Rick Steves Snapshot Krak?w, Warsaw & Gdansk【電子書籍】[ Rick Steves ]
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<p><strong>With Rick Steves, Poland’s top cities are yours to discover! This slim guide excerpted from <em>Rick Steves Central Europe</em> includes:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Rick's firsthand, up-...
Moon Coastal Oregon: With Portland Scenic Drives, Marine Wildlife, His...
価格:1,621 円
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<p><strong>From stunning coastline to charming towns to wildlife watching, find your adventure with <em>Moon Coastal Oregon</em>. Inside you'll find:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Flexible itineraries...
Off Track Planet's Travel Guide to 'Merica! for the Young, Sexy, and B...
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<p>The experts at <em>Off Track Planet</em> bring you a roadtripping guide to 'Merica. This guide includes all the information you'll need to take on the great nation of 'Merica, a country filled with...
Moon Nashville Live Music, Food & Whiskey, Neighborhood Walks【電子書籍】[ M...
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<p><strong>Move to the beat and savor the unique creative energy of Music City. From hot chicken to warm Southern hospitality, experience it all with <em>Moon Nashville</em>.</strong></p> <ul> <li><st...
61 Gems on Highway 61 Your Guide to Minnesota’s North Shore, from Well...
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<p><strong>Discover the North Shore you haven’t seen.</strong></p> <p>Highway 61, from Duluth, Minnesota, to the Canadian border, is peppered with tourist hotspots that Minnesotans love. But even the ...
Ford Escort Mk1 Rally Giants【電子書籍】[ Graham Robson ]
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<p>This book describes the birth, development, and rallying career of the original Ford Escort, one of Europe's Landmark Rally Cars in the early 1970s, providing a compact and authoritative history of...
Paris for Food Lovers【電子書籍】[ Elin Unnes ]
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<p>Discover the coolest places to eat in the City of Light from the best market stalls, the tastiest and cheapest oysters, restaurants in alleys, bars in the cellar, and places serving 'nouvelle nouve...
Lancia Stratos Rally Giants【電子書籍】[ Graham Robson ]
価格:1,619 円
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<p>This book describes the birth, development and rallying career of the Lancia Stratos, Europe ?s very first purpose-built rally car, in the mid/late 1970s, providing a compact and authoritative hist...
Haunted Hikes Spine-Tingling Tales and Trails from North America's Nat...
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<p>Ghosts! Curses! Hoaxes! Unsolved mysteries! Paranormal events! Take a walk on the creepy side of North America's National Parks! Andrea Lankford, a 12-year veteran ranger with the National Park Ser...
Tiki Road Trip A Guide to Tiki Culture in North America【電子書籍】[ James T...
価格:1,619 円
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<p>The 2nd edition of <em>Tiki Road Trip</em> has been completely updated, expanded, and globalized. The best-and only-guide to Polynesian pop culture, written by Tiki expert and urban archaeologist J...
Which Oil? Choosing the right oils & greases for your vintage, antique...
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<p>This is a new edition for November 2013</p> <p>If you own a classic car, you face the problem of choosing the appropriate modern lubricants to use in its engine, gearbox, final drive and chassis. T...
New York【電子書籍】[ White E. B. ]
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<p>Perceptive, funny, and nostalgic, E.B. White's stroll around Manhattan remains the quintessential love letter to the city, written by one of America's foremost literary figures. The New York Times ...
LETTERS FROM ENGLAND(从英特?来的信)【電子書籍】[ Elizabeth Davis Bancroft ]
価格:1,616 円
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<p>The original works of foreign classics, including the most representative literary masters and the most influential representative works.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わ...
価格:1,605 円
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<p><strong>《野生的東歐》最終回,浪跡天涯背包客直?俄烏戰爭前線</strong></p> <p><strong>對俄羅斯人來?,普丁是聖君還是獨夫?</strong></p> <p><strong>俄羅斯為何要打烏克蘭,是因為北約越界還是普丁的野心?</strong></p> <p><strong>對東歐人來?,身處東西戰略要衝是他們的宿命</strong></p> <p><stron...
