Volume 2 - 20 Money-Making Finance Topics Not Taught in Schools Vol 2,...
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<p><strong>Volume 2: 20 Finance Secrets They Didn't Teach in School</strong></p> <p>Most people do not realize how much money they are leaving on the table. From limited financial education to focusin...
Avanguardia libertaria Rivelare la libert?, la vita e le idee, sblocca...
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<p><strong>Chi ? l'avanguardia libertaria</strong></p> <p>Murray Newton Rothbard ? stato un economista americano della scuola austriaca, storico economico, teorico politico e attivista. Rothbard fu un...
Hand auf dein Herz 12 ?bungen, um die Weisheit deines Herzens zu finde...
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<p>in liebevoller Herz?ffner f?r jeden, der die Wahrheit seines Herzens sucht. In unserer Sprache spiegelt kein anderes Organ die enge Verbindung zwischen K?rper, Geist und Seele so stark wider wie da...
?ber das Gelingen Kleine Rituale zur Selbstheilung【電子書籍】[ Oliver Drive...
価格:800 円
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<p>Wer am Ende seines Lebens sagen kann, dass er es noch einmal genauso f?hren w?rde, der hat ein wahrhaft gelungenes Leben gelebt. Doch wie ist das m?glich? Was macht wirklich gl?cklich? Wie findet m...
Mastering Your Money 2022 Edition【電子書籍】[ Dawn Greenfield Ireland ]
価格:800 円
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<p>If you or someone you know is constantly coming up short of money and bouncing transactions like basketballs, Mastering Your Money 2022 Edition will take the mystery out of maintaining your checkbo...
Rise Above Depression and Reclaim Your Life【電子書籍】[ Alexandra Hope ]
価格:800 円
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<p>Have you ever felt like you're drowning, even though you're standing on dry land? Like a suffocating fog has settled over your life, dimming every color and muting every sound? If so, you're not al...
Do Zero ao Sucesso【電子書籍】[ Vanderlei Junior ]
価格:800 円
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<ol> <li> <p><strong>Do Zero ao Sucesso: Como Transformar Ideias em Neg?cios de Alto Impacto"</strong></p> <p>Empreender n?o ? apenas sobre ter ideias, mas saber como coloc?-las em pr?tica e transform...
Nexo comercial Revelando la econom?a de un acad?mico visionario, desbl...
価格:800 円
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<p><strong>Qui?n es Trade Nexus</strong></p> <p>Ronald Edsel Findlay fue un economista y te?rico del comercio. Se desempe?? como profesor Ragnar Nurkse de Econom?a en la Universidad de Columbia.</p> <...
Make It Happen【電子書籍】[ Marjo Alkula ]
価格:800 円
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<p>Tired of making excuses and never achieving yours goals? This powerful book will show you how to finally make it happen. You´ll learn how to identify what´s really holding you back, eliminate excus...
?Deja de preocuparte por lo que piensen los dem?s! ?Sin Excusas! 30 De...
価格:800 円
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<p>Deja de ser prisionero de la opini?n de los dem?s y empieza a vivir con libertad. Este libro de m?s de <strong>11,000 palabras</strong> te dar? las herramientas necesarias para fortalecer tu confia...
Payback A d?vida e o lado sombrio da riqueza【電子書籍】[ Margaret Atwood ]
価格:800 円
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<p><strong>MUITOS SE PERGUNTAM: COMO PUDEMOS DEIXAR QUE ISSO ACONTECESSE?</strong></p> <p>Em uma abordagem ampla e criativa, Atwood sugere que a d?vida ? como o ar. Estamos de tal modo habituados ? su...
Cultivate Your Potential A Journey to Growth Mindset Mastery【電子書籍】[ Ah...
価格:800 円
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<p>Ready to unlock your potential and transform your approach to life? <em>Cultivate Your Potential: A Journey to Growth Mindset Mastery</em> is your guide to adopting a growth mindsetーthe belief that...
Applied Science for Housecraft【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth Haasbroek ]
価格:800 円
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<p>I hope that once this textbook has been studied, scholars will perceive to what extent the cooking and washing processes are based upon physical and chemical principles and laws, and will realise t...
Maternidad Y Carrera: Desaf?os Y Soluciones Econ?micas Econom?a Femeni...
価格:800 円
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<p>Descubra c?mo la maternidad impacta profundamente las carreras de las mujeres y explore soluciones pr?cticas para superar estos desaf?os. Este libro ofrece un an?lisis completo y detallado sobre la...
Sometimes the Cure Is a Clear Conscience.【電子書籍】[ Santos Omar Medrano C...
価格:800 円
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<p>Have you ever felt that something is heavy in your chest, that you can't breathe easy, that you regret what you did or didn't do? Have you ever felt that you don't forgive yourself or others, that ...
7 r?gles de vie. Comment atteindre la pl?nitude dans un monde chaotiqu...
価格:800 円
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<p>Vous ?tes-vous d?j? demand? si vous viviez la vie que vous voulez vraiment? Si vous exploitiez au mieux votre potentiel, vos talents et vos opportunit?s? Si vous contribuiez de mani?re positive au ...
"M?s All? del ?xito: Un Viaje al Coraz?n de Tus Sue?os"【電子書籍】[ Rosen D...
価格:800 円
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<p>"M?s All? del ?xito: Un Viaje al Coraz?n de Tus Sue?os" es una exploraci?n, un viaje, una invitaci?n a descubrir ese "algo m?s" que siempre hemos buscado. Este libro no te dar? f?rmulas m?gicas, ni...
eBay 2021: 5 Moves You Need to Make Today to Sell More Stuff on eBay【電...
