Pigen ingen savnede【電子書籍】[ Lisa Holmfjord ]
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<p>Jeanett er 13 ?r og bor p? Amager med sin mor, stedfar og lillebror. Familien er Jehovas Vidner og er underlagt stedfarens strenge regler. B?de hjemme og i skolen bliver Jeanett fuldst?ndig ignorer...
Guy Renton A London Story【電子書籍】[ Alec Waugh ]
価格:2,267 円
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<p>First published in 1952, this is a tale of Austria. February 1925. A date that would always remain special for Guy Renton. There his chance meeting with the young and beautiful, but married, Mrs Re...
Lucifer's Flood A Novel【電子書籍】[ Linda Rios Brook ]
価格:2,261 円
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<p><em>“The sensation of falling was terrifying…we tumbled out of the realm of the heavenly light into perpetual darkness. We had not seen darkness before--not like this anyway...</em></p> <p>A strang...
Descifrando El ?xito Estrategias Maestras De Marketing y Trading【電子書籍】...
価格:2,250 円
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<p>Descubre los secretos del ?xito en los mundos din?micos del marketing y el trading con este libro cautivador y perspicaz. Desde los fundamentos esenciales hasta estrategias avanzadas, cada p?gina o...
Enfants zen, parents zen 2-5 ans【電子書籍】[ Isabelle Bruno ]
価格:2,244 円
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<p>Vous vous sentez d?muni(e) face aux col?res ? r?p?tition de votre enfant, son agitation vous fatigue et vous avez du mal ? vous faire entendre ? Vous souhaitez mettre un terme ? cette escalade et i...
Idea Materia Can Ideas be Measured by Science?【電子書籍】[ Patrick J. Ricar...
価格:2,243 円
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<p>How is it possible that throughout history several inventors around the world have independently invented the same things at the same time? Why does history repeat itself? How do birds know how to ...
Uhri【電子書籍】[ Tim Weaver ]
価格:2,218 円
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<p>Vuosi sitten Alex Towne l?ydettiin kuolleena. Kuukausi sitten h?nen ?itins? n?ki h?net kadulla.</p> <p>Mary Towne on varma asiastaan. H?n on n?hnyt kuolleeksi julistetun poikansa Alexin ilmiel?v?n?...
Steam Yachts at War The Naval Deployment of British & American Yachts,...
価格:2,202 円
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<p>This is the story of how the luxurious steam yachts of the Victorian and Edwardian eras were transformed into weapons of war. These beautiful vessels were the ultimate status symbols of British and...
Kooperationen in der Textilindustrie. Kulturelle Herausforderungen bei...
価格:2,201 円
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<p>Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensf?hrung, Management, Organisation, Note: 1,7, Westf?lische Wilhelms-Universit?t M?nster (Institut f?r Genossenschaftwesen), Sprache...
EDITING. Manuale per la revisione del testo in 101 passi【電子書籍】[ Paolo ...
価格:2,201 円
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<p>Che cos’? l’editing? E la correzione delle bozze? In cosa consiste la revisione formale del testo? Posso farla da solo, o dovrei affidarmi a un professionista? Chi ha appena portato a termine la st...
企業価値を高める経営 投資家との協創が生む持続的成長【電子書籍】[ 日本取引所グループ ]
価格:2,200 円
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<p>企業価値向上に成功している企業の秘訣は何か。<br /> 東京証券取引所「企業価値向上」表彰企業6社に学ぶベストプラクティス<br /> 各分野の専門家が多角的に分析!</p> <p>伊藤邦雄(一橋大学大学院経営管理研究科特任教授)<br /> 津森信也(経営財務研究所代表)<br /> 澤上篤人(さわかみホールディングス代表取締役)<br /> スコット・キャロン(いちごアセットマネジメン...
心理学が教える人生のヒント【電子書籍】[ アダム・オルター ]
価格:2,200 円
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期待される学校のバランス・マネジメント 面倒なことを面倒くさくしない!リーダーの仕事整理術【電子書籍】[ 佐野 浩志 ]
価格:2,200 円
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<p>校長、副校長、教頭、主幹、主任 etc.<br /> 面倒なことを面倒くさくしない!リーダーの仕事整理術<br /> 解決が困難だと思える案件も、周囲の「納得」を得ることで好転する。<br /> その鍵を握るのが、「整理のつけ方」にある!<br /> 本書の概要<br /> たしかに「先生の仕事はたいへん」です。しかし、それだけではありません。「たくさんの幸せを与えてくれる仕事」でもあるから...
超簡単フィルムのデジタイズ ニコンD850の活用法【電子書籍】[ 山野 泰照 ]
価格:2,200 円
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<p> 1990年代半ばから普及し始めたデジタルカメラ。今や、「カメラといえばデジタルカメラ」というほどに浸透していますが、写真は長い間、フィルムや印画紙をベースとした銀塩写真のシステムで成り立っていました。<br /> この銀塩写真のシステムはインターネットなどのデジタルの世界における活用には馴染みにくいものの、多くの写真愛好家がフィルムに記録されている情報を将来に向けてデジタルデータとして残...
