Reaching Impossible Limits Effortless Techniques to Becoming a Stronge...
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<p>Free yourself. Develop long-term solutions through finding and solving the root cause of your limits. Get a healthy mind in a healthy body. Become super confident and irresistible. Be a leader and ...
Critical Thinking? - A Force Multiplier【電子書籍】[ Jerry J. Marty MD, MBA ...
価格:1,686 円
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<p>The Author provides a summary of the definition, principles, and challenges related to Critical Thinking2 - A Force Multiplier. In business and management, one faces many challenges, especially unc...
Integrating Technical Analysis for the Investor【電子書籍】[ BC Low ]
価格:1,686 円
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<p>Overview :<br /> "A book on Technical Analysis written for the Investor</p> <p>Yes, it is possible to use technical analysis for investing, not just trading! Technical analysis has always been seen...
La Conciencia es la Nueva Clave del ?xito【電子書籍】[ Philippe Rebillard ]
価格:1,686 円
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<p>"La Conciencia es la Nueva Clave Para el ?xito" es un libro revelador que lo ayuda a lograr la mentalidad financiera correcta y un negocio exitoso a trav?s de t?cnicas de atenci?n plena. El autor d...
Telecom 2015 Directory of Venture Capital and Private Equity【電子書籍】[ Ja...
価格:1,686 円
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<p>Information for Your Job Hunt - Databases and Directories - Used by Resume Writers, Outplacement Firms, Career Coaches, College Career Centers, and Individuals Since 1987<br /> <br /...
Writing for Social Media【電子書籍】[ Carrie Marshall ]
価格:1,678 円
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<p>Engaging with customers through social media is essential for businesses in this day and age. Writing for social media can be difficult to get right and even big brands can get it very wrong. This ...
創造思考的技術:運用概念思考,重新定義自己的事業、?品、服務,並銷售出去 コンセプチュアル思考 物事の本質を見極め、解釈し、獲得する【電子書...
価格:1,674 円
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<p>日本最知名的企業講師 村山昇,獨創「概念思考」;</p> <p>並提到連賈伯斯、迴轉壽司、好市多、3M、LOTTE、寶礦力水得、伊藤園緑茶都運用到了「概念思考」,</p> <p>開發出新?品、翻轉新感官</p> <p>☆日本超人氣企業講師105張圖表、講義大公開!☆</p> <p>以3流程x 4立場x 5技巧?轉?的思考方式</p> <p>開發出叫好又叫座的好商品與好服務</p> <p>思考...
大賣空:祕密布局,等待時機 The Big Short:Inside The Doomsday Machine【電子書籍】[ 麥可.路易士M...
価格:1,674 円
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<h1><strong>奧斯?金像獎5項提名電影原著!</strong></h1> <h1><strong>Gamestop、加密貨幣風暴中最熱門推薦書!</strong></h1> <h3></h3> <h2><strong>?敢不敢當別人眼中的神經病</strong>**?** <strong>榮獲《洛杉磯時報好書獎》、入圍《金融時報》年度商業好書!暢銷榜第一名!</strong></h2> ...
有我無毒?無毒有我(套書 )【電子書籍】[ 慈濟北區教聯會、經典雜誌 ]
価格:1,674 円
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<p> 《有我無毒:許自己一條人生坦途》</p> <p> 台灣目前監獄受刑人有五萬八千餘人,毒品犯達兩萬五千餘人,超過四成,並占所有犯罪案件五成以上。吸毒者往往耗盡家?,並使親人身心?疲、家庭破碎,乃至於為了購買昂貴的毒品,?及竊盜、搶劫及暴力傷害,造成難以計數的社會悲劇,是台灣一大禍患的根源。</p> <p> 因吸食毒品而入監者,釋放後六個月的再犯率高達八成。有鑒於毒?戒治不易,加強反毒教...
Drop Your Fists and Raise Your Hands【電子書籍】[ Debra Wilson ]
価格:1,673 円
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<p>Are you tired of shadow-boxing invisible stuff that needs to be confronted? Are you ready for the responsibilities of being a catalyst for change? Have you embraced empowerment on the other side of...
Say Thank You Los secretos para ser un buen l?der【電子書籍】[ Jim Edwards ]
価格:1,667 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Say Thank You te ayudar? a cuidar de tu gente, a obtener resultados para tu negocio y a ser el tipo de l?der que siempre quisiste tener. Puede que seas una persona que lidera pero que no sabe por d...
Boosting Product Sales with Discord in 2024 : strategies tips, and Tri...
価格:1,658 円
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<p>Course Overview</p> <p>Welcome to the comprehensive course on using Discord to boost your product sales in 2024!</p> <p>Discord has evolved beyond a gaming communication platform into a powerful ma...
The basics of Crypto A self-help book that guides you through crypto【電...
価格:1,656 円
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<p>“Crypto”, “Blockchain”, What is that?</p> <p>You may have seen these words more<br /> and more often, and if not, you probably have heard people talking about “Crypto” or “Bitcoin”.</p> <p>But what...
La magie des dividendes Devenir rentier en bourse en partant de z?ro【電...
