Find the Perfect College for You 82 Exceptional Schools That Fit Your ...
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<p>A comprehensive approach to selecting a college that is in tune with a student's learning style, this guide offers a personalized, psychology-based approach to selecting the perfect university. Tak...
法文文法瑰寶:自主學習進階版 Les richesses de la grammaire fran?aise【電子書籍】[ 楊淑娟、侯義如 ...
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<p><strong>廣受好評的《法語凱旋門:法文圖表精解》續作進階版!</strong><br /> <strong>以圖表與例句解?進階法文文法,奠定扎實法文基礎!</strong></p> <p>本書專為已具備法語基礎的學生編寫,精心剖析進階法文文法各要點,清楚分類文法項目並詳細?明,透過例句與練習來學習進階法語一次就融會貫通!</p> <p><strong>?本書特點</strong><b...
Dominoes: Starter. A Pretty Face【電子書籍】[ John Escott ]
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<p>Zoe Baker works in a bookstore. She also likes acting, and she has a part in the play Romeo and Juliet. Mike Morrison writes about the play for the newspaper. What does he write about Zoe? Is Zoe a...
公大講堂:思想的風采(第二冊)【電子書籍】[ 香港公開大學 ]
価格:1,521 円
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<p>本書十一篇大師級的講座?容,涵蓋「文化、文學與?史」、「教育、經濟與政治」、「數理與科研」三大範疇。秉承大學「公誠毅樸、開明進取」的校訓,希望藉此為讀者増?知識。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません...
How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth A Guide to Understanding...
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<p>With so many Bible translations available today, how can you find those that will be most useful to you? What is the difference between a translation that calls itself “literal” and one that is mor...
US Rivers 2.547 US Rivers by Pythagorean Logodynamics【電子書籍】[ Gregory Z...
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<p>US Rivers 2.547 US Rivers by Pythagorean Logodynamics</p> <p>Names are sorted according of the state of origin in USA.</p> <p>Data of names are from the US census bureau. </p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらく...
Reasons Or Results Excuses Kill Objectives【電子書籍】[ Tj Day ]
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<p>All of us have goals. Goals like losing weight, earning more money, finding a life partner, setting up our business, achieving performance targets, being fitter, building better relationships, and ...
Business Mandarin Chinese for Indian Learners, Volume One【電子書籍】[ Shih-...
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<p>This textbook was compiled with a focus on the local Indian context, culture, and business practices. The topics can be divided into two categories: social life, and workplace activities related to...
WORKBOOK: Hacking Kickstarter, Indiegogo: How to Raise Big Bucks in 30...
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<p><strong>WORKBOOK VERSION OF BEST-SELLING HACKING KICKSTARTER BOOK</strong></p> <p><strong>Workbook Includes:</strong> Brainstorming Sessions, Quizzes, Exercises, Campaign Pricing Formula, Dos and D...
Introduction to Portuguese Grammar【電子書籍】[ Edwin B. Williams ]
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<p>Self-study of classroom course in everyday Portuguese, stressing European but also giving information on Brazilian.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。...
Modern Etiquette for a Better Life Master All Social and Business Exch...
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<p><strong>The Easy and Smart Way to Mind Your Manners in the Boardroom and Beyond</strong></p> <p>Diane Gottsman is here to make minding your manners more practical, relatable and modern. In today’s ...
不?唆!生活英語會話教室(附1MP3)【電子書籍】[ 張瑩安 ]
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<p>話講得越多、越長,<br /> 越會讓人誤會「?的英文是不是不?好?」<br /> 學學老外這樣使用英文會話,才能真正快+狠+準表達!</p> <p>上完這一課,英文【聽、讀】秒理解<br /> 學會真正口語、老外常用的高頻率道地英文?法,<br /> 外電新聞、Youtube影片、電影……通通輕鬆看?聽?!</p> <p>上完這一課,英文【?、寫】少廢話<br /> 社群貼文、心情分享、訊...
漢語語言學(全新改版)【電子書籍】[ 李子?、曹逢甫 ]
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<p><strong>叢書簡介</strong></p> <p>「對外華語文教學研究叢書Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Series」<br /> 策劃:董鵬程先生/世界華語文教育學會祕書長</p> <p>主編:柯華?教授/中央大學學習與教學研究所所長</p> <p>全球華語文教師的最佳指導書<br /> 本叢書集結台灣數十位優秀華語文學者專家費時二年完...
快記大考英文單字(I):必考詞素+解構式助記,快速熟記10倍單字量!(隨掃即聽QRCode:全書單字/例句全收?mp3)【電子書籍】[ 蔡文...
価格:1,505 円
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<p>本書特色:</p> <p>★關鍵「必考詞素」為主軸,超好記!</p> <p>最好?的英文學習術!</p> <p>以必考詞素為中心,將相同詞素的重要大考單字全部整理歸納在一起進行拆解學習,群組記憶能記更多、記更好!</p> <p>★高強度邏輯「聯想助記」,最牢記!</p> <p>從構字法角度解構單字,將單字拆開,先理解詞素的個別意思,再合起來認識組合後的意義,透過有邏輯的聯想助記,以「熟→生→...
新制NEW TOEIC高分達標攻略4回全真試題+解析【電子書籍】[ LiveABC編輯群 ]
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<p># LiveABC師資群編寫,最專業全真模擬試題<br /> # 多益初試考前最後複習驗收的指定教材<br /> # 共4本試題本+4本解答本組合,攜帶使用超便捷</p> <p>準備TOEIC考試的倒數關鍵時刻<br /> 完整的模考訓練非常重要<br /> 透過作答後的解題分析<br /> 用最有效率的方式讓成績有最大幅度的成長</p> <p>三大特色,完全掌握命題重點<br /> ? 新...
