Torino Pocket【電子書籍】[ Sara Cabras ]
価格:1,300 円
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<p>“Colonia romana, cuore del regno dei Savoia, prima capitale d’Italia, citt? dell’industria: Torino vive ancora dei tesori del passato ma sa interpretarli e riproporli al mondo contemporaneo.” Dritt...
Belgrado e Serbia Pocket【電子書籍】[ Piero Pasini ]
価格:1,300 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>"Belgrado ? una citt? in continuo movimento, dove la vita scorre tumultuosa come l'acqua dei suoi due fiumi. L'indecifrabile alchimia di Oriente e Occidente e la vitalit? balcanica alternata al sil...
A Hist?ria Da Navega??o【電子書籍】[ Ruben Ygua ]
価格:1,300 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Temos complicado demais o estudo do passado, dando maior import?ncia a pontos de vista, interesses nacionalistas, religiosos e morais, que colocam o fato hist?rico em segundo plano, subordinado aos...
Roma Pocket【電子書籍】[ Duncan Garwood ]
価格:1,300 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>"Mix inebriante di rovine, arte sublime e vivace vita di strada, la capitale d'Italia ? una delle citt? pi? romantiche e affascinanti al mondo". Dritti al cuore di Roma: le esperienze da non perder...
Un manager italiano in America Emozioni, difficolt?, differenze nel di...
価格:1,300 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>≪Ho le valigie pronte. Mia moglie ha svuotato il nostro appartamento di Marsciano, in Umbria, dove abbiamo vissuto per dieci anni, e siamo pronti a partire per gli USA≫. Inizia cos? il racconto ? q...
Голландец в России【電子書籍】[ Махил Снейп ]
価格:1,300 円
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<p>Всегда интересно послушать, что о нашей стране думают иностранцы. Эдакий взгляд со стороны получается. И прелюбопытный, ведь многие наши нравы, обычаи и привычки иностранцам кажутся странными, заба...
The Secret World of Airport Lounges【電子書籍】[ Dan Starrette ]
価格:1,300 円
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<p>The Secret World of Airport Lounges: A Traveler's Oasis takes readers on a whimsical journey through the world's most exclusive and luxurious airport lounges. This book explores the history, amenit...
Afrika ? Das letzte Abenteuer Die Geschichte eines Safarif?hrers【電子書籍】...
価格:1,300 円
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<p>Das Portr?t eines Kontinents. Ein Muss f?r jeden Afrika-Fan!<br /> Afrika ? Inbegriff von Abenteuer, Wildnis und Sch?nheit der unber?hrten Natur. Eine Safari in der Serengeti bedeutet f?r viele die...
Walking Paris. The Best of the City【電子書籍】[ Pas Paschali ]
価格:1,300 円
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<p>These handy, take-along walking guides--filled with essential maps, inspirational photos, and insider tips--showcase the world's great cities in a practical, streamlined, itinerary-driven format. T...
Il vento della seta Un cammino antropologico da Venezia alle porte d'O...
価格:1,300 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>≪Sognavo terre desolate con cieli a forma di mare. Come un cartografo, ho unito i puntini della storia. Ho attraversato campi verdi, terre ghiacciate, cercando le espressioni infinite dei popoli. H...
A Comprehensive Travel Guide To Washington Everything You Need To Know...
価格:1,294 円
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<p>In conclusion, Washington, D.C. is a dynamic destination that combines history, culture, and modern city life. From iconic monuments and free world-class museums to charming neighborhoods and vibra...
Spaniensrejse【電子書籍】[ Jesper Ewald ]
価格:1,284 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>"Man bedes tage bogen som et bidrag til den forbavsende fattige litteratur om almindelige spanske mennesker; her s?ger den sin eksistensberettigelse". S?dan beskriver Jesper Ewald selv sin bog, hvo...
Langt fra Danmark. Bind 6【電子書籍】[ Axel Felix ]
価格:1,284 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>I sjette bind af Axel Felix‘ "Langt fra Danmark" kommer vi igennem staterne Alabama og Florida, hvor vi m?der nogle af de oprindelige indbyggere, indianerne, og ser n?rmere p? de to staters dyre- o...
Bjerget jeg omsider besteg【電子書籍】[ Lis Andersen ]
価格:1,284 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Forfatter, fysioterapeut og globetrotter Lis Andersen boede, fra hun var 14 til hun var 17, p? ?en Tenerife. Men familien vendte hjem til Danmark, den spanske borgerkrig br?d ud, og vennen Eleuteri...
The Last Supper A Summer in Italy【電子書籍】[ Rachel Cusk ]
価格:1,280 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>'A rich meditation: on separation, on possession, on Renaissance artists, and, inevitably, on the transformative nature of travel.'</strong><br /> <em>The Times</em><br /> <strong>'Written ...
A Visit to Don Otavio A Mexican Odyssey【電子書籍】[ Sybille Bedford ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>Mexico, through the eyes of Sybille Bedford, is a country of passion and paradox: arid desert and shrieking jungle, harsh sun and deep shadow, violence and sentimentality. In her frank descriptions...
Villa Ariadne【電子書籍】[ Dilys Powell ]
価格:1,280 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>The Villa Ariadne stands above the Minoan ruins of Knossos in Crete, a memorial to the British archaeologists who built, lived and worked there. Dilys Powell brings to life the autocratic founder A...
