Tiempo de todo【電子書籍】[ Felipe Guill?n ]
価格:827 円
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<p>En la sociedad de nuestros d?as, los acontecimientos imprevistos, la migraci?n, los populismos y el cambio generacional han provocado conflictos que lo trastocar?n todo. En estas situaciones, se si...
Un tremplin vers l’?veil【電子書籍】[ Val?rie Ferrandin ]
価格:827 円
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<p>Le monde traverse une p?riode de r?paration collective. Je souhaite que le confinement permette ? chacun de s’interroger, afin que les consciences s’?veillent. Nous n’avons plus le choix. Nous ne p...
Viajando no Tempo para Salvar a Humanidade【電子書籍】[ Fabricio Silva ]
価格:827 円
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<p>Desde guerras devastadoras a epidemias mortais, desastres naturais a revolu??es sociais, cada cap?tulo revela situa??es cr?ticas que desafiam nossa compreens?o do passado e inspiram uma busca por u...
Nour al-Hikam Lumi?re des Sagesses【電子書籍】[ Mohamed Faouzi Al Karkari ]
価格:828 円
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<p>La Lumi?re est une effluve divine que le Vrai projette dans le c?ur de celui qu’Il Aime d’entre Ses serviteurs, par la main de l’un de Ses Awliya (Saints), qui le fait ainsi sortir des t?n?bres de ...
Venir ? bout de vos Insomnies【電子書籍】[ Guy Deloeuvre ]
価格:828 円
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<p>Ce livre contient des ?tapes et des strat?gies ?prouv?es sur la fa?on de traiter tous les domaines de l'insomnie, des causes aux ?tapes sur la fa?on de la gu?rir. Toutes les informations contenues ...
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians【電子書籍】[ ASV ]
価格:828 円
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<p>1:5 for your fellowship in furtherance of the gospel from the first day until now; 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesu...
Proof of Heaven in 30 Minutes The Expert Guide to Eben Alexander's Cri...
価格:831 円
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<p>Proof of Heaven ...in 30 Minutes is your guide to quickly understanding the spiritual lessons in Dr. Eben Alexander's life-changing book, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlif...
Russia: Putin's Playground Empire, Revolution, & the New Tsar【電子書籍】[ A...
価格:831 円
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<p>Empire, Revolution, and the New Tsar</p> <p><em>Is Russia in the hands of a lunatic?</em></p> <p>Ever since Vladimir Putin's presidential incarnation, pundits and political analysts have asked this...
En los brazos de la Madre Divina Descubre el destino espiritual de Sur...
価格:832 円
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<p>En diciembre de 1973, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, mensajera de la Gran Hermandad Blanca, se embarc? junto con un grupo de estudiantes de los maestros ascendidos en la ≪Misi?n Suram?rica≫. Este peregri...
?必須知道的420個中國文化常識【電子書籍】[ 于震 ]
価格:832 円
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<p>連續得獎為什麼叫「?聯」?跟?有什麼關係?<br /> 慈禧太后為什麼叫「老佛爺」?「爺」不是男生??<br /> 媒人原來叫做「?人」?知道??<br /> 為什麼祝壽要送桃子??</p> <p>生活中常?的一些名詞、常聽到的一些話,?知道來由??我們常??笑笑的那些話,?清楚他的原因??翻開本書開始細細?讀?!那些?只知其一不知其二的常識,都可以一目了然。</p> <p>這是一本濃縮中國...
隋唐五代史 隋唐卷【電子書籍】[ ?思勉 ]
価格:832 円
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The User-Friendly Book of Mormon: Timeless Truths for Today’s Challeng...
価格:833 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Got a problem? The Book of Mormon has an answer! You’ve read the stories but never like this. These ancient prophets can help you with everything from binge-watching on Netflix to balancing family ...
Body Double【電子書籍】[ Don Lasseter ]
価格:835 円
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<p>The horrifying true story of the brutal murder of one of Janet Leigh's "body doubles" in Psycho, and another murder a decade later -- committed by a real-life Norman Bates.</p> <p>On June 3, 1988, ...
百年報人3:一代新聞宗師【電子書籍】[ 鄭貞銘 ]
価格:837 円
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鬼谷子的正確打開方式:戰國神算的權謀解密【電子書籍】[ 山陽著 ]
価格:837 円
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<p>鬼谷子(約公元前三九〇年至前三二〇年),人稱鬼谷先生、王禪老祖,大約活躍於戰國中期的顯赫人物,戰國時期著名的思想家、謀略家,縱横家的鼻祖,有政治家的六韜、三略,具有陰陽家的祖宗衣?,預言家的江湖神算,擅長於持身養性,精於心理揣摩,深明剛柔之勢,透曉?闔之術,獨具通天之智,是先秦最神祕的真實?史人物。道教認為鬼谷先生為「古之真仙」,曾經在人間活了百餘?,最後歸隱山林。</p> <p>根據記載鬼...
給後來者言 商人與企業家的社會責任【電子書籍】[ 約翰?拉斯金 John Ruskin ]
価格:837 円
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<p>商業與財富中的榮譽、道徳與公義<br /> 改變聖雄甘地一生的一本書<br /> 變動的時代裡,?個商業世界的人都該讀的一本書<br /> 聆聽十九世紀工業時代的力挽狂瀾之聲,思考二十一世紀商業時代被冷落的原則,重新檢視我們不能放棄的那些事──我們該相信的正義,我們該持守的本心。</p> <p>所有勞雇關係,所有對雙方最有利的事,最終都離不開公義。</p> <p>一百五十多年前,社會評論家約...
非典型三國【電子書籍】[ 魏得勝 ]
価格:837 円
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幸福人生之前的八件事:百分之百與百分之九十九【電子書籍】[ 王佳茹 ]
価格:837 円
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<p>人的生命是有限的,我們沒有?法讓生命更長久,但是可以讓?一天都過得更有?量。生命的全部意義並不是?活了多少?,而是在?短暫的人生中,曾經?過?些精彩。燦爛的生命是讓人羨慕的,但是怎樣才能令生命燦爛??那只有一條路就是──點燃生命熱情,讓熱情來觸發?在的潛能,讓我們在熱情的導引下不斷地超越自我。要知道吃虧其實是福氣,是常有的事,不需看得過重。記住兩個重點:<br /> 一、以對方對待?的態度對...
??瞎忙的鳥日子【電子書籍】[ 何筱韻 ]
価格:837 円
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<p><strong>本書謹獻給 為人生燃燒殆盡的?</strong></p> <p><strong>為什麼總是沒有「功勞」,只有「苦勞」?</strong></p> <p><strong>?天都忙得昏天暗地,成果卻差強人意?</strong></p> <ul> <li>電話一直忙線中,但其實什麼事也沒做?</li> <li>即使最簡單的小事也不馬虎,資料要先謄寫三遍,再用電腦打一遍?</li> ...
(?)?罪很?,和好更?:通往?与恩典的医治之路 Confess Your Sins: The Way of Reconciliation【...
価格:837 円
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<p>斯托得牧師提醒我們,一個清晰簡單的原則就是:得罪誰,就向誰認罪。肢體間認罪後所蒙的赦免,正?明了肢體間團契關係的修復與和好。讓我們跟隨斯托得牧師,重新思想認罪、赦免、和好之間的關係。</p> <p><strong>認罪,很難。向人認罪,也很難。</strong></p> <p>還記得上一次為罪而流?,是什麼時候??世俗時代積非成是、稱是為非,大環境中的罪惡觀念愈趨模糊,個人更難為罪為義責備自...
Noites de Campo【電子書籍】[ Pedro Saraiva ]
価格:838 円
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<p>H? algo de espiritual numa noite de campo. Numa noite de campo n?o ? preciso mapa ou programa detalhado. N?o h? minutos, nem hor?rios, nem turnos… Os ru?dos e os sil?ncios combinam-se num jogo de c...
The Ravenbrook Tradition【電子書籍】[ Richard Ravenbrook ]
価格:839 円
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<p>The Ravenbrook Tradition is not a rigid dogma or a set of unyielding rules, but rather a framework for personal exploration. It is a tapestry woven from the threads of various spiritual traditions,...
The Warfare of Science【電子書籍】[ Andrew Dickson White ]
価格:839 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
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Крушение Империи русских Царей El colapso del imperio ruso de los Reye...
価格:840 円
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<p>El libro "El colapso del imperio ruso de los Reyes" est? dedicado a la historia de Rusiaa finales del siglo 17 y la llegada al poder de Pedro I por la intervenci?n alemana.</p> <p>Книга ≪Крушение И...
Andorra Historical Heritage From Medieval Par?age to a Thriving Republ...
価格:843 円
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<p><strong>Andorra Historical Heritage: From Medieval Par?age to a Thriving Republic</strong> takes readers on an extraordinary journey through the fascinating history of Andorra, a small yet resilien...
The Pyramid Texts【電子書籍】[ Samuel A. B. Mercer ]
価格:843 円
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<p>The Pyramid Texts were funerary inscriptions that were written on the walls of the early Ancient Egyptian pyramids at Sakkara. These date back to the fifth and sixth dynasties, approximately the ye...
Firewolf's Magickal Bathing Rituals【電子書籍】[ Kyle Brandon Leite ]
価格:843 円
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<p>Over the warm waters of my bathtub, the invigorating scent of eucalyptus, lime and camphor lingers in the form of an herbal infused steam. The candle lit room calms my spirit and the scent of herba...
What If...30 Days to Powerful New Perspective【電子書籍】[ David R. Guido ]
価格:843 円
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<p>What If...30 Days to Powerful New Perspective looks at common situations we face and how these events can cause us at times to react negatively. By asking "What If" in these situations, then relyin...
Guia de estudo: 2 Tessalonicenses Estudo vers?culo por vers?culo do li...
価格:843 円
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<p>Entre nos profundos insights da segunda carta do ap?stolo Paulo aos Tessalonicenses com nosso estudo abrangente vers?culo por vers?culo. Explore os ricos temas teol?gicos, a sabedoria pr?tica e as ...
The Way of the Cross【電子書籍】[ Caryll Houselander ]
価格:843 円
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<p>In The Way of the Cross, Caryll Houselander accomplishes two things: first, by her imaginative re-creation of the Passion and Death of Our Lord, realized with intensity, detail, and depth, she brin...