歸來 和平不再,永不歸來(SARS20周年紀念專書)【電子書籍】[ ?光芹 ]
価格:1,505 円
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<p> SARS自二零零二年底起源於中國廣東省,由於中國全面封鎖消息,延遲至隔年的二月十日才向世衛組織通報,疫情已一發不可收拾。當時台灣跟中國當時往來密切,疫情延燒至台灣似乎不可避免。</p> <p> 衛生署在二零零三年三月十六日首度向外公布勤姓台商為台灣首個SARS個案,政府自此進入防疫期,雖然各項措施看似有在進行,但是疫情卻在中央與地方的政治角力中蠢蠢欲動。</p> <p> 四月二十二日...
Self-Improvement Technologies of the Soul in the Age of Artificial Int...
価格:2,565 円
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<p>We are obsessed with self-improvement; it’s a billion-dollar industry. But apps, workshops, speakers, retreats, and life hacks have not made us happier. Obsessed with the endless task of perfecting...
I Took Her Name Lessons From My Journey Into Vulnerability, Authentici...
価格:843 円
レビュー件数:1 レビュー平均:5
<p>Men are taught to live a story. But the story is a lie. Because you're a man, you're always the main character. You're physically tough. Stoic and strong. You never cry. You're smart, athletic, and...
Online store Seo A book for entrepreneurs, CEO and CMO. Not for techie...
価格:200 円
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<p>About what this book? I wrote this book for entrepreneurs and executives. It contains only the information that you need to know to properly hire a contractor, evaluate his proposal and work result...
Taking-Place: Non-Representational Theories and Geography【電子書籍】[ Ben A...
価格:9,285 円
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<p>Emerging over the past ten years from a set of post-structuralist theoretical lineages, non-representational theories are having a major impact within Human Geography. Non-representational theorisa...
El V?rtice Los seres-portales del Uritorco y los nodos de la Tierra【電子...
価格:1,300 円
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<p>"En este libro, el lector se hallar? cara a cara con lo que llamo El V?rtice: las anomal?as y contactos, las investigaciones y las controversias, lo sagrado y lo ancestral. Adem?s, en el adendum in...
10% Human: How Your Body’s Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happine...
価格:1,240 円
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<p>Obesity, autism, mental health problems, IBS, allergies, auto-immunity, cancer. Does the answer to the modern epidemic of ‘Western’ diseases lie in our gut?</p> <p>You are 10% human. For every one ...
帝國的悲劇:從君士坦丁到羅馬義大利的瓦解 Imperial Tragedy: From Constantine’s Empire to th...
価格:2,748 円
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<p>【名家談古代世界史】第五部登場!!</p> <p>市面上最翔實、全面、以現代考古成果呈現的羅馬史最終章!</p> <p>詳盡回溯人類史上最強帝國的興衰始末。</p> <p>?成功大學?史系教授翁嘉聲 審定.導讀?</p> <p>?外交攻、由盛轉衰的二百年,一本專書道盡帝國傾?的遠因和近憂;</p> <p>從東日耳曼人攻破防線那刻起回推,這「西方的起源」已掏空幾十年;</p> <p>羅馬帝國的...
Autumn Lover【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth Lowell ]
価格:1,013 円
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<p>Returning to her Wyoming ranch at the Civil War's end, Elyssa Sutton finds it picked bare by scavengers and coveted by determined men. Yet the proud young woman vows never again to abandon her Ruby...
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition 3【電子書籍】[ Naoko Takeuchi ]
価格:1,890 円
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<p>Teenager Usagi is not the best athlete, she’s never gotten good grades, and, well, she’s a bit of a crybaby. But when she meets a talking cat, she begins a journey that will teach her she has a wel...
阿徳勒的理解人性【電子書籍】[ 阿爾弗雷徳?阿徳勒 ]
価格:1,136 円
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<p>阿徳勒集大成之作!</p> <p>■心理學經典中的經典!<br /> 用簡明通俗的語言介紹了個體心理學的基本原理,並對這些原理的實際應用進行了闡述,對人的性格進行了科學剖析,著重強調了人的社會性和社會感,強調個人的人生觀和價?觀在形成性格的過程中所發揮的作用,旨在?助普通人正確理解人性,更好地處理日常關係,減少生活行為中的錯誤。本書的任務正是要?助人們更透徹地理解人性。</p> <p>■一本...
花將軍的女伶〜四大將軍之四【電子書籍】[ 蘇打 ]
価格:669 円
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<p>這個可惡的小?子!</p> <p>?來到東關的第一天,就被他當成小麻煩奚落!</p> <p>嗟!?可是來跳舞給花將軍看的</p> <p>他這個無名小卒有什麼資格對?挑三?四?</p> <p>但是……為什麼?一直得不到花將軍的召見?</p> <p>難道真是因為?少了女伶們所?的「女人味」?</p> <p>據?只有被男人「疼」過的女人才會有女人味</p> <p>眼看身邊沒什麼適合人選,?決定找小...
Crochet Baby Blankets 13 Easy to Intermediate Designs【電子書籍】[ Kristi Si...
価格:1,456 円
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<p>Welcome baby with a beautiful handmade blanket!</p> <p>A crocheted blanket is the perfect gift for a new baby. Putting the time and effort into making your gift bestows a special meaning to it, and...
Zabbix 6 IT Infrastructure Monitoring Cookbook Explore the new feature...