Descifrando a Trump desde la historia【電子書籍】
価格:2,200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Como a muchas otras personas alrededor del mundo, el resultado de las elecciones de noviembre del 2016 en Estados Unidos gener? una gran inquietud en los autores de este libro. Su reacci?n, tras el...
聴く中国語 中国大接近 第2季【電子書籍】[ 謝 辰 ]
価格:2,200 円
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<p>※この商品は固定レイアウトで作成されており、タブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。<br /> [音声ダウンロードについて]この電子書籍に音声は含まれておりません。三修社webサイトより無料でダウンロードできます。詳しくは電子書籍内をご確認ください。</p> ...
El Umbral de la Memoria Perdida El Quinto Codex【電子書籍】[ Fernando Muro ]
価格:2,200 円
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<p>?Qu? fuera del esplendor de la gran Tenochtitlan, la ciudad donde los mexicas construyeron el centro del universo y fuera asombro de los conquistadores espa?oles, quienes entonces dominaban la esfe...
By the Spear Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the Rise and Fall of ...
価格:2,197 円
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<p>Alexander the Great, arguably the most exciting figure from antiquity, waged war as a Homeric hero and lived as one, conquering native peoples and territories on a superhuman scale. From the time h...
Daktoum【電子書籍】[ Christopher Upham ]
価格:2,197 円
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<p>The American War in Viet Nam was many different wars. Since the end of that war, thousands of books have been written that try to make sense of what was a horrific, moral collapse on the part of th...
A Line in the Sand The true story of a Marine's experience on the fron...
価格:2,197 円
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<p>This book is a true account of my experience as a Marine in the Gulf War. I decided to tell my story in hopes of developing, in the reader, a deeper respect for America's veterans by revealing the ...
Roman Heavy Cavalry (1) Cataphractarii & Clibanarii, 1st Century BC?5t...
価格:2,197 円
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<p>From the army of Marc Antony in the 1st century BC, Roman generals hired Oriental heavy armoured cavalry to serve in their military alongside the legions. These troops, both from the northern stepp...
Blacksad: A Silent Hell【電子書籍】[ Juan D?az Canales ]
価格:2,196 円
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<p>Detective John Blacksad returns, with a new case that takes him to a 1950s New Orleans filled with hot jazz and cold-blooded murder! Hired to discover the fate of a celebrated pianist, Blacksad fin...
The Unbelievable Unteens: From the World of Black Hammer Volume 1【電子書籍...
価格:2,196 円
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<p><strong>From the world of the Eisner Award-winning <em>Black Hammer</em> series comes this meta team superhero saga taking place between two different worlds.</strong></p> <p>After signing at a com...
Eternity in the Midst of Time【電子書籍】[ Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen ]
価格:2,191 円
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<p>Can time be our friend? At first glance the question seems ridiculous, because the apparent scarcity of time is a constant source of stress in our busy lives. There are not enough hours in the day,...
Growing Sustainable Together Practical Resources for Raising Kind, Eng...
価格:2,191 円
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<p><strong>Tips, tools, advice, and activities for raising eco-friendly kids while nurturing compassion, resilience, and community engagement.</strong></p> <p>Drawing from cutting-edge social-science ...
Your Complete Retirement Planning Road Map A Comprehensive Action Plan...
価格:2,189 円
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<p>This is the same diagnostic system I use with my own clients and with the financial advisors I train. So, going through it will be like having me sitting beside you, whispering in your ear, guiding...
The Mental Game of Baseball A Guide to Peak Performance【電子書籍】[ H.A. Do...
価格:2,169 円
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<p>In this book, authors H.A. Dorfman and Karl Kuehl present their practical and proven strategy for developing the mental skills needed to achieve peak performance at every level of the game.The theo...
Natural Baking Healthier Recipes for a Guilt-Free Treat【電子書籍】[ Sebasti...
価格:2,158 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>With Natural Baking you can now have your cake and eat it too!</strong></p> <p>Described by Jamie Oliver as his <em>'favourite cooking book of the year',</em> this is your new baking bible ...
Save Your Startup: How to Know if Your Business Is Worth Rescuing (And...
価格:2,150 円
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<p>Forget good to great. Most startups struggle to avoid going from drowning to dead. And advice from unicorns with billions in the bank won't always apply to scrappy founders weeks away from not maki...
Nowhere to Hide Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can ...
価格:2,113 円
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<p><strong>A new approach to help kids with ADHD and LD succeed in and outside the classroom</strong></p> <p>This groundbreaking book addresses the consequences of the unabated stress associated with ...