Danska Or?asafnsb?k A?fer? Bygg? ? M?lefnum【電子書籍】
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>?essi or?afor?ab?k inniheldur meira en 3000 dansk or? og or?asamb?nd sem eru flokku? eftir m?lefnum til a? gera ?a? au?veldara fyrir ?ig a? velja hva? ?? vilt l?ra fyrst. ?ar a? auki inniheldur sei...
Aut aut. Vol. 336 - Davanti alla televisione【電子書籍】[ AA.VV. ]
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>SCIBILIA: Il bello della polizia BONI: Al di qua e al di l? dei media PASQUALI: Non si interrompe un'emozione KIRCHMAYR: Estetica dell'hoax ROVATTI: Elogio di "Blob" ALTIN, ZOLETTO: L'integrazione ...
Serbisk ordbok En ?mnesbaserad metod【電子書籍】
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Den h?r ordboken inneh?ller fler ?n 3000 serbiska ord och fraser som grupperats efter ?mne s? att du l?ttare kan v?lja vad du vill l?ra dig f?rst. Dessutom inneh?ller den andra halvan av boken tv? ...
Easy Mexican Spanish Phrase Book【電子書籍】[ Efrain Galeano ]
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Mexico with this comprehensive phrasebook.</strong></p> <p>Perfect for travelers, students, and anyone looking to expand their Spanis...
How to Pass Comps: An Insider's Guide for Graduate Students in the Soc...
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Worried about comps?</strong></p> <p>Who isn't? Comprehensive exams. Qualifying exams. Field exams. General exams. Whatever the name at your university, it's the most important exam you'll ...
Lithuanian Vocabulary Book A Topic Based Approach【電子書籍】
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Lithuanian vocabulary book + Lithuanian dictionary</strong><br /> This Lithuanian vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases which are grouped by topic to make it easier for ...
Arabisk Vokabularbok En Emnebasert Tiln?rming【電子書籍】
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Denne vokabularboken inneholder mer enn 3000 arabiske ord og uttrykk som er gruppert etter emner for ? gj?re det lettere for deg ? velge hva du vil l?re f?rst. I tillegg inneholder den andre halvde...
L?r Hviterussisk - Hurtig / Lett / Effektivt 2000 Viktige Vokabularer【...
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Denne boken inneholder en liste over vokabularer med 2000 av de mest brukte ordene og uttrykkene sortert etter bruksfrekvens i dagligtale. Denne vokabularboken f?lger 80/20-regelen, som betyr at du...
Espanjan sanakirja Aihepohjainen l?hestyminen【電子書籍】
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>T?m? sanastokirja sis?lt?? yli 3 000 espanjankielist? sanaa ja fraasia, jotka on ryhmitelty aiheittain. N?in voit valita helpommin, mit? haluat oppia ensin. T?m?n lis?ksi kirjan toinen puolisko sis...
廣州話普通話圖文對照手冊【電子書籍】[ 張冠雄 ]
価格:1,390 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>本書取材自日常生活情景,從人的身體主要部位入手,選取與五官、四肢有關的生活常用詞彙,如「仰起頭/岳高頭」、「打傘/擔遮」、「??/?高對?」等等,將生活中的味帶到語言學習中。<br /> 除了介紹普?詞彙的對比詞義及對話,本書更搭配直觀、詼諧、有趣的漫畫圖解及詞彙小練習,讓學習者輕鬆了解雙語文化,記憶普?常用詞彙,隨時應用在生活中,迅速提高雙語溝通能力。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しば...
最短時間,最高效率!50個超學習法 最短で結果が出る「超・学習法」ベスト50【電子書籍】[ 井口晃 ]
価格:1,389 円
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<p>徹底擺?無效學習!</p> <p>耗時20年,斥資1億日圓自我投資的最強學習心法。</p> <p>實際受惠超過20萬名學生。</p> <p>結合最新科學證據和實證效果分析得出的讀書訣竅。</p> <p>讀書考試、工作職場皆適用,「INPUT」&「OUTPUT」最強寶典。</p> <p>專文推薦</p> <p>鄭緯筌 「Vista寫作陪伴計畫」主理人</p> <p>好評推薦</p> <p>王乾...
In The Name of Glory【電子書籍】[ Tom Rubython ]
価格:1,387 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>As the sun set on the 1975 season, James Hunt was down and out of Formula One. He had no drive for 1976 and was all washed up. In contrast, Niki Lauda, the new world champion of 1975, was in an ent...
第一次到倫敦學英語【電子書籍】[ Christopher Belton ]
価格:1,379 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>大家都知道英國腔和美國腔聽起來很不一樣,但是,或許不是?個人都知道英式英語和美式英語之間,不只腔調不同,連用詞遣字都因為長時間的地理區隔而出現了明顯的差異。對台灣的英語學習者而言,獨尊美式英語的教育體系很可能使讀者低估這些差異的重要性,甚至是對這些不同一無所知,等真正來到英國讀書或旅遊時,才赫然發現,原來大大小小的誤解與溝通障礙,居然都源自於無法確實掌握英式英語的用法。</p> <p>本書《...
Se vuoi sopravvivere all'universit?, smetti di studiare【電子書籍】[ Alessio...
価格:1,379 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Raggiunta la maturit? gli studenti si trovano davanti a un bivio: cosa fare dopo la scuola. Tipicamente le opzioni sono due: proseguire gli studi o cercare un lavoro. Sono tanti i giovani che spint...