価格:4,649 円
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<p><b>Discover practical recipes to help you efficiently monitor enterprise IT infrastructure for Microsoft Windows, Linux, networking, and more</b></p><h2>Key Features</h2><ul><li>Find out how you ca...
For Space【電子書籍】[ Doreen B Massey ]
価格:8,668 円
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<p>Doreen Massey is one of the most profound thinkers in contemporary human geography, and her work addresses fundamental issues with great insight. This is a work of enormous ambition, breadth, and d...
Antigone【電子書籍】[ Nicolas ]
価格:2,992 円
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<p>Traduction de Marie-Claire Boutang. Pr?sentation de Georges Steiner. Illustrations d'apr?s Poussin<br /> ≪ L'Antigone de Marie-Claire Boutang prendra sa place dans un chapelet de traductions, de re...
Abominable Snowmen【電子書籍】[ Ivan T. Sanderson ]
価格:640 円
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<p>To Bernard and Monique Heuvelmans My own Alma And also to the Following Today finds a surprising host of assorted students in this odd field, but also a few professional scientists whose labors I w...
Sludge What Stops Us from Getting Things Done and What to Do about It【...
価格:2,560 円
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<p><strong>The <em>New York Times</em>?bestselling author of <em>Nudge</em> examines the prevelance and burden of ‘sludge’ーred tape and unnecessary paperworkーand why we must do better.</strong></p> <p...
Tradingview Guide: Tutorial To Save You a Subscription (2024)【電子書籍】[ M...
価格:1,550 円
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<p><strong>If you want to save a Tradingview subscription and chart an unlimited amount of indicators then keep reading</strong></p> <p>You are using the Tradingview Platform and are loving it!</p> <p...
明天的我,?高攀不起──馬雲:擁抱夢想,不畏騙子、瘋子、狂人稱號,他用網路顛覆中國經濟,創造出阿里巴巴帝國【電子書籍】[ 徐博年,周雲? ]
価格:921 円
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<p><strong>人們知道馬雲,阿里巴巴集團、淘寶、支付寶的創始人</strong><br /> <strong>但不知道的是,馬雲更是一位?故事高手</strong><br /> <strong>帶?走進他的故事中,看創業、領導和夢想的史詩</strong></p> <p>◎分析對手優缺點,?魚和鯊魚打擂臺,鹿死誰手?<br /> ◎大量的機遇不期而至,看見10隻兔子,?抓?一隻?<br /...
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, Vol. 21 (light novel)【電子書籍】[...
価格:2,484 円
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<p>The Witch Cult has finally been driven from the Water Gate City, but the turbulent events have left deep scars on Pristella. Far too many people have even been robbed of their names and memories. I...
Soho Whore【電子書籍】[ Foster,Sheila ]
価格:168 円
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<p>Supposed true story of a working girl, as told to her ghost-writer. Sheila Foster is introduced to her sexuality at quite a young age, and is so proficient at it she finds herself removed from the ...
The Rescue【電子書籍】[ Nicholas Sparks ]
価格:1,216 円
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<p><strong>In this heartfelt Southern love story from the #1 <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author of <em>The Notebook</em>, a daring fireman rescues a single momーand learns that falling in love ...
300 Best Jokes: Funny Joke Books for Adults and Teenagers Collection【電...
価格:108 円
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<p>Looking for a New Jokes Book Which is Really Funny?<br /> Imagine you can get it with just one click!<br /> Yes, this is a joke book of your dreams, and it contains 300 awesome jokes.<br /> It is s...
Revolutionary Ireland, 1912-25【電子書籍】[ Dr Robert Lynch ]
価格:5,547 円
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<p><em>Revolutionary Ireland, 1912-25</em> analyses the main events in Ireland from the initial crisis over the Third Home Rule Bill in 1912 to the consolidation of partition Ulster with the settling ...
繪卷水滸傳 第一部 第六卷 血戰鴛鴦樓 下【電子書籍】[ 正子公也 ]
価格:1,174 円
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<p><strong>當代繪製東方?史◎武將插畫的第一人</strong></p> <p><strong>日本<strong><strong>KOEI</strong></strong>(光榮)遊戲公司首席畫師</strong></p> <p><strong>正子公也</strong></p> <p><strong>精心策畫、導演改編</strong></p> <p><strong>經典名著《水滸...
682 jours【電子書籍】[ Roselyne Bachelot ]
価格:2,090 円
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<p>682, c'est le nombre de jours que Roselyne Bachelot a pass?s au minist?re de la Culture sous la pr?sidence d'Emmanuel Macron. Dans ce journal d'une ministre, Roselyne Bachelot fustige le bal des hy...
不可思議先生故事集【電子書籍】[ 林世仁 ]
価格:1,005 円
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<p><strong>金鼎獎作家林世仁精心打造新世代神話<br /> 喉?裡下著流星雨,還不會走路就爬上電線桿上鬥牛,<br /> 世界中充滿多少驚奇?就讓不可思議先生告訴?!</strong></p> <p> 自從??失蹤後,阿笑?就成了世上僅存的海拉雅人,</p> <p> 這個族群的人不用上學,卻擁有各種神奇的本領。</p> <p> 為了將海拉雅人的使命傳承下去,</p> <p> 阿笑...
Anne of Green Gables - The Collection【電子書籍】[ Lucy Maud Montgomery ]
価格:100 円
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<p>This book contains the Collection of Anne of Green Gables. ? Anne of Green Gables ? Anne of Avonlea ? Anne of the Island ? Anne's House of Dreams ? Rainbow Valley ? Rilla of Ingleside</p>画面が切り替わります...