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Apprenez ? gagner de l’argent sur les march?s financiers et cela m?me si vous n’avez jamais investi auparavant.</p> <p>?tes-vous pr?t ? toucher <strong>une partie des milliards de dividendes qui so...
No Excuses! De kracht van zelfdiscipline【電子書籍】[ Brian Tracy ]
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Leer de kracht van zelfdiscipline aan de hand van praktische oefeningen. 21 manieren om blijvend geluk en succes te bereiken. Voor iedereen die voor succes wil gaan.</p> <p>De meeste mensen denken ...
How to Flirt in Arabic Your Guide to Dating and Flirting in Arabic【電子書...
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Master the Art of Romance and Connection with "How to Flirt in Arabic"</strong></p> <p>Looking to add a little spark to your Arabic language skills? Whether you’re aiming to connect with Ar...
C?mo conectar con tu esencia【電子書籍】[ Montse Blancafort Ben?tez ]
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>A medida que vamos recorriendo las diferentes etapas de la vida (infancia, adolescencia, juventud y madurez), desarrollamos de manera inconsciente mecanismos de protecci?n, como son las corazas, qu...
??????? ?????????? ??????? ???? ?? ???????? ????【電子書籍】[ ?????? ???? ]
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>???????? ????? ????????? ?? ??????????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ???????????? ?? ??? ??????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ???????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ?????????? ?????? ??, ?? ??????? ????, ?...
Ontwerp je leven【電子書籍】[ Twan Verdonck ]
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In Ontwerp je leven komt Twan Verdonck met een praktisch 10-stappenplan om grip te krijgen op alle aspecten van het leven. Op revolutionaire wijze levert hij hernieuwde focus en energie.</p> <p>Twa...
Bye Bye Burnout Uitval op de werkvloer voorkomen en aanpakken【電子書籍】[ M...
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Een praktische gids om burn-out op de werkvloer te herkennen, voorkomen en aanpakken. Cre?er een gezonde werkomgeving en bevorder herstel en re-integratie.<br /> In ‘Bye Bye Burnout’ leert Mascha M...
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Un salto nel vuoto, la percezione di pericolo, ti senti cadere, nessuno riferimento attorno a te, sei in pericolo. Sobbalzi e ti svegli. Il battito cardiaco accelerato torna alla sua normalit?. Apr...
MARKETING ONLINE. Estrategia y t?ctica en la era digital【電子書籍】[ Mikel ...
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>El marketing digital es una disciplina en auge y en constante crecimiento. El abanico de posibilidades que ofrece es cada vez m?s amplio, y con el vertiginoso desarrollo de las nuevas tecnolog?as e...
Comment analyser des actions ? dividendes pour s'enrichir en bourse ?【...
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Pour la plupart d’entre nous, la bourse demeure un myst?re. ?tant donn? l’abondance du choix (il existe des milliers de valeurs cot?es), comment faire pour gagner de l’argent avec les march?s finan...
L'?nergie du C?ur Faites l'exp?rience de la puissance du C?ur. Faites ...
価格:1,656 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Votre c?ur est une source d’?nergie</strong></p> <p>Savez-vous que le c?ur, et non pas le cerveau, est l’organe de votre corps qui d?gage le plus d’?nergie?<br /> En effet, l’amplitude du c...
麻木樹?療傷茶館【電子書籍】[ 素黒 ]
価格:1,651 円
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You Are Worthy: A 21 Day Journey to Manifesting Self-Love【電子書籍】[ Victo...
価格:1,650 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Self-love is the secret ingredient to manifesting the life of your dreams...the life that connects to your truest desires.</p> <p>Blockages occur when we don't lovingly embrace our souls the way we...
Lead with Intent: Leadership Principles and practices that Drive Engag...
価格:1,650 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>In this ground-breaking book, Hermann du Plessis reveals nine leadership principles and practices that drive engagement and commitment in the workplace. His holistic approach and fully integrated e...
Zelfredzaamheid 4.0 | F.I.R.E. Hoeveel heb je over voor een beter leve...
価格:1,649 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>ZELFREDZAAMHEID 4.0 - Hoeveel heb je over voor een beter leven?</p> <p>Concreet ga je met dit boek aan de slag met een analyse om te komen tot een plan dat je brengt naar het niveau van zelfredzaam...
經濟思想史的趣味(全新増訂版)【電子書籍】[ 頼建誠;何泰寛 ]
価格:1,642 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>生活在現實中的人,不免是已故經濟學家的奴隸。<br /> ──凱因斯</p> <p>自由競爭、供需法則、計畫經濟、關?保護,數百年來無數經濟思想家的思維成果,不只深入我們的生活,也依舊指引我們尋求創新與應付巨變。在這本《經濟思想史的趣味》裡,讀者將從本書以最輕鬆有趣的方式,學會那些滲入?我生活的經濟思想。</p> <p>◎QA形式輕鬆掌握經濟學思想的精華重點<br /> ◎想「更深入了解人類...
Comment bien organiser sa journ?e de travail en freelance Les techniqu...
価格:1,641 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Le travail en freelance est mode de travail totalement diff?rent du salariat. Ce mode de travail s'est beaucoup d?velopp? depuis quelques ann?es, notamment gr?ce ? l'am?lioration constante du num?r...