義大利【電子書籍】[ 墨刻編輯部 ]
価格:1,669 円
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<p>藝術?時尚大國旅遊資料最新版<br /> 全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息<br /> 最完整詳實的「義大利」玩樂資訊就看這一本</p> <p>義大利博大精深,若想在有限的假期?遊遍箇中精華,並不是件容易的事。網路上資訊?多,但多半各自表述,比較沒能做系統性的歸納。本書希望藉由提綱挈領、整合歸納,讓讀者能在出發前即對義大利有全盤的概念,再根據書中的細節介紹,精挑出自己最想看到的義大利面貌,從而實...
清邁攻略完全制霸 清邁攻略完全制霸【電子書籍】[ 趙思語 ]
価格:1,505 円
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<p>2024年旅遊資料最新版<br /> 全面採訪 ? 更新第一手訊息<br /> 最完整詳實的「清邁」玩樂資訊就看這一本</p> <p>清邁最好買!最好玩!最好吃!</p> <p>超人氣、超夢幻、超好喝??店,超創意、超新鮮、超經典市集,超好吃停不下來美食甜點??清邁的好吃好玩實在太多,如果?也有選擇困難症,就從我們精選的推薦景點挑選起?~</p> <p>不論新手、老手,通通都能輕鬆自行規劃初...
日本神社超圖解:54個Q&A看?參訪禮儀×八百萬神×奇特祭典:還有此生必訪的神社清單:讓參拜過程更有趣 眠れなくなるほど面白い図解 神社の話...
価格:1,206 円
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<p>千里迢迢來到日本神社,</p> <p>別只知道買御守?!</p> <p>8類神社X 23位祭神X 54驚奇QA一次??,</p> <p>秒?千年神祇文化,有求必應、成就願望不是夢!</p> <p>祭神圖鑑+神社知識+參拜禮儀一本?定!</p> <p>濃縮日本流傳千年的老祖宗智慧,</p> <p>就算不太了解日本、不?日本語言,</p> <p>只要願意理解並感受神明的威嚴,</p> <p>神明...
新加坡【電子書籍】[ 墨刻編輯部 ]
価格:1,605 円
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<p>坊間唯一由專業團隊親自採訪的第一手旅遊資訊導覽書<br /> 完全符合台灣人旅遊習慣和喜好<br /> 不論跟團或自由行,一本在手,玩出精彩!</p> <p>永遠都有新潮流,百變新加坡該怎麼玩?<br /> ◎魚尾獅公園、摩天觀景輪、濱海灣金沙酒店的設計,暗藏風水密碼?<br /> ◎星耀樟宜讓機場成為網紅打?熱門景區!<br /> ◎別懷疑,佛寺、教堂、印度廟、清真寺,全蓋在同一條街道上!...
東京聰明玩法0元攻略:和船體驗、皇居聖地、?景展望臺:90+小資&超?選點全指南:讓?玩東京不花錢【電子書籍】[ 墨刻編輯部 ]
価格:1,206 円
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<p>可別以為免費就沒好貨!搜集東京都?的超?免費景點,嚴選超高CP?、?對?得一訪的優質免費景點,獻給精打細算的?!全新玩法,遊玩景點不花錢,就把省下來的通通拿去買東西?!</p> <p>※工廠見學不用錢,還讓?有吃又有抓〜</p> <p>Suntory武藏野?酒工廠、マヨテラス美乃滋殿堂、澤乃井酒藏見學</p> <p>※免費體驗搭乘小舟,還可以親自體驗搖櫓的樂趣!</p> <p>和船乘船體驗:...
東京攻略完全制霸2025~2026【電子書籍】[ 林于心 ]
価格:1,669 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息</p> <p>最完整、最詳實的東京玩樂資訊就看這一本</p> <p>《東京攻略完全制霸2025〜2026》帶來東京最新的交通資訊、人氣的潮流景點,</p> <p>在《特別企劃:三度目の東京》中介紹?行人才會去的東京體驗,帶領讀者迎向東京的嶄新風貌,一探東京的全新進化。</p> <p>◎三度目の東京,給老手的必體驗指南!</p> <p>#1 搭直升機換個角度看晴空...