価格:1,605 円
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<p><strong>繼《野生的東歐》上冊,這回背包客塔朋將前進「巴爾幹火藥庫」</strong></p> <p><strong>「巴爾幹半島會打仗都是美帝的陰謀?」</strong></p> <p><strong>巴爾幹人口耳相傳南斯拉夫會解體都是美國人害的</strong></p> <p><strong>「南斯拉夫前總統狄托是被調包過的替身?」</strong></p> <p><strong>...
拉薩之旅(平裝本經典回歸,?發後世女性探險家與登山家經典之作) My Journey to Lhasa【電子書籍】[ 亞?珊卓?大衛─尼爾(...
価格:1,605 円
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<p>二十世紀最傳奇的女性旅行家</p> <p>?代達頼喇嘛首次接見的西方女子</p> <p>十四世達頼喇嘛特別撰文作序</p> <p>這是一本動人而雄辯的書,是西方人了解西藏的重要著作,</p> <p>也是?發後來許多女性探險家與登山家的經典之作。</p> <p>──セン宏志</p> <p>紐約時報書評:</p> <p>《拉薩之旅》……為我們深入引介了一個逝去已久的世界!</p> <p>堪稱二十...
中部北陸攻略完全制霸2024-2025【電子書籍】[ 墨刻編輯部 ]
価格:1,605 円
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<p>新熱騰騰、日本《中部北陸攻略完全制霸》,我來?〜〜</p> <p>2024年最新熱門新點,?快來打?!!</p> <p>★快來吉卜力公園尋找千尋&油屋? ?? 愛知縣</p> <p>★ 名古屋夜景燦爛絢麗、還能直接入住電力塔?的設計飯店 ?? 名古屋</p> <p>★ 大通公園煥然一新了,好吃好?,加上新整修的電力塔,簡直浪漫破表 ?? 名古屋</p> <p>★ 搭飛機來看飛機,機場航廈?竟...
心靈之眼的旅程 Journey Into the Mind's Eye【電子書籍】[ ?斯蕾.布蘭キ ]
価格:1,605 円
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<p>讓セン宏志驚?的傳奇女作家!</p> <p>一場忠於自我的旅程,横越俄羅斯找尋最終的歸屬追隨心中的夢土。</p> <p>一直以來,?斯蕾.布蘭キ的夢想就跟別人不一樣。當「旅人」還在?小時候走進?的生命裡,就註定了布蘭キ與俄羅斯結下了永恆的契約。</p> <p>這名「旅人」,沒有名字,甚至沒有人清楚他到底是誰。就一名?身俄國大革命的人來?,他太務實也太公開;就一名知識?子來?,他太高調;就一名...
影子大地【電子書籍】[ 伊麗莎白.柯斯托娃 ]
価格:1,605 円
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<p><strong>?走在陌生國度裡,身心?疲,覺得?世未深的自己,以戲劇化的方式落入某種更大力量之手。</strong></p> <p>美國女子亞莉珊卓獨自前往保加利亞旅遊與教書,希望國外的生活能?療癒??心的創傷。這?創傷是因為失去摯愛的哥哥所造成。多年前,在一次家庭爬山健行途中,兄妹倆因小事起了口角,對彼此?了無心的傷人話語。亞莉珊卓沒想到,這竟是自己與哥哥最後的對話。從此,亞莉珊卓看待人...
新加坡【電子書籍】[ 墨刻編輯部 ]
価格:1,605 円
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<p>坊間唯一由專業團隊親自採訪的第一手旅遊資訊導覽書<br /> 完全符合台灣人旅遊習慣和喜好<br /> 不論跟團或自由行,一本在手,玩出精彩!</p> <p>永遠都有新潮流,百變新加坡該怎麼玩?<br /> ◎魚尾獅公園、摩天觀景輪、濱海灣金沙酒店的設計,暗藏風水密碼?<br /> ◎星耀樟宜讓機場成為網紅打?熱門景區!<br /> ◎別懷疑,佛寺、教堂、印度廟、清真寺,全蓋在同一條街道上!...