The Year of Living Danishly Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happ...
価格:1,280 円
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<p><strong>* NOW WITH A NEW CHAPTER *</strong></p> <p><strong>'A hugely enjoyable romp through the pleasures and pitfalls of setting up home in a foreign land.'- <em>Guardian</em></strong><br /> <stro...
Time Among the Maya Travels in Belize, Guatemala and Mexico【電子書籍】[ Ron...
価格:1,280 円
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<p>The Maya created one of the most dazzling civilizations on earth, famed for its art, astronomy, mathematics and mythology, and its deep, metaphysical fascination with the mystery of time. Though it...
On a Shoestring to Coorg An experience of southern India【電子書籍】[ Dervla...
価格:1,280 円
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<p>Dervla Murphy and her five-year-old daughter Rachel- with little money, no taste for luxury and few concrete plans- meander slowly from Bombay to the southernmost tip of India. Interested in everyt...
In Ethiopia with a Mule【電子書籍】[ Dervla Murphy ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>Inspired by childhood stories of Prester John and the Queen of Sheba, in 1966 Dervla Murphy bought Jock, an amiable pack-mule, and set off to trek across the highlands of this awesome but troubled ...
An Empire of the East Travels in Indonesia【電子書籍】[ Norman Lewis ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>Norman Lewis was eighty-three years old when he embarked on a series of three arduous journeys into the most contentious corners of Indonesia: western Sumatra, East Timor and Irian Jaya. Presenting...
The Rome Plague Diaries Lockdown Life in the Eternal City【電子書籍】[ Matth...
価格:1,280 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>On the first morning of Rome's Covid-19 lockdown Matthew Kneale felt an urge to connect with friends and acquaintances and began writing an email, describing where he was, what was happening and wh...
Transit of Venus Travels in the Pacific【電子書籍】[ Julian Evans ]
価格:1,280 円
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<p>With the potent myths of the Pacific Ocean in mind, Julian Evans journeys ever deeper into a world of gin-clear lagoons, palms and sand, in search of both remnants of the fabulous kingdoms of the n...
The Dead Yard Tales of Modern Jamaica【電子書籍】[ Ian Thomson ]
価格:1,280 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Jamaica used to be the source of much of Britain's wealth, an island where slaves grew sugar and the money flowed in vast quantities. It was a tropical paradise for the planters, a Babylonian exile...
Br?sil - Florianopolis et sa r?gion Escapade dans l’Etat de Santa Cata...
価格:1,278 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue dans votre nouveau guide <strong><em>Voyage Experience: ≪</em> Br?sil - Florian?polis et sa r?gion ≫</strong>, qui vous fera d?couvrir une magnifique perle nich?e ...
搭地鐵玩遍香港【電子書籍】[ 三木 ]
価格:1,274 円
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<p>│?容簡介</p> <p>知名粉絲團「香港旅遊背包客」版主三木,經典力作《搭地鐵玩遍香港》新第三版好評登場!</p> <p>繁華熱鬧的購物天堂,醉人微醺的浪漫夜景,多元文化的相互交融,燦爛繽紛的東方明珠,在地港仔帶路,讓?暢遊最精華的香港!</p> <p>香港對台灣人來?,旅遊優勢如下:</p> <p>氣候差異小……兩地氣候相似好適應,免煩惱如何穿衣</p> <p>相隔距離近……飛行時間不到...
希臘:雅典?愛琴海島嶼【電子書籍】[ 李美? ]
価格:1,274 円
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<p>HEY!聽?〜?想去希臘玩?</p> <p>但?不知道怎麼規劃行程?</p> <p>?!這或許可以?到?〜</p> <p>這是一本據?可以増加希臘旅遊樂趣的旅遊書,讓?一路笑著玩〜</p> <p>不論跟團或自由行,一本在手,玩出精彩!</p> <p>出發前?必須要知道,</p> <p>希臘這些事可能和?的認知不一樣〜</p> <p>◎「OK」、「5」不能亂比</p> <p>◎「點頭」的方式<...
沖繩彭大家族自助錦?:2024新手入門全指南【電子書籍】[ 彭國豪 ]
価格:1,274 円
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<p>傳統航空或廉航,怎樣選最省錢的機票?<br /> 民宿風還是海景房,如何住得既舒適又經濟?<br /> 租車旅行有什麼不可不知的省錢技巧?<br /> 颱風來襲,?知道怎麼應對??<br /> 想規劃一場完美的自助旅行,但不知從何開始?<br /> 跟隨彭大和郭妹,探索美麗沖繩!</p> <p>彭大?:「這本書解決所有沖繩旅行疑問,從機票和住宿到颱風應對,一應?全!」<br /> 為何這是沖...
搭地鐵玩遍倫敦【電子書籍】[ 李思瑩 ]
価格:1,274 円
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<p>│?容簡介</p> <p>倫敦5大精采印象</p> <p>提到倫敦?會想到甚麼?是要坐很久的飛機才會到的國家?還是生活消費昂貴的地方?亦或是潮流時尚的代表?走訪倫敦前,倫敦五大印象要挑起?玩樂倫敦的慾望,激發?買機票的衝動,跟著玩家一起出發?!</p> <p>1.永遠的黛安娜王妃:史上最親民的王妃,可惜已成人民的追憶</p> <p>2.倫敦交通車:無論百年地下鐵或骨董巴士,不僅四通八達,還風...