釜山大邱攻略完全制霸【電子書籍】[ 彭欣喬?柯? ]
価格:1,605 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>MOOK初登場!是第一本、也是坊間最新版的釜山大邱旅遊詳解!</p> <p>以兩大城市→6條都市鐵道→35個地鐵站→外加四段延伸行程→<br /> 468個熱門景點&店鋪→30大必吃?必買推薦<br /> 不論想去?玩、想吃什麼、想買什麼<br /> 通通一次滿足!</p> <p>★★釜邱八大新景點,就從這裡展開旅程★★<br /> ?松島龍宮雲橋:行走於海天之間的龍頭吊橋<br /> ?海...
台灣軍機賞:護衛領空的戰機【電子書籍】[ IDF經國號FB社團 燎原出版 ]
価格:1,406 円
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<p><strong>全民國防入門讀本</strong></p> <p><strong>空軍主力F-16A/B/V戰隼式專題分析</strong></p> <p><strong>F-5E/F雖老,但有許多有趣的過去與現況</strong></p> <p><strong>台灣空中主力戰鬥機的基礎知識</strong></p> <p><strong>支持國軍從了解日常開始</strong></p> <...
Pelican Guide to the Louisiana Capitol【電子書籍】[ Ellen Roy Jolly ]
価格:1,584 円
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<p>The most beautiful of America's fifty statehouses, the Louisiana capitol in Baton Rouge ranks second behind the New Orleans Superdome as the state's leading tourist attraction-and this comprehensiv...
Le Monde 3ed【電子書籍】[ Lonely Planet ]
価格:3,080 円
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<p>? l'occasion des 50 ans de Lonely Planet, d?couvrez la nouvelle ?dition sp?ciale anniversaire du guide exhaustif couvrant tous les pays du monde<br /> 222 destinations, de A comme Afghanistan ? Z c...
中部北陸攻略完全制霸2024-2025【電子書籍】[ 墨刻編輯部 ]
価格:1,605 円
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<p>新熱騰騰、日本《中部北陸攻略完全制霸》,我來?〜〜</p> <p>2024年最新熱門新點,?快來打?!!</p> <p>★快來吉卜力公園尋找千尋&油屋? ?? 愛知縣</p> <p>★ 名古屋夜景燦爛絢麗、還能直接入住電力塔?的設計飯店 ?? 名古屋</p> <p>★ 大通公園煥然一新了,好吃好?,加上新整修的電力塔,簡直浪漫破表 ?? 名古屋</p> <p>★ 搭飛機來看飛機,機場航廈?竟...
Trip to the National Parks of Japan【電子書籍】[ 日本国際放送(企画) ]
価格:1,320 円
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<p><strong>Beautiful nature and ecosystemsーa reflection of the heart and soul of the Japanese people</strong></p> <p><strong>The Japanese Archipelago</strong> is characterized by its <strong>many volc...
GO VISTA: Reisef?hrer Golf von Neapel & Amalfik?ste【電子書籍】[ Heide Marie...
価格:703 円
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<p>Mit der Region Kampanien assoziiert man als erstes Neapel. Soweit stimmen die geografischen Kenntnisse auch, doch diese in ihrem ganz eigenen Takt pulsierende Stadt macht nur einen kleinen Teil der...
Ben le Vay's Eccentric Oxford【電子書籍】[ Benedict le Vay ]
価格:1,533 円
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<p>This new edition of Ben le Vay's irrepressible and irreverent guide to one of the greatest of English cities has been updated and expanded to include even more entertaining tales. There are more ci...
V?sterbotten Land der Abenteuer Nordschweden durchstreifen und erleben...
価格:850 円
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<p>V?sterbotten ist eine unbekannte Region im Norden Schwedens. Sie liegt immerhin 500 Kilometer n?rdlicher gelegen als Anchorage in Alaska. Damit ist sie deutlich rauer als Alaska. Aber dort leben Me...
Ultimate Handbook Guide to Linzhou : (China) Travel Guide Ultimate Han...
価格:616 円
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The Ultimate Handbook Guide to Linzhou : (China) is your second passport to everything interesting and relevant. It provides you with up-to-date advice on what to see and what hidden discoveries await...
Travel Ninja: How to See the World on a Tiny Budget【電子書籍】[ Chris Moen ...
価格:1,011 円
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<p>Chris Moen is a Norwegian, and even though his home country is thriving on oil money ? it does not make him rich. Through a lot of travel, research and curiosity, he set out to find out the most pr...
