Disobedience【電子書籍】[ Igor Sibaldi ]
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Everything can change, if only we learn not to give up.<br /> A new Annunciation: an Archangel, quite different from the one tradition has accustomed us to, visits that inner and simple part of eac...
Tra poesia e physiologia. Il sublime e la scienza della natura【電子書籍】[ ...
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Uno schema storiografico piuttosto frequente tende a distinguere il sublime degli antichi, che ha un accento prevalentemente retorico inteso a definire una certa istanza di grandezza per entro al d...
Dialettica per una rivoluzione conservatrice【電子書籍】[ Luca Candellero ]
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Questo libro ? per comprendere le problematiche esistenti, nel loro insieme e nella loro complessit?; una dialettica politica per superare destra e sinistra in questo momento storico in cui gruppi ...
Salute mentale. Incontri-Seminari. Volume 3. L'inconscio tra desiderio...
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Secondo un recente rapporto dell'Harvard School of Public Health e del World Economic Forum, i disturbi mentali, intesi sia come patologie psichiatriche che neurologiche, saranno nei Paesi ad alto ...
Dio visto da Sud La Sicilia crocevia di religioni e agnosticismi【電子書籍】...
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Pu? un filosofo “laico” riflettere criticamente, senza condizionamenti ideologici e confessionali, sui fenomeni religiosi della sua terra? Questo ? quanto Augusto Cavadi fa da decenni muovendosi tr...
Emozioni, sentimenti, perdono【電子書籍】[ Lise Bourbeau ]
価格:1,073 円
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<p>"Spesso vado in collera; come fare per capire qual ? la causa reale?"<br /> "Da bambina mio padre mi ha messa da parte quando ? nato mio fratello, e io mi porto dietro l'impressione di essere rifiu...
Gemelli【電子書籍】[ Douglas Baker ]
価格:1,073 円
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<p>In questa collana viene presentata un'interpretazione dei dodici segni zodiacali dal punto di vista dell'Astrologia Esoterica, che viene anche chiamata Astrologia della Nuova Era. Questa nuova astr...
Terra Promessa【電子書籍】[ Jacomo Veg?s ]
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Nelle profondit? della questione israeliano-palestinese, il saggio si snoda attraverso le intricanti trame della storia, dalla dominazione romana alle sfide odierne. Esamina il susseguirsi delle di...
Migliorare i rapporti genitori-figli【電子書籍】[ Lise Bourbeau ]
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Non tutti siamo genitori, ma tutti siamo figli. E, soprattutto in Occidente, i rapporti con i nostri genitori (e con i nostri figli) spesso si trascinano tra incomprensioni, colpevolizzazioni e alt...
Itinerario dell'Isola di Sardegna III【電子書籍】[ Alberto Della Marmora ]
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Una nuova e integrale traduzione di un testo basilare per la formazione dell'immagine della Sardegna. Pubblicata nel 1860 in due tomi, l'opera costituisce una minuziosa e appassionata descrizione d...
Il Grillo canta sempre al tramonto Dialogo sull'Italia e il MoVimento ...
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Tre voci per cambiare. Un dialogo inaspettato che mette in campo esperienze e sensibilit? diverse. La sfida ? guardare l? dove nessuno vuole arrivare, cambiare davvero le regole del gioco e fare de...
Za i protiv Vuka【電子書籍】[ Me?a Selimovi? ]
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Zapanjuju?a je dana?nja aktuelnost jezi?ke ali i dru?tvene i istorijske studije Me?e Selimovi?a ?Za i protiv Vuka“. Vje?ita polemika suprostavljenih shvatanja o jeziku i pravopisu u posve?enom esej...
Calcio ? filosofia【電子書籍】[ Nonnis Cristian ]
価格:1,073 円
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<p>Inebriato dalla passione per la Filosofia, attraverso la quale riesco ad avere un atteggiamento di meraviglia e stupore anche negli eventi apparentemente meno positivi, mi sono reso conto di essere...
Womansword What Japanese Words Say About Women【電子書籍】[ Kittredge Cherry...
価格:1,074 円
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<p><strong>Thirty years after its first publication, <em>Womansword</em> remains a timely, provocative work on how words reflect female stereotypes in modern Japan.</strong></p> <p>Short, lively essay...
Hero:活出??在的英雄 Hero【電子書籍】[ 朗達.拜恩(Rhonda Byrne) ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p>從Zero(零)到Hero(英雄),通往豐盛人生的祕密地圖!</p> <p><strong>★百萬暢銷書《祕密》作者最新力作,帶?找出?的英雄特質,</strong><br /> ** ****踏上?在的英雄之旅,**<strong>活出此生最大的夢想!</strong></p> <p><strong>★朗達.拜恩+12位已走上英雄之旅的人傾心分享!</strong><br /> ** **...
?法無量義無量【電子書籍】[ 釋證嚴 ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p>此書共分三卷,卷一【諦觀諸法】?發人們曉了萬物性相原本空寂,因?和合才有世間諸相;若能去除習氣不著相,就能照見真實,回歸清淨本性。然而,?生不明真空妙有之真理,起一念?妄,横生執著計較,與外境粗相糾纏,不斷複製幻境;本性被無明遮蓋,所以煩惱無量,在苦中流轉,不得解?。</p> <p>卷二【大轉法輪】世間不離生滅法,人事萬般是無常。此卷呈現菩薩通達諸法、安住實相,不忍?生執迷?妄假相,所以發大...
七天自我心理學,找回原本美好的?【電子書籍】[ 蘇絢慧 ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p>?一天,?努力做一個「別人想要的?」,<br /> 努力達成一個又一個目標……<br /> 一不小心,?就成為最令自己沮喪的對象。<br /> 該怎麼找到生命航行的方向,在混沌中,重新看見光亮?</p> <p>在這一?認識自己的旅程之後,?將知道自己的獨一無二,<br /> 知道自己的生命,本就美好。<br /> 這將是任何人都質疑不了,也?奪不了的領會。</p> <p>無論?是否受過創傷,...
狼性法則:現代人的成功大法【電子書籍】[ 羅宇 ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p>狼,狠狠地?住一個目標,?而不舍、用心專一,不達目的?不罷休。狼性如此,成功之勢定矣。一個人在事業上欲成功,勢必也要設定一個目標,然後緊緊釘住這一目標千方百計去實現,這才是成功之道。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません...
21 Ways of How to Hear God's Voice Clearly【電子書籍】[ Frequency Revelator ...
価格:1,075 円
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<p>The greatest challenge facing dozens of Christians today is the inability to access or hear the voice of God when He talks. Dozens of believers have faced tragedies, calamities and unnecessary dela...
World War II Through My Father's Eyes: Photo Album of Donald Krasno, U...
価格:1,075 円
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<p>Donald Krasno (1921?2005) served in World War II in the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) Fifteenth Air Force, 5th Photo Group Reconnaissance, 4th Photo Technical Squadron, as a Photo Laborator...
The Power of the Apostolic Anointing【電子書籍】[ Frequency Revelator ]
価格:1,075 円
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<p>Divergent theological streams and ecclesiastical traditions hold diametrically contrasting Biblical views regarding the subject of apostleship. The hotly contested debate, misunderstanding and conf...
Servanthood as Worship The Privilege of Life in a Local Church【電子書籍】[ ...
価格:1,076 円
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<p><em><strong>There are countless books on Christian leadership…whatever happened to servanthood?</strong></em></p> <p>Browse a Christian book website or bookstore and notice all there is for leaders...
Moments with Marla【電子書籍】[ Marla J. Henry ]
価格:1,079 円
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<p>This work is a collection of daily Moments that come from the heart of God. The words are inspiring, moving, and thought provoking with the ability to resonate with its readers. You wont want to pu...
Dear Jack Life Lessons from a Brain Tumor Patient to His Two Year Old ...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>I was one of the first hires at a growing startup called Bellhops. Somewhere along the way, I ended up working sixty hours a week. I was placing work above all else: faith, family, friends, you nam...
Unsolved True Canadian Cold Cases【電子書籍】[ Robert J. Hoshowsky ]
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Despite advances in DNA testing, forensics, and the investigative skills used by police, hundreds of crimes remain unsolved across Canada. With every passing day trails grow colder and decades can ...
Dreaming with Freya Journeys in the Erotic Otherworld【電子書籍】[ Kennan El...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Dreaming with Freya explores sexuality and the supernatural through erotic imagination and considers human sexuality in the modern era from the paranormal perspective. Extending from everyday situa...
Was Called Barren A Devotional for Women Going Through Infertility【電子書...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Trying to get pregnant? Is it taking longer than expected? Not happening how you dreamed?</p> <p>Youre not alone.</p> <p>Through Was Called Barren, Brandi walks alongside you by unveiling her own r...
Testimonies Cast Down, but Not Destroyed【電子書籍】[ MARSHELL WORTHAM ]
価格:1,079 円
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<p>God gives us all a chance at a healthy and prosperous life. Some of us make it and some of us dont. May God be the glory for those of us who do make it. When I think about life, it puts me in the m...
God's 24-7 Soldier's Handbook Basic Training Strategies for Followers ...
価格:1,079 円
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<p><em>God's 24-7 Soldier's Handbook</em> was written to reiterate to Christians that they are Soldiers in God's Army, which is the most powerful Army in the Universe!</p> <p>As a former United States...
Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil What Humanity Can Learn fro...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Spiritual Revelations from Beyond the Veil: What Humanity Can Learn from the Near Death Experience decouples spirituality from a religious context and perspective. It examines the intriguing accoun...