1001 Funniest Things Ever Said【電子書籍】
価格:1,502 円
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<p>Here are a thousand and one laugh-out-loud quotes, quips and jokes, all in one packed volume. From politicians to sports legends, Hollywood stars to Miss USA contestants, comedians are not the only...
The Smartest Things Ever Said, New and Expanded【電子書籍】[ Steven D. Price...
価格:1,502 円
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<p>The Smartest Things Ever Said is a compendium of human wisdom culled from the world’s most celebratedーand sometimes anonymousーminds. From Confucius and Shakespeare to Maya Angelou and Woody Allen, ...
EssaySnark's Strategies for the 2011-'12 MBA Admissions Essays for NYU...
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<p>Here are a few great things about the NYU Stern School of Business:</p> <p>? Stern has a part-time MBA program ? the only one at a major bschool in the Northeast<br /> ? Stern has exceptional resou...
5 von 4 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich Die 100 bekanntesten B...
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<p>≪Zur Handlung: Es gibt keine.≫<br /> ≪Der Godot kommt bis zum Schluss nicht. Vielleicht h?tte er das Buch spannender gemacht.≫<br /> ≪Man kann das Buch zehnmal lesen und findet immer einen anderen ...
Finnisch - Wort f?r Wort: Kauderwelsch-Sprachf?hrer von Reise Know-How...
価格:1,500 円
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<p>Die Sprachf?hrer der Kauderwelsch-Reihe orientieren sich am typischen Reisealltag und vermitteln auf unterhaltsame Weise das n?tige R?stzeug, um ohne l?stige B?ffelei m?glichst schnell mit dem Spre...
L?tzebuergesch - Wort f?r Wort (f?r Luxemburg)【電子書籍】[ Joscha Remus ]
価格:1,500 円
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<p>Die Sprachf?hrer der Kauderwelsch-Reihe orientieren sich am typischen Reisealltag und vermitteln auf anregende Weise das n?tige R?stzeug, um ohne l?stige B?ffelei m?glichst schnell mit dem Sprechen...
Spanisch lernen f?r Anf?nger【電子書籍】[ bw Sprachtexte ]
価格:1,500 円
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<p>Mit diesem Spanisch Einsteigerbuch kannst du optimal Spanisch lernen. Egal, ob du Anf?nger bist oder schon einige Kenntnisse hast ? mit diesem Buch wirst du endlich besser Spanisch sprechen. ★</p> ...
Meurtre ? Montmartre Petits meurtres fran?ais, #3【電子書籍】[ France Dubin ...
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<p>Alice and Julia, two Americans, are going to Paris to see Madame Blanche de Monceau, Julia's French cousin. The day after they arrive, Madame de Monceau is found dead in her wine cellar. <strong>Th...
Respekt zu diesem Deutsch! Sprachpannen auf massiv d?nnem Eis【電子書籍】[ P...
価格:1,500 円
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<p>Schonungslos, aber immer humorvoll entlarvt Peter K?hler unsere t?glichen Pannen, Pleiten und Phrasendreschereien im Umgang mit der deutschen Sprache: Wir erfahren, woran wir ≪noch arbeiten m?ssen≫...
Zen: for Beginners : Your Guide to Achieving Happiness and Finding Inn...
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<p>This book will teach you:<br /> ? What the Zen philosophy is about, it's history, and how to embody Zen daily, even in mundane situations, for a happier and more peaceful life</p> <p>? How Zen can ...
Estnisch - Wort f?r Wort Kauderwelsch-Sprachf?hrer von Reise Know-How【...
価格:1,500 円
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<p>Die Sprachf?hrer der Kauderwelsch-Reihe orientieren sich am typischen Reisealltag und vermitteln auf anregende Weise das n?tige R?stzeug, um ohne l?stige B?ffelei m?glichst schnell mit dem Sprechen...
Die Geschichte der Luftfahrt ? kurz und b?ndig Eine zusammenfassende P...
価格:1,500 円
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<p>Zu diesem Buch: Die vorliegende Lekt?re ist eine Zusammenfassung der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Luftfahrt in ihrer chronologischen Abfolge mit ?ber 100 Abbildungen. Sie ist f?r alle Leser/-innen ge...
la grammaire des langues bamil?k?s : cas du n?f? (fe'efe'e))【電子書籍】[ Sh...
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<p>Ce livre pr?sente une ?tude d?taill?e de la grammaire des langues bamil?k?s ? travers l'une des variantes de cette langue, le nufi, encore appel?e f?'?f?'?. Il est soigneusement organis? en dix-sep...
Japans voor elke dag 35 dialogen in het Japans voor reizen en het dage...
価格:1,500 円
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<p>Dit boek volgt John, een zakenman die in Manchester (UK) woont, gedurende 2 dagen. Zo kun je de eenvoudige, alledaagse gesprekken volgen die hij voert met zijn familie, zijn collega's op het werk, ...
Mais De 100 Sensores & M?dulos Para Usar Com Arduino【電子書籍】[ Jideon Mar...
価格:1,500 円
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<p>Introdu??o Neste livro, s?o fornecidas informa??es completas sobre sensores eletr?nicos importantes. que usamos com Arduino. A maioria dos sensores e detalhes do m?dulo s?o fornecidos neste livro. ...