Journal of Alien #25: A Painter in Pakistan【電子書籍】[ Mary Lou Crerar ]
価格:950 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>When she moved to Pakistan with her husband, artist Mary Lou Crerar had thought that her inability to speak Urdu was going to be a problem. But the main problem turned out to be culture. A sixty ye...
佛羅倫斯?威尼斯?米蘭【電子書籍】[ 林志恆?墨刻編輯部 ]
価格:1,074 円
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<p>★去佛羅倫斯?威尼斯?米蘭旅行的理由?<br /> ◎佛羅倫斯、威尼斯、米蘭都是旅遊北義的必去城市,三城經常被安排在同一?旅遊行程中。<br /> ◎文藝復興運動從佛羅倫斯發?,而老城中心聖母百花大教堂那神奇而偉大的圓頂,更是文藝復興建築的精神象?。<br /> ◎在烏菲茲美術館,可以同時欣賞到達文西、米開朗基羅、拉斐爾文藝復興三傑的曠世巨作。<br /> ◎在華麗的威尼斯聖馬可廣場,遙想威...
100 Things to Do in Gainesville Before You Die【電子書籍】[ Lauren Gonzalez ...
価格:1,686 円
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<p>Although Gainesville may not be the first place that comes to mind when thinking of Florida, it has steadily been making a name for itself. This not-so-small-town is full of eclectic eateries, a vi...
DK Top 10 Boston【電子書籍】[ DK Travel ]
価格:1,755 円
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<p><strong>The world's favourite pocket travel guides</strong></p> <p>Make the most of your trip to Boston with this Top 10 guide. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very ...
L?ften von Rotwein - Pr?sentieren und ?ffnen einer Rotweinflasche am T...
価格:1,407 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Unterweisung / Unterweisungsentwurf aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich AdA Gastronomie / Hotellerie / Tourismus, Note: 1,0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die zu unterweisende Auszubildende X. ist 31 ...
The Smiles of Rome A Literary Companion for Readers and Travelers【電子書籍...
価格:2,366 円
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<p>Take a Roman holiday with some of the world’s greatest writers</p> <p>Explore the Palatine with Elizabeth Bowen. Visit the temple of the Vestal Virgins with Georgina Masson. Analyze Michelangelo’s ...
Spanish Travels, Volume 1【電子書籍】[ John Hay, W. Somerset Maugham ]
価格:336 円
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<p>I've always been a fan of nineteenth-century travel narratives in English. They make comparisons that reveal more about England or the US than they do about the country visited. They don't avoid sh...
Moon Take a Hike Phoenix Hikes Within Two Hours of the City【電子書籍】[ Lil...
価格:1,351 円
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<p><strong>Grab your water bottle and explore more than 75 great hikes in and around Phoenix. The Valley of the Sun offers thousands of acres for hardcore hikers and first-timers alike to enjoy Arizon...
DK National Parks of the USA【電子書籍】[ DK Travel ]
価格:2,984 円
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<p><strong>Get closer to the National Parks of the USA with DK Eyewitness</strong></p> <p>A night spent stargazing in Joshua Tree. Standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon. Wildlife spotting from an ai...
Barcelona incre?ble M?s de 100 actividades extraordinarias【電子書籍】[ Ana ...
価格:740 円
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<p><strong>El libro donde podr?s encontrar lo m?s ins?lito, raro, curioso de una Barcelona incre?ble.</strong></p> <p>Escuelas de sirenas, pasteler?as para perros, catpilates, picnics para hobbits, un...
Buying and Maintaining a 126 S-Class Mercedes【電子書籍】[ Nik Greene ]
価格:4,320 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>The Mercedes 126 S-Class of 1979-91 remains the most successful premium class saloon in the company's history and is considered by many to be one of the best cars in the world. More than quarter of...
Malaysia Travelers Guide【電子書籍】[ Musapura ]
価格:550 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>A Malaysia traveler's guidebook is a comprehensive resource that provides information for visitors who are planning to travel to Malaysia. Such guidebooks typically contain detailed descriptions of...
Buen Camino What a Hike through Spain Taught Me about Investing and Li...
価格:1,180 円
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<p>Lots of people take a walk to clear their heads, but have you ever walked over six hundred miles to do it? On a misty, gray morning in the summer of 2018, Gordon Bernhardt set out from a small town...