Visas para los Estados Unidos: ExecVisa【電子書籍】[ Execvisa ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p>C?MO SE DEBE HACER PARA<br /> OBTENER LOS DIFERENTES TIPOS DE VISA<br /> QUE LE PERMITEN TRABAJAR O HACER NEGOCIOS<br /> EN ESTADOS UNIDOS<br /> Se reducen gastos legales costosos y acelera el proc...
故事行銷:寫文案,先學故事,照樣造句就能寫出商業等級的爆文指南【電子書籍】[ 李洛克 ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p><strong>・爆款文案寫作指南,照抄就能讓客?按下購買鍵<br /> ・故事行銷不只是為商品講一個故事,而是為?品附加心理價?,改變受?觀感<br /> ・百萬網友追讀的故事教練,企業邀約不斷的課程精華<br /> ・專為台灣品牌情境打造,價?超過上萬元的商用寫作課程精華!<br /> ・兩小時,學會「故事行銷」的25堂核心課程和實用公式!</strong></p> <p>還在為行銷的創...
股市??館用N形戰法把期貨變簡單! 安帥起死回生賺大賠小的交易法則大公開【電子書籍】[ ?柏鈞 ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p>「早上8:45」上班,「早上9:45」下班,一年用20萬賺到100萬!</p> <p>許多人在期貨市場賺不到錢,是因為他把期貨市場當成賭場!近年來台指期?天的平均振幅約在70點上下,這70點有讓?賺到14,000元的空間,甚至?只要贏10點,一天就賺了2,000元,超過大多數上班族的日薪,而且只要半天的時間。(正確來?是一小時,因為期貨交易第一個小時是關鍵時刻)</p> <p>但是?來容易做...
那一年,那些沒人?的故事【電子書籍】[ 少女老王 ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p><strong>◆ 感動分享80,000次,共鳴留言逾20,000筆,〈比鬼故事更可怕的是?我身邊的故事〉版主最新力作,寫出屬於這個世代共同的銘刻</strong><br /> <strong>◆ 前作迴響熱烈!榮獲2020博客來心靈勵志年度暢銷百大、Readmoo電子書年度暢銷百大、入圍2020誠品?讀職人大賞「年度新人」作家</strong><br /> <strong>◆ 暢銷作家 大...
做對四件事,成為商業溝通高手【電子書籍】[ 關家莉 ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p><strong>紛擾中掌握溝通訣竅,在商業環境下無往不利</strong><br /> <strong>如何在不同的場所中化解衝突和矛盾,實現順暢的有效溝通;只需掌握好四件事情:認識?的溝通對象、確認對方聽得到也聽得?,且付諸行動,?也能?服立場不同的人。</strong></p> <p>從家庭親人一直到生活周遭,朋友、同事、主管、客?……,人與人之間自然而然存在著許許多多溝通的問題。</p...
李偉文的退休進行式2:50+的自在活,健康老【電子書籍】[ 李偉文 ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p>**50+**<strong>的生活品質完全取決於能走能跳、行動自如。</strong></p> <p><strong>養生不是為了讓自己活得久,而是要讓自己活得健康、活得好。</strong></p> <p>據統計,只要活到五十?以上,幾乎大部分人的預期壽命都會超過八十五?。以前從退休到死亡很短,現在從退休到過世還有二十年、三十年。</p> <p>誰不想恣意揮灑這段充滿可能性的生命?月??...
#WTF What the Finance Why Millennials Must Make Money Matter【電子書籍】[ Ro...
価格:1,074 円
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<p>Managing your money is a journey. If you don’t know your road ahead, you’ll probably end up in the wrong place.</p> <p>Personal Finance Education needs to start early. But despite the resources ava...
?leti?im - 2【電子書籍】[ Kolektif ]
価格:1,075 円
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<p>HBR’s 10 Must Reads, her y?neticinin bilmesi gereken en ?nemli konulara odaklan?yor. Harvard Business Review’in y?zlerce makalesi aras?ndan se?ilen ?leti?im 2, zamana meydan okuyan fikirlerle g?n?m...
全球金融失衡与治理【電子書籍】[ ?依徳 ]
価格:1,077 円
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<p>全球??失衡是本世?以来国?社会面?的日??峻的新挑?,由它引?的全球金融危机使全球金融体系?于崩?的??,全球金融治理没有???有的作用。全球金融体系脆弱性的根源在?里?未来怎???? 上海?展研究基金会在2016年和2017年分??布了《全球金融治理:挑?、目?和改革》和《全球金融失衡:含?、影?和?策》???研究?告,本?以????告?基?,重新?行了梳理、?充和更新。 作者提出,金融...
You Are the Next Billionaire Stand Up, Think More, Think Bigger Than Y...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>If you want to become a successful businessperson, then get ready to invest. Thats one of the lessons in this guide to launching a business, which begins with two of the authors sharing how they te...
Air Pollution, Climate Change and India's Choice Between Policy and Pr...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>India's air pollution is a deadly threat. Will its politics meet the challenge?Exposure to the world's worst air pollution kills over a million Indians each year. It also affects children's growth ...
The Honey Bee A Business Parable About Getting Un-stuck and Taking Con...
価格:1,079 円
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<p><strong>A business parable that teaches the value of cultivating multiple streams of incomeーthe surest, most achievable means of creating generational wealth.</strong></p> <p><em>The Honey Bee</em>...
Beyond the Executive Comfort Zone Outrageous Tactics to Ignite Individ...
価格:1,079 円
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Beyond the Executive Comfort Zone: Outrageous Tactics to Ignite Individual Performance chronicles six unprecedented training sessions and the comprehensive change they yielded for a determined CEO who...
Healing the Heart & Soul A Five-Step, Soul-Level Healing Process for T...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>This book contains an invaluable secret-a process that leads to deeper healing than most people have ever experienced or dreamed possible. Healing the Heart & Soul offers the essential ingredients ...
心理危機,兵法處理!逃避現實、疾病恐慌、性愛幻想、惡性競爭、精神分裂……成熟面對情緒困境,解決問題三十六計【電子書籍】[ 徐中收 ]
価格:1,079 円
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<p><strong>該結束的是痛苦,而不是生命</strong></p> <p><strong>◎藍鯨遊戲,死亡危機!倖存者留下嚴重心理創傷</strong><br /> <strong>◎?遭霸凌,心神不寧!受害者走不出的心理陰影</strong><br /> <strong>◎黒狗纏身,憂鬱輕生!患者無法擺?的心理困境</strong></p> <p>36個真實案例,心理健康教育名師諮商紀?...
Is What We See... All We Get?【電子書籍】[ Joseph Evan Metzger ]
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Most people are quietly unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives. In these pages, author Joseph Evan Metzger faces up to the lack in our lives, the reason for it, and what we can do about it.</p> ...
From Me to We Design and Build Collaborative Workplaces【電子書籍】[ Stephen...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>This book demonstrates that long-term win-win collaboration approaches work. Principals and contractors don't have to end up in conflict or litigation. I would recommend these ideas be adopted by c...
Chasing Revenue The Birth of Revenue Management【電子書籍】[ Gregory Cross ]
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Revenue management is like any other management practice. It involves making pricing and inventory decisions based on assembled data coming from a variety of sources. The name revenue management wa...
Life in a Nutshell【電子書籍】[ Kate Young ]
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Young is unapologetically blunt as she shares an honest insight into a not so perfect and far from normal life of a real woman starting at puberty and goping through all the different stages and ev...
Jock Talk 5 Communication Principles for Leaders as Exemplified by Leg...
価格:1,079 円
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<p><strong>A substantive yet down-to-earth business book that entertains while it teaches leaders and aspiring leaders why and how they should shape their communications in order to be more effective ...
200 Keys to Unlock Your Destiny【電子書籍】[ Wale Oladipo ]
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Do you have goals and dreams? Do you want to overcome challenges and use setbacks as springboards to greater heights? Do you desire to maximise your full potential and create a happy and fulfilled ...
Whispers of Grace-Filled Blessings from the Mercy Seat A Coaching Odys...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>As a certified inspirational and organizational life coach for the slightly frazzled... mildly burned-out... Princess of Great Destiny, Jan will inspire and encourage you, as you embark on your des...
Dying Is Not on My Day Planner for Tomorrow【電子書籍】[ David Moore ]
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Learn of an amazing story of personal peril and triumph, about one very ordinary mans journey through more life threatening medical problems than most people will ever experience, overcoming these ...
Just Be... Reflection of an Awakening and Discovering the Path to Bein...
価格:1,079 円
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<p>Just Be takes you on a journey of self-discovery where you come back home to yourself and find everything you thought you needed you already have. Like Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ, we often have to...
How to get on the employment ladder【電子書籍】[ Tracey Morewood ]
価格:1,081 円
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<p>An indepth guide to gaining employment, from your C.V to interview skills. Written by an Employability Tutor who has a proven track record of getting people back into work. Every step you need to t...
Desarrollo ?tico de los profesionales de la contadur?a y la administra...
価格:1,081 円
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<p>Esta obra fundamenta y se?ala directrices sobre los conceptos y principios de ?tica para el desarrollo del profesionista, en diversos ?mbitos: en las universidades, en la pr?ctica independiente, en...
The "Wise Guys" Copywriting Rule Book: How to Write Copy That'll Make ...
価格:1,085 円
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<p>For anyone trying to influence other human beings, every word you write or speak has to make the right impact.</p> <p>As a business person, you may have the greatest product or service in the world...
Beat the Bank【電子書籍】[ Larry Bates ]
価格:1,088 円
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<p>Make the big banks work for you, not against you!</p> <p>You work hard. You sacrifice to save. You risk your money in the market over your working lifetime and you trust your bank to treat you fair...
La gesti?n LEAN del tiempo M?todo LTM para ser m?s ?gil y efectivo tra...
価格:1,093 円
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<p>El lean management es una filosof?a de gesti?n basada en el sistema de producci?n de la empresa japonesa Toyota. Los aprendizajes que de ella se derivan no solo pueden aplicarse a la industria, en ...
Praying for your Finances【電子書籍】[ Oyenike Adetoye ]
価格:1,096 円
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<p>The Bible is the greatest book in the world that addresses money management and financial prosperity.<br /> Today, there's nothing in our lives, church, home, school or work that isn't somehow tied...