東京近郊攻略完全制霸2023-2024【電子書籍】[ 墨刻編輯部 ]
価格:1,605 円
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<p>《東京近郊攻略完全制霸。2023~2024最新版》</p> <p>日光、輕井澤、迪士尼樂園、箱根、富士山、横濱、草津?泉、靜岡、伊豆……</p> <p>這麼多精彩好玩的超熱門景點,原來離東京只需1~2小時車程距離,</p> <p>旅遊目標鎖定東京購物、旅遊的同時,不妨將路線再放大一圈,</p> <p>利用東京四通八達的便利鐵道或巴士,大玩東京近郊外圍豐沛多樣的景致?!</p> <p>以東京都...
釜山大邱攻略完全制霸【電子書籍】[ 彭欣喬?柯? ]
価格:1,605 円
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<p>MOOK初登場!是第一本、也是坊間最新版的釜山大邱旅遊詳解!</p> <p>以兩大城市→6條都市鐵道→35個地鐵站→外加四段延伸行程→<br /> 468個熱門景點&店鋪→30大必吃?必買推薦<br /> 不論想去?玩、想吃什麼、想買什麼<br /> 通通一次滿足!</p> <p>★★釜邱八大新景點,就從這裡展開旅程★★<br /> ?松島龍宮雲橋:行走於海天之間的龍頭吊橋<br /> ?海...
波蘭?波羅的海三小國:愛沙尼亞?拉?維亞?立陶宛【電子書籍】[ 墨刻編輯部 ]
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<p>後疫情旅遊資料最新版</p> <p>全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息</p> <p>最完整詳實的「波蘭?波羅的海三小國」玩樂資訊就看這一本</p> <p>◎各國必遊大城深度解剖,一本書即可輕鬆玩遍四國!</p> <p>★ 波蘭迷人城鎮全覽</p> <p>戰後崛起的中歐大城:華沙</p> <p>聯合國文化遺?古城:克拉科夫</p> <p>世界琥珀之都:格旦斯克</p> <p>波蘭最美的中古世界城鎮...
Lesereise Obere Adria Das Spiel des Lichts in der Lagune【電子書籍】[ Stefan...
価格:1,600 円
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<p>An den Ufern der italienischen Oberen Adria liegt die Geschichte Europas ausgebreitet wie in einem begehbaren Bilderbuch. Zugleich befinden sich hier einige der sch?nsten Landschaften Europas. Ural...
Lesereise Indiens Norden Ein Turban voller Wunder【電子書籍】[ Bernd Schille...
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<p>Indien hei?t: den Atem anhalten und niederknien vor solch ?berirdischer Sch?nheit wie dem Taj Mahal, fassungslos den Kopf sch?tteln angesichts des harten Nebeneinanders von Prunk und Elend, die K?s...
Was machen wir morgen, Mama? Stralsund, R?gen, Hiddensee Erlebnisf?hre...
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<p>Auch wenn die Sonne nicht gerade zum Strand lockt, k?nnen Familien mit Kindern in den beliebten Urlaubsregionen Vorpommerns jede Menge Spa? haben. Zahlreiche Freizeitangebote sind entstanden, f?r j...
Islas griegas【電子書籍】[ VVAA ]
価格:1,600 円
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<p>Grecia es, sin duda, el Parten?n, la antig?edad cl?sica, sus piedras, pero tambi?n sus m?s de 6000 islas e islotes dispersos por los mares J?nico y Egeo, de las cuales 227 est?n habitadas. El viaje...
Buntland 16 Menschen, 16 Geschichten【電子書籍】[ Oliver L?ck ]
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<p>Ein ungew?hnliches Reisebuch, das zeigt, wie schr?g, vielf?ltig und bunt unsere Heimat ist.<br /> Oliver L?ck zeigt Deutschland, wie es in gro?en Teilen schon lange ist: bunt. Daf?r portr?tiert er ...
Baltische Begegnungen Unterwegs in Estland, Lettland und Litauen【電子書籍】...
価格:1,600 円
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<p>Im Baltikum findet man, was es im Westen so nicht mehr gibt: wei?e N?chte, wei?e Str?nde, weite Landschaften. Und ein reichhaltiges Erbe der Geschichte - mit Ordensburgen, mittelalterlichen St?dten...
Follow Me Guides【電子書籍】[ Yuki Sora ]
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<p>DISCOVER untouched wilderness* EXPLORE off the beaten track * REMEMBER the magic</p> <p>Packed with all the relevant information and up-to-date advice, Follow Me Guides: Mongolia offers a vast rang...