価格:800 円
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<p>Do you want to make more money selling on eBay?</p> <p><strong>eBay 2021</strong> is the missing handbook for how to make money selling on eBay. Everyday sellers struggle over the following questio...
Sales Power, the Silva Mind Method for Sales Professionals【電子書籍】[ Jose...
価格:800 円
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<p>Increase your sales and income and put more money in your pocket with the SilvaMind Method for Sales Professionals. Learn how to use the Silva techniques in sales.</p> <p>This book includes dozens ...
La ci?ncia de la llarga vida Descobreix la manera de fer anys i mateni...
価格:800 円
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<p><strong>Descobreix la manera de fer anys i mantener-te en plena forma f?sica i mental.</strong></p> <p>Els temps estan canviant i tots ens n'hem adonat. La humanitat est? guanyant la batalla demogr...
The Ultimate Ecommerce Masterplan【電子書籍】[ Nistor Zsolt ]
価格:800 円
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<p>In today's digitized world, eCommerce has never been more lucrative. However, like any other business, it can cause pain, agitation, and difficulties without the right tools and knowledge. You need...
Taxation A Very Short Introduction【電子書籍】[ Stephen Smith ]
価格:802 円
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<p>Taxation is crucial to the functioning of the modern state. Tax revenues pay for public services - roads, the courts, defence, welfare assistance to the poor and elderly, and in many countries much...
Mulheres na lideran?a【電子書籍】[ Lucelena Ferreira ]
価格:802 円
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<p>Mulheres na Lideran?a nos conduz num mergulho em um tema que vem crescendo em import?ncia na nossa sociedade, o universo corporativo e suas barreiras de g?nero . Com vis?o agu?ada e narrativa leve,...
理財周刊1045期:華為大限【電子書籍】[ 理財周刊 ]
価格:805 円
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<p>華為能不能擺?美國技術浴火重生,考驗中國人的智慧。但過去靠補貼以低價搶市的紅色供應鏈,未來將有重組的機會,從新近市場訊息與個股反應可知,危機與轉機正在勾勒更大的商機。...請看《理財周刊》1045期更多精采?容<br /> ◆雲端伺服器商機引爆<br /> ◆三大事業體營運回升 股價20年大底<br /> ◆台股沒跟美股創高 華為利空是主因<br /> ◆台積電效應讓台商及建商瘋狂買地<br...
理財周刊第751期:2015新資金活水注入 圓夢萬點【電子書籍】
価格:805 円
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<p>2015新資金活水注入 圓夢萬點<br /> 中國大媽、小哥為台股抬轎 台滬通、台港通引爆新行情</p> <ol> <li>復仇者聯盟飆股發動,本刊750期:按讚連連</li> <li>賀理周之星力特(3051)飆漲,本周新星請看?頁!</li> <li>掌握智慧手機鏡頭與機殼藍海商機</li> <li>篩選虧轉盈個股私房密技大公開</li> <li>?銷一條龍的LED超級潛力股</li> ...
理財周刊特刊 no.8:2024 指數萬六至萬九 AI大爆發【電子書籍】[ 理財周刊 ]
価格:805 円
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<p>理財周刊特刊 no.8:2024 指數萬六至萬九 AI大爆發<br /> 後疫情時代?業鏈出現重組現象,台灣經過2023年一整年製造業庫存去化近尾聲、流動性充沛。然而高通膨升息造成貨幣緊縮消費意願降低,俄烏戰爭、以巴衝突等持績干擾經濟發展,高油價、高利率與高成本是全球企業需面臨的挑戰。本期特刊擘畫三大主題包括2024年AI大爆發、2024年電動車滲透率大幅増至32%以及2024年?業大趨勢等...
理財周刊1133期:跨世代科技人 前進元宇宙【電子書籍】[ 理財周刊 ]
価格:805 円
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<p>理財周刊1133期:跨世代科技人 前進元宇宙<br /> 新興數位科技發展始終是引領科技?業轉型的重要推手,從最先興起的雲端運算,緊接在後的物聯網,到近來在資本市場造成投資狂熱的區塊鏈及元宇宙,??創造的新應用趨勢商機,都是科技?業再成長的新機會!...請看《理財周刊》1133期更多精采?容<br /> ◆跨世代科技人 前進元宇宙<br /> ◆衛星+元宇宙+銀銅? 四月營收破紀?<br /...
Wealth Building Blueprint Essential Strategies To Achieve Financial Fr...
価格:805 円
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<p>In a world where financial security often feels like an elusive dream, "Wealth building blueprint" offers a refreshingly practical and empowering approach to taking control of your financial future...
大共享時代:共享經濟再進化,「大共享」時代已經來臨!【電子書籍】[ 戈峻,郭宇寛 ]
価格:805 円
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<p><strong>共享理論拓展、延續消費變革與經濟融合</strong><br /> <strong>前瞻解讀、彌合共享經濟理論與實踐的縫隙</strong></p> <p>2025年,共享經濟規模將?到全球GDP的20%;<br /> 2030年,全世界可以在保證經濟發展的同時,<br /> 實現全球新増資源消耗減少50%,人們工作時間減少50%的「雙減半」目標</p> <p><strong...
理財周刊1198期:半年報三式挑好股【電子書籍】[ 理財周刊 ]
価格:805 円
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<p>理財周刊1198期:半年報三式挑好股<br /> 理周投研部表示,半年報三條件挑好股畢竟是已經過去的數據資料,若能再配合七月營收發布,更加確認下半年?業趨勢不變情形下,短線股價欲小不易,例如專注銅箔基板廠台光電(2383)於八月七日公告七月營收達36.46億元,年月雙増長,股價上漲40元漲停鎖住做收。...請看《理財周刊》1198期更多精采?容<br /> ◆AI夢?大 大到2023年談泡沫...