我所嚮往的生活:亨利.梭羅的公民不服從和他的政治書寫【電子書籍】[ 亨利.梭羅 ]
価格:911 円
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<p>《湖濱散記》作者,美國自然書寫之父、社運教父亨利.梭羅政治散文集結</p> <p>一把斧子、一支?筆,以及基於良知而生之政治判斷;他向世人展示了一個人的行動,如何能抵制不公義的政府!</p> <p>「如果不義是政府這部機器的部分必要摩擦,就別理它,別理它?……如果不義有了專屬的彈簧、或滑輪、或一條繩索、或曲柄,也許?會想想,對惡的補救會否不比惡來得糟;不過如果其性質使?對他人來?必然會成為不...
The Absent Jews Kurt Forstreuter and the Historiography of Medieval Pr...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>For nearly a century, it has been a commonplace of Central European history that there were no Jews in medieval Prussiaーthe result, supposedly, of the ruling Teutonic Order’s attempts to create a p...
His Call My All A Lesson in Loyalty and Service【電子書籍】[ Kwadwo A. Atta ...
価格:1,686 円
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<p>The church is on a mission ? to continue the work of the ministry that the fathers and torchbearers of our faith handed over to us. The Bible tells us how the disciples gave everything even to the ...
審判的人性弱點 Blind Injustice【電子書籍】[ 馬克?戈希(Mark Godsey) ]
価格:1,579 円
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<p>從偏見、記憶、直覺等心理特質,解開不公平審判之謎</p> <p>?露人性的弱點如何帶來悲劇的、讓人撕心裂肺的不正義結局</p> <p>「本書的寫作是為了解釋人類缺陷,亦即人類心理上的弱點,如何導致錯誤的有罪判決,而今日,這個問題無論是在台灣、在阿根廷,還是在美國,都一樣無法避免。」</p> <p>從一個不相信冤獄存在的聯邦檢察官,到創?旨在平冤的「無辜計畫」。馬克?戈希藉由本書分享他所看到與...
Slavery and Antislavery in Spain's Atlantic Empire【電子書籍】
価格:5,016 円
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<p>African slavery was pervasive in Spain’s Atlantic empire yet remained in the margins of the imperial economy until the end of the eighteenth century when the plantation revolution in the Caribbean ...
Peregrinos del absoluto La experiencia m?stica【電子書籍】[ Rafael Narbona ]
価格:1,900 円
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<p>La m?stica parece un asunto del pasado, pero sigue ejerciendo una poderosa fascinaci?n. Juan de la Cruz, Blake y Simone Weil suscitan admiraci?n y asombro, pues su experiencia vital excede los l?mi...
More than Mere Spectacle Coronations and Inaugurations in the Habsburg...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>Across the medieval and early modern eras, new rulers were celebrated with increasingly elaborate coronations and inaugurations that symbolically conferred legitimacy and political power upon them....
神?!讓我聽見 :與神連線的七種密語 Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God【電子書籍】[ 馬克.貝特森...
価格:1,195 円
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<p>★榮獲美國基督教出版協會「年度好書獎」<br /> ★出版人週刊暢銷書,美國Amazon五星見證</p> <p>神的指引,比?想像的更清楚。</p> <p>當神對??話時,?聽得到、也聽得???<br /> 本書提供的方法,讓?理解神的訊息,<br /> 分辨神的旨意,跟隨??履前行。</p> <p>我們都知道在遠古時代,神會以不可思議的方式對?的子民?話,但?今天依舊向我們?話??如果?真...
Metaphors of Spain Representations of Spanish National Identity in the...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>The history of twentieth-century Spanish nationalism is a complex one, placing a set of famously distinctive regional identities against a backdrop of religious conflict, separatist tensions, and t...
The Anti-Social Contract Injurious Talk and Dangerous Exchanges in Nor...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>Set in a remote district of villagers and nomadic pastoralists in the northernmost part of Mongolia, this book introduces a local world where social relationships are cast in witchcraft-like idioms...
Between Left and Right The 2009 Bundestag Elections and the Transforma...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>Germany remains a leader in Europe, as demonstrated by its influential role in the on-going policy challenges in response to the post 2008 financial and economic crises. Rarely does the composition...
Alarming Reports Communicating Conflict in the Daily News【電子書籍】[ Andre...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>News stories provide an essential confirmation of our ideas about who we are, what we have to fear, and what to do about it: a marketplace of ideas, shopped by rational citizen decision makers but ...
A Human Garden French Policy and the Transatlantic Legacies of Eugenic...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>Well into the 1980s, Strasbourg, France, was the site of a curious and little-noted experiment: Ungemach, a garden city dating back to the high days of eugenic experimentation that offered luxury l...
The Holy Roman Empire, Reconsidered【電子書籍】
価格:5,016 円
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<p>The Holy Roman Empire has often been anachronistically assumed to have been defunct long before it was actually dissolved at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The authors of this volume reco...
Narratives in Motion Journalism and Modernist Events in 1920s Portugal...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>Interwar Portugal was in many ways a microcosm of Europe’s encounter with modernity: reshaped by industrialization, urban growth, and the antagonism between liberalism and authoritarianism, it also...
Teach Us to Pray The Lord's Prayer in the Early Church and Today【電子書籍】...
価格:3,207 円
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<p>The Lord’s Prayer is one of the oldest and most widely used short summaries not only of how Christians pray but of what they believe about God, the world, and humankind. Justo Gonz?lez, whose textb...
Racism in the Modern World Historical Perspectives on Cultural Transfe...
価格:5,733 円
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<p>Emphasizing the global nature of racism, this volume brings together historians from various regional specializations to explore this phenomenon from comparative and transnational perspectives. The...
希特勒草莓(改版) Eine Erdbeere f?r Hitler【電子書籍】[ ?蘿拉?史坦(Carola Stern)、英格?柏徳森(...
価格:1,174 円
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<p>◎ 集合徳國?史學者與名家,深入淺出介紹人類二十世紀一段最驚心動魄的時代故事</p> <p>◎ 全書?含75張?史照片,?有方格獨立解?與?文相關的?史事件</p> <p>試想有一天,?想上街卻被禁止出門;再也不許和朋友見面;</p> <p>所有的人都認為一切錯在於?;大清早?就被人押走。</p> <p>近七百萬的猶太人遭納粹屠殺;</p> <p>為何人們面對恐怖統治卻默默服從?為何他們選擇...
Nearly the New World The British West Indies and the Flight from Nazis...
価格:3,581 円
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<p><strong>“In this rich and resonant study, Joanna Newman recounts the little-known story of this Jewish exodus to the British West Indies...”ー<em>Times Higher Education</em></strong></p> <p>In the y...
Monetising the Dividual Self The Emergence of the Lifestyle Blog and I...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>Combining theoretical and empirical discussions with shorter “thick description” case studies, this book offers an anthropological exploration of the emergence in Malaysia of lifestyle bloggers ? p...
Oberhausen: Eine Stadtgeschichte im Ruhrgebiet Bd. 4 Oberhausen in Wir...
価格:1,300 円
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<p>Es handelt sich um die Stadtgeschichte von Oberhausen als Studienausgabe.</p> <p>Das E-Book Oberhausen: Eine Stadtgeschichte im Ruhrgebiet Bd. 4 wird angeboten von Laufen, K M und wurde mit folgend...
The Making of the Greek Genocide Contested Memories of the Ottoman Gre...
価格:5,016 円
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<p>During and after World War I, over one million Ottoman Greeks were expelled from Turkey, a watershed moment in Greek history that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. And while few dispute ...
Multiple Nature-Cultures, Diverse Anthropologies【電子書籍】
価格:4,298 円
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<p>Over time, the role of nature in anthropology has evolved from being a mere backdrop for social and cultural diversity to being viewed as an integral part of the ontological entanglement of human a...
Nazi Paris The History of an Occupation, 1940-1944【電子書籍】[ Allan Mitche...
価格:3,581 円
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<p>Basing his extensive research into hitherto unexploited archival documentation on both sides of the Rhine, Allan Mitchell has uncovered the inner workings of the German military regime from the Weh...
Friendly Enemies Britain and the GDR, 1949-1990【電子書籍】[ Stefan Berger ]
価格:5,733 円
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<p>During the Cold War, Britain had an astonishing number of contacts and connections with one of the Soviet Bloc’s most hard-line regimes: the German Democratic Republic. The left wing of the British...
Tourism Between Place and Performance【電子書籍】
価格:5,016 円
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<p>Many accounts of tourism have adopted an almost paradigmatic visual model of the gaze. This collection presents an expanded notion of spectatorship with a more dynamic sense of embodied and perform...
Histoires vraies les affaires criminelles【電子書籍】[ Sol?ne Haddad ]
価格:2,057 円
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<p>Crimes sans cadavres, disparitions myst?rieuses, corps retrouv?s dans une pi?ce ferm?e sans trace d’effraction, affaires sans aucun indice mat?riel, etc. Chaque ann?e, en France, des centaines de c...
Let Them Not Return Sayfo ? The Genocide Against the Assyrian, Syriac,...
価格:3,581 円
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<p>The mass killing of Ottoman Armenians is today widely recognized, both within and outside scholarly circles, as an act of genocide. What is less well known, however, is that it took place within a ...
The Employment Legacy of the 2012 Olympic Games A Case Study of East L...
価格:6,685 円
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<p>This book offers a detailed account of the employment promises made to local East Londoners when the Summer Olympic Games 2012 were awarded to London, as well as an examination of how those promise...
A Companion to U.S. Foreign Relations Colonial Era to the Present【電子書籍...
価格:58,321 円
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<p><strong>Covers the entire range of the history of U.S. foreign relations from the colonial period to the beginning of the 21st century.</strong></p> <p><em>A Companion to U.S. Foreign Relations</em...