Theorising Drones in Visual Culture Views from the Blue【電子書籍】[ Elisa S...
価格:15,800 円
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<p>This book investigates whether and how drone technology is changing how we see and experience our visual cultures. Knowing more about these visuals is essential to understand how our visual experie...
Amerikaanse ambassade in Den Haag een historische blik achter de beton...
価格:5,627 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Geen wandelaar kan het over het hoofd zien: het grote gebouw van gewapend beton aan het Haagse Lange Voorhout, de Amerikaanse ambassade, die in 2017 zal verhuizen. Wat speelde zich achter die stren...
Mussert & Co de NSB-leider en zijn vertrouwelingen【電子書籍】[ Tessel Pollm...
価格:3,729 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Anton Mussert geldt niet als een Nederlands nationaalsocialist, maar als een sukkelige burgerman die in verkeerd vaarwater terechtkwam. Naar hem is dan ook weinig archiefonderzoek gedaan. Tessel Po...
Marguerite et ?l?onore de Provence Les s?urs reines de France et d'Ang...
価格:1,210 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Deux s?urs pour deux rois.</strong><br /> Au XIIIe si?cle, deux soeurs issues de la prestigieuse lign?e des comtes de Provence, Marguerite (1221-1295) et ?l?onore (1223-1291), connaissent u...
????? ??????? ??????? .. ????? ?????【電子書籍】[ ????? ?? ?????? ]
価格:1,100 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>??? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ????? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ??? 1913 ???? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ?????, ????...
?世佛心 ?体中文版【電子書籍】[ ??子 ]
価格:843 円
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<p>内容?介:</p> <p>当?默默独??,有没有听到内心深??于?静的呼??当?面?弱小的生?,有没有感受到一?悲?的情??当?面?挑?与?解,有没有容忍与退?的?念?如果有,那就是佛心已?。不管?有多忙、有多累,不管?的生活如何受制于?世中的名?利?,只要?佛心不泯,?就能?修得“正果”。</p> <p>作者?介:</p> <p>??子:原名:李?,??后曾在大学任教多年,后投身于文化事?...
Kings in All but Name The Lost History of Ouchi Rule in Japan, 1350-15...
価格:17,221 円
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<p>In the sixteenth century, members of the Ouchi family were kings in all but name in much of Japan. Immensely wealthy, they controlled sea lanes stretching to Korea and China, as well as the Japanes...
Stars and Shadows The Politics of Interracial Friendship from Jefferso...
価格:3,013 円
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<p><strong>A sweeping look into interracial friendship's significance in American democracy from the founding to the present.</strong> The oppression of Blacks is America's original sin -- a sin that ...
Insurgent Truth Chelsea Manning and the Politics of Outsider Truth-Tel...
価格:5,022 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>When Chelsea Manning was arrested in May 2010 for leaking massive amounts of classified Army and diplomatic documents to WikiLeaks, she was almost immediately profiled by the mainstream press as a ...
The Smell of Battle, the Taste of Siege A Sensory History of the Civil...
価格:933 円
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<p>Historical accounts of major events have almost always relied upon what those who were there witnessed. Nowhere is this truer than in the nerve-shattering chaos of warfare, where sight seems to con...
Catholicism at a Crossroads The Present and Future of America’s Larges...
価格:5,023 円
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<p><strong>Offers a big picture analysis of American Catholicism</strong></p> <p>The Catholic Church is at a crossroads. In the United States alone there are many challenges facing the church that are...
Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers【電子書籍】[ Tom Wolfe ]
価格:1,608 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong><em>Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers</em> is classic Tom Wolfe, a funny, irreverent, and "delicious" (<em>The Wall Street Journal</em>) dissection of class and status by the ma...
Treatise Written to a Devout Man【電子書籍】[ Walter Hilton ]
価格:318 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Walter Hilton's 'Treatise Written to a Devout Man' is a profound exploration of spiritual guidance tailored for the laity in the late 14th century. Written in a clear yet eloquent Middle English, H...
Chacras, Cristais e Cromoterapia【電子書籍】[ Silvio Guerrinha ]
価格:1,326 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Manual sobre cristais e Chacras, como fazer velas e incensos, gloss?rio esot?rico, exerc?cios para aumentar o seu magnetismo, ao longo de 183 p?ginas. 2? edi??o. ?ndice clic?vel.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しば...
Piscis Hor?scopo 2025【電子書籍】[ Alina Rubi ]
価格:2,300 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>?Quieres saber qu? le deparar? el a?o 2025 a tu signo zodiacal?</p> <p>Aqu? est?n todas las predicciones astrol?gicas, mes por mes del a?o 2025. Planifica y prep?rate, con este libro tendr?s tiempo...
Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World【電子書籍】[ John Shelby Spo...
価格:1,724 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In <em>Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World</em>, bishop and social activist John Shelby Spong argues that 200 years of biblical scholarship has been withheld from lay Christians. In thi...
Die Angst ?berwinden【電子書籍】[ Kim Madison ]
価格:350 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Sind Sie bereit, Ihr Leben zu ver?ndern, indem Sie die ?ngste ?berwinden, die Ihren Erfolg und Ihr Gl?ck behindern? Holen Sie sich jetzt dieses revolution?re E-Book: "Die Angst ?berwinden: Die Gehe...
Freedom's Battle A Timeless Guide to Nonviolent Resistance and Peacefu...
価格:310 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In "Freedom's Battle," Mohandas K. Gandhi presents a profound exploration of the struggle for independence, emphasizing the necessity of nonviolent resistance as a means to achieve social and polit...
The Blessed Hope: A Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Francis Cunningham Fin...
価格:310 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In "The Blessed Hope: A Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Francis Cunningham," Edward Hoare delivers a poignant meditation on loss and the promise of eternal life. Through a blend of pastoral language an...
正義的圖騰,審判中的力量與敬畏:從泰美斯的眼睛到彼拉多式司法,探索法律的深層意義及法治的深層結構【電子書籍】[ 張建偉 ]
価格:858 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>正義是什麼?<br /> 司法的作用如何實現?</p> <p>司法不僅僅是法律的展示,<br /> 更多的是公民的權利與義務的展現。<br /> 本書從無罪推定到刑訊心理學,<br /> 解析司法象?與法律演變,<br /> 透視古今司法實踐</p> <p>?隱藏在法袍背後的世界</p> <p>在現代社會中,法律與司法機構扮演著至關重要的角色。然而,《正義與法袍的背後祕密》一書,深入探討了法...
復活的理由:混亂時代中再思復活節的意義 Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Me...
価格:1,542 円
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<p><strong>沒有復活的大逆轉,就沒有福音。</strong></p> <p> </p> <p>棒球場上九局下半的再見全壘打,籃球場上最後一秒的壓哨三分球,足球場上從落後到追平再在傷停補時中?進致勝一球,這些逆轉獲勝的時刻,在運動?史和球迷心中刻下深深的印記。</p> <p>「大逆轉」是提摩太.凱勒牧師在本書的獨特用詞,指出復活顛覆了這個世界,造成翻轉式的全面影響。十架與復活就是基督徒的「...
活出神聖的想像力:畢徳生的聖經講道集 As Kingfishers Catch Fire: A Conversation on the Wa...
価格:2,179 円
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<p><strong>牧會三十載,畢徳生最畢生難忘的49篇講章<br /> 以神聖的想像力,與真光一同於生活中翩然起舞</strong></p> <p> </p> <p>?是根據生活來想像,還是根據想像來生活?</p> <p>想像力於我們的生活究竟有何意義?</p> <p>於?讀聖經、愛神愛人,以至?一天起床時的心情,又有何重要性??</p> <p>詩人牧者畢徳生以他神聖的想像力,看出了聖經世界與...
Doing the Right Thing Bible Study Participant's Guide Making Moral Cho...
価格:1,013 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In this six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Doing the Right Thing, from Chuck Colson, Robert George, and an all-star panel examines how ethical and character is...
Hero:活出??在的英雄 Hero【電子書籍】[ 朗達.拜恩(Rhonda Byrne) ]
価格:1,074 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>從Zero(零)到Hero(英雄),通往豐盛人生的祕密地圖!</p> <p><strong>★百萬暢銷書《祕密》作者最新力作,帶?找出?的英雄特質,</strong><br /> ** ****踏上?在的英雄之旅,**<strong>活出此生最大的夢想!</strong></p> <p><strong>★朗達.拜恩+12位已走上英雄之旅的人傾心分享!</strong><br /> ** **...
Bulimie und Magersucht, Die Bulimie besiegen【電子書籍】[ Jana Jost ]
価格:1,100 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In "Bulimie und Magersucht: " taucht der Leser tief in die oft missverstandenen und tabuisierten Themen der Essst?rungen ein. Dieses Buch bietet eine umfassende und einf?hlsame Darstellung der komp...
How To Analyze People Read People Like a Book with Dark Psychology Sec...
価格:700 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>If You Want to Unlock the Hidden Depths of Human Behavior and Gain Unparalleled Insight Into the Minds of Others, Then Keep Reading!</strong></p> <p><em>Have you always wanted to understand...
Pilares de la Verdad Explorando Doctrinas Esenciales y la Vida Cristia...
価格:800 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Fortalece los cimientos de tu fe y descubre el poder transformador de la Palabra de Dios con "Pilares de la Verdad". Este profundo estudio b?blico te guiar? a trav?s de doctrinas fundamentales como...
The Olynthiacs and the Phillippics of Demosthenes Literally translated...
価格:310 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In "The Olynthiacs and the Philippics of Demosthenes," the renowned Athenian orator presents a compelling call to action against the growing threat of Philip II of Macedon. The work is a masterclas...
State of the Union Addresses A Glimpse into Early 19th Century America...
価格:310 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In "State of the Union Addresses," James Madison articulately delineates the foundational principles of American governance and the pressing issues confronting the nascent republic during his presi...
Die Kirchenbuecher und die nationalsozialistische ≪Sippenforschung≫ im...
価格:10,900 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Die Studie nimmt die Kirchenb?cher im Bistum Hildesheim im ≪Dritten Reich≫ 1933 bis 1945 in den Blick. Nach der Macht?bernahme 1933 verlangten die Nationalsozialisten den Nachweis der ?arischen" Ab...