搭地鐵玩遍倫敦【電子書籍】[ 李思瑩 ]
価格:1,274 円
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<p>│?容簡介</p> <p>倫敦5大精采印象</p> <p>提到倫敦?會想到甚麼?是要坐很久的飛機才會到的國家?還是生活消費昂貴的地方?亦或是潮流時尚的代表?走訪倫敦前,倫敦五大印象要挑起?玩樂倫敦的慾望,激發?買機票的衝動,跟著玩家一起出發?!</p> <p>1.永遠的黛安娜王妃:史上最親民的王妃,可惜已成人民的追憶</p> <p>2.倫敦交通車:無論百年地下鐵或骨董巴士,不僅四通八達,還風...
沖繩彭大家族自助錦?:2024新手入門全指南【電子書籍】[ 彭國豪 ]
価格:1,274 円
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<p>傳統航空或廉航,怎樣選最省錢的機票?<br /> 民宿風還是海景房,如何住得既舒適又經濟?<br /> 租車旅行有什麼不可不知的省錢技巧?<br /> 颱風來襲,?知道怎麼應對??<br /> 想規劃一場完美的自助旅行,但不知從何開始?<br /> 跟隨彭大和郭妹,探索美麗沖繩!</p> <p>彭大?:「這本書解決所有沖繩旅行疑問,從機票和住宿到颱風應對,一應?全!」<br /> 為何這是沖...
Tha?lande du Sud La magie en Asie: gr?ce ? ce guide de tourisme innova...
価格:1,274 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Voulez-vous une exp?rience culinaire sensationnelle et un voyage g?nial?</p> <p>Alors… <strong>Bienvenue en Tha?lande Sud</strong>, une contr?e incroyable!</p> <p>Vous pensez que le tourisme exotiq...
希臘:雅典?愛琴海島嶼【電子書籍】[ 李美? ]
価格:1,274 円
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<p>HEY!聽?〜?想去希臘玩?</p> <p>但?不知道怎麼規劃行程?</p> <p>?!這或許可以?到?〜</p> <p>這是一本據?可以増加希臘旅遊樂趣的旅遊書,讓?一路笑著玩〜</p> <p>不論跟團或自由行,一本在手,玩出精彩!</p> <p>出發前?必須要知道,</p> <p>希臘這些事可能和?的認知不一樣〜</p> <p>◎「OK」、「5」不能亂比</p> <p>◎「點頭」的方式<...
価格:1,274 円
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<p>美國CNN評選「日本最美風景」此生必定要去<br /> 終於不用再跟團!自助達人帶路,跟著走不迷路<br /> 超?算→ 關西、福岡、岡山進入,搭廉航一路玩<br /> 超方便→ 親子閨密同遊,買套票再搭觀光計程車</p> <p>PLUS ★ 加?收?<br /> ● 經典1日遊,各縣市3日遊<br /> ● 四縣市串連10天、14天規劃<br /> ● 買票券+租借單車,超詳細指引</p>...
奧捷匈玩全指南15-16【電子書籍】[ 陳秀キ ]
価格:1,274 円
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<p>1.《奧捷匈玩全指南》針對前往奧捷匈旅行者的實際需要規劃,區分為:【行前準備】、【奧捷匈初體驗】、【城市導覽】、【主題路線】、【旅遊錦?】五大單元,將奧捷匈最人氣的景點、最經典的建築、最優美的?景、最具特色的美食,以及購物、??館等全數網羅,即使首次拜訪奧捷匈,也能輕鬆玩得盡興。<br /> 2.【行前須知】將奧捷匈文化風俗、生活習慣、禁忌習俗、旅遊安全等彙整出行前注意事項;【旅遊情報速覽】...
十年百城?千卷萬里:城市觀察的創新筆記【電子書籍】[ ?肇東 ]
価格:1,274 円
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<p>宏碁集團創?人 施振榮</p> <p>雄獅集團董事長 王文傑</p> <p>財團法人中衛發展中心董事長 ?日新</p> <p>TEDxTaipei創?人&策展人 許毓仁 誠摯推薦</p> <p>讀萬卷書,還要行萬里路。本書以「遊中學」的概念,將世界當作學習的行動教室,從旅程中與他者、異境的?撞和邂逅,觀察不同城市的風貌、文化與創造力,了解到這些城市如何運用自身的文化底蘊、?史資?及自然秉賦,...
Br?sil - Florianopolis et sa r?gion Escapade dans l’Etat de Santa Cata...
価格:1,278 円
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<p>Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue dans votre nouveau guide <strong><em>Voyage Experience: ≪</em> Br?sil - Florian?polis et sa r?gion ≫</strong>, qui vous fera d?couvrir une magnifique perle nich?e ...
The Dead Yard Tales of Modern Jamaica【電子書籍】[ Ian Thomson ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>Jamaica used to be the source of much of Britain's wealth, an island where slaves grew sugar and the money flowed in vast quantities. It was a tropical paradise for the planters, a Babylonian exile...
Villa Ariadne【電子書籍】[ Dilys Powell ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>The Villa Ariadne stands above the Minoan ruins of Knossos in Crete, a memorial to the British archaeologists who built, lived and worked there. Dilys Powell brings to life the autocratic founder A...
The Year of Living Danishly Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happ...
価格:1,280 円
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<p><strong>* NOW WITH A NEW CHAPTER *</strong></p> <p><strong>'A hugely enjoyable romp through the pleasures and pitfalls of setting up home in a foreign land.'- <em>Guardian</em></strong><br /> <stro...
A Visit to Don Otavio A Mexican Odyssey【電子書籍】[ Sybille Bedford ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>Mexico, through the eyes of Sybille Bedford, is a country of passion and paradox: arid desert and shrieking jungle, harsh sun and deep shadow, violence and sentimentality. In her frank descriptions...
Time Among the Maya Travels in Belize, Guatemala and Mexico【電子書籍】[ Ron...
価格:1,280 円
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<p>The Maya created one of the most dazzling civilizations on earth, famed for its art, astronomy, mathematics and mythology, and its deep, metaphysical fascination with the mystery of time. Though it...
In Ethiopia with a Mule【電子書籍】[ Dervla Murphy ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>Inspired by childhood stories of Prester John and the Queen of Sheba, in 1966 Dervla Murphy bought Jock, an amiable pack-mule, and set off to trek across the highlands of this awesome but troubled ...
Transit of Venus Travels in the Pacific【電子書籍】[ Julian Evans ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>With the potent myths of the Pacific Ocean in mind, Julian Evans journeys ever deeper into a world of gin-clear lagoons, palms and sand, in search of both remnants of the fabulous kingdoms of the n...
The Last Supper A Summer in Italy【電子書籍】[ Rachel Cusk ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p><strong>'A rich meditation: on separation, on possession, on Renaissance artists, and, inevitably, on the transformative nature of travel.'</strong><br /> <em>The Times</em><br /> <strong>'Written ...
An Empire of the East Travels in Indonesia【電子書籍】[ Norman Lewis ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>Norman Lewis was eighty-three years old when he embarked on a series of three arduous journeys into the most contentious corners of Indonesia: western Sumatra, East Timor and Irian Jaya. Presenting...
On a Shoestring to Coorg An experience of southern India【電子書籍】[ Dervla...
価格:1,280 円
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<p>Dervla Murphy and her five-year-old daughter Rachel- with little money, no taste for luxury and few concrete plans- meander slowly from Bombay to the southernmost tip of India. Interested in everyt...
The Rome Plague Diaries Lockdown Life in the Eternal City【電子書籍】[ Matth...
価格:1,280 円
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<p>On the first morning of Rome's Covid-19 lockdown Matthew Kneale felt an urge to connect with friends and acquaintances and began writing an email, describing where he was, what was happening and wh...
Langt fra Danmark. Bind 6【電子書籍】[ Axel Felix ]
価格:1,284 円
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<p>I sjette bind af Axel Felix‘ "Langt fra Danmark" kommer vi igennem staterne Alabama og Florida, hvor vi m?der nogle af de oprindelige indbyggere, indianerne, og ser n?rmere p? de to staters dyre- o...
Bjerget jeg omsider besteg【電子書籍】[ Lis Andersen ]
価格:1,284 円
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<p>Forfatter, fysioterapeut og globetrotter Lis Andersen boede, fra hun var 14 til hun var 17, p? ?en Tenerife. Men familien vendte hjem til Danmark, den spanske borgerkrig br?d ud, og vennen Eleuteri...
Spaniensrejse【電子書籍】[ Jesper Ewald ]
価格:1,284 円
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<p>"Man bedes tage bogen som et bidrag til den forbavsende fattige litteratur om almindelige spanske mennesker; her s?ger den sin eksistensberettigelse". S?dan beskriver Jesper Ewald selv sin bog, hvo...
A Comprehensive Travel Guide To Washington Everything You Need To Know...
価格:1,294 円
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<p>In conclusion, Washington, D.C. is a dynamic destination that combines history, culture, and modern city life. From iconic monuments and free world-class museums to charming neighborhoods and vibra...
Kil?metros de estrada viagens de carro por estradas e pelas culturas l...
価格:1,300 円
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<p>KIL?METROS DE ESTRADA ? uma obra que surgiu sob fortes emo??es e grande necessidade de se reinventar diante da Pandemia Mundial do Covid-19. Nesse momento de medo e do "fique em casa", surgiu a opo...
Overland to India, Volume 2【電子書籍】[ Dr. Sven Hedin ]
価格:1,300 円
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<p>A detailed account of the journey from Trebizond to Quetta. The route took Hedin through Erzerum, skirted Mount Ararat to Etchmiadzin and Nakichevan (the grave of Noah), and thence by Tabriz and Ka...
111 Fr?nkische Biere, die man getrunken haben muss Reisef?hrer【電子書籍】[ ...
価格:1,300 円
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<p>Vom steintrockenen Herrenpils ?ber das vollmundige und naturtr?be Zwickl bis hin zum Rauchbier, Bambergs "fl?ssigem Schinken": Nirgendwo auf der Welt ist die Biervielfalt gr??er als in Franken. In ...
Roma Pocket【電子書籍】[ Duncan Garwood ]
価格:1,300 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>"Mix inebriante di rovine, arte sublime e vivace vita di strada, la capitale d'Italia ? una delle citt? pi? romantiche e affascinanti al mondo". Dritti al cuore di Roma: le esperienze da non perder...
Belgrado e Serbia Pocket【電子書籍】[ Piero Pasini ]
価格:1,300 円
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<p>"Belgrado ? una citt? in continuo movimento, dove la vita scorre tumultuosa come l'acqua dei suoi due fiumi. L'indecifrabile alchimia di Oriente e Occidente e la vitalit? balcanica alternata al sil...
As fun??es administrativas - planejar, organizar, dirigir e controlar ...
価格:1,300 円
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<p>Este livro, fruto de trabalho acad?mico em P?s-Gradua??o, teve por objetivo analisar a aplicabilidade das fun??es administrativas - planejar, organizar, dirigir e controlar - nas atividades de uma ...
Get to know Baden-Baden A Travel And Town Guide【電子書籍】[ Manfred S?hner ...
価格:1,300 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Welcome to Baden-Baden! Take your time visiting Baden-Baden. Our city offers something for everyone. Visit the unique thermal spas, the Kurhaus (conference centre), the Trinkhalle (pump room), the ...