??君的觀念英文?讀1:從看?句子開始〔全新増訂版〕【電子書籍】[ ??君 ]
価格:1,379 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>博客來語言學習類「年度之最」,熱銷10****年全新改版!</strong></p> <p><strong>教?掌握讀英文最基本、最重要,卻最多人忽略的觀念:</strong></p> <p><strong>「一個句子只有一個主詞、一個動詞!」</strong></p> <p><strong>觀念正確,就算句子再複雜也能一看就?!</strong></p> <p>「單字都看得...
Samouczek j?zyka angielskiego w zdaniach do t?umaczenia Poziom element...
価格:1,379 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Jest to propozycja dla os?b, kt?re dopiero zacz??y nauk? je?yka angielskiego, pragn? sami opanowa? poziom podstawowy i dla tych, kt?rzy j?zyka ucz? si? od lat, ale ich wiedza nie jest uporz?dkowana...
I Never Knew That About London【電子書籍】[ Christopher Winn ]
価格:1,376 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Discover hundreds of fascinating facts about London in this enthralling miscellany</strong></p> <p>Travelling through the villages and districts that make up the world's most dynamic metrop...
Bite-Size Lincoln Wit and Wisdom from the Frontier President【電子書籍】
価格:1,376 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>President Lincoln's thoughts on an astounding range of subjects have not only become classic observations about the human condition in turn-of-the-century America, but also continue to amuse, teach...
Miss Conduct's Mind over Manners Master the Slippery Rules of Modern E...
価格:1,376 円
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<p><strong>A witty, sophisticated guide to the new principles of modern social behavior, by a psychologist and popular alternative-etiquette-and-ethics guru</strong></p> <p>This is no rule book about ...
Countdown to Your Perfect Wedding From Engagement Ring to Honeymoon, a...
価格:1,376 円
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<p>Planning a wedding can be an exciting, overwhelming, and time consuming endeavor. COUNTDOWN TO YOUR PERFECT WEDDING will give brides the exact amount of information they need to plan the wedding th...
The Insider's Guide to the Colleges, 2012 Students on Campus Tell You ...
価格:1,376 円
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<p>The Insider's Guide to the Colleges has been, for 38 years, the most relied-upon resource for high school students looking for honest reports on colleges from their fellow students.</p> <p>Having i...
Free Money For Athletic Scholarships【電子書籍】[ Laurie Blum ]
価格:1,376 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>There is an enormous amount of financial aid money available in direct scholarships and grants to fund college study; the trick is to identify the sources of athletic awards and to find the right o...
Free Money From Colleges and Universities【電子書籍】[ Laurie Blum ]
価格:1,376 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Almost every college and university offers scholarships in a wide variety of disciplines, yet many students are not aware that these scholarships exist. In <em>Free Money from Colleges and Universi...
106-111學年度國中英文會考官方試題【電子書籍】[ LiveABC編輯群 ]
価格:1,363 円
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<p>?準備會考的國中學生適用<br /> ?收?新課綱素養導向新題型</p> <p>正在準備國中會考的?一定要有這本必勝寶典!<br /> 完整收??年考題並詳盡解?,全面理解國中會考出題邏輯,解題快速拿高分!</p> <p>考前衝刺必備,一本?定會考英文科!<br /> 在時間有限的情形下,不可能再慢慢一課一課重新學習,這個時候可以直接實作考題,從錯誤中直接抓複習重點,讓考前準備更有效率!這是...
跟讀學文法 用母語人士的方法學英文,不用想、直接?,就是正確的文法!(附音?下載QR code)【電子書籍】[ 外文列車 ]
価格:1,357 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>唸著唸著就學會!</p> <p>一本?定基礎文法體系、進階句型重點</p> <p>不用死記硬背公式,只要利用符合文法模式的跟讀句組,</p> <p>反覆聆聽類似句型、把英文文法「?」出來,</p> <p>就能像母語人士一樣,自然養成語感!</p> <p>總是覺得文法書的?明很困難,即使背了文法公式,還是沒?法開口?英文??這是因為,母語人士學習文法根本不用靠背!他們在日常生活中不斷用英文聽、...
圖解第一本真的學得會的21天英文文法【電子書籍】[ 張慈庭 ]
価格:1,357 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>?一定沒想過,那些以為要花一輩子時間才能??的文法,這本只需要短短3週的時間,就能?定!</p> <p>?一定沒想過,那些曾經令?頭痛不已的文法觀念,竟然能用小狗、小?的生活來解釋+實例運用!</p> <p>?一定沒想過,老外常用的英文文法,僅僅只有21種,全書精選21大文法概念全收?,看圖就能3秒鐘解決!</p> <p>不?文法的語言學習者,無論能力再怎麼高強,就像是一棟高樓蓋得漂漂亮亮,...
The Portable Dad Fix-It Advice for When Dad's Not Around【電子書籍】[ Steve ...
価格:1,351 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>For college students, twentysomethings, and anyone else who keeps Dad on speed-dial for car emergencies, plumbing woes, appliance advice, and more. Take Dad's know-how with you everywhere you go! T...
Rick Steves Spanish Phrase Book & Dictionary【電子書籍】[ Rick Steves ]
価格:1,351 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>From ordering tapas in Madrid to making new friends in Costa del Sol, it helps to speak some of the native tongue in Spain. Rick Steves offers well-tested Spanish words and phrases that com...
Dictionary Of Indology【電子書籍】[ Dr. Vishnulok Bihari Srivastava ]
価格:1,351 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Dictionary of Indology presents the history of Indian Scriptures, Language, Literature and Humanities in all the forms, colours and dimensions; not graphically but alphabetically; from the most pri...
The Uncyclopedia【電子書籍】[ Gideon Haigh ]
価格:1,351 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Make way for this defiantly idiosyncratic, hilariously illuminating compendium of curiosities you never knew you wanted to know!</strong></p> <p>How do you flirt in Turkish? How do you dump...