The Insurer's Duty to Defend Issues and Analysis【電子書籍】
価格:21,606 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Because of its importance to both policyholders and insurers, the duty to defend has been - and continues to be - extensively litigated. This book analyzes key aspects of the duty to defend in a pr...
The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Latin America【電子書籍】
価格:21,583 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Constitutional law in Latin America embodies a mosaic of national histories, political experiments, and institutional transitions. No matter how distinctive these histories and transitions might be...
Shape-Shifting Capital Spiritual Management, Critical Theory, and the ...
価格:21,582 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Shape-Shifting Capital: Spiritual Management, Critical Theory, and the Ethnographic Project is positioned at the intersection of anthropology, critical theory, and philosophy of religion. First, Go...
Bioinformatics of Behavior: Part 1【電子書籍】[ Elissa J Chesler ]
価格:21,570 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>This issue of International Review of Neurobiology is split over 2 volumes, bringing together cutting-edge research on Bioinformatics of Behavior. The 2 volumes review current knowledge and underst...
The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Roman Germany【電子書籍】
価格:21,527 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Germania was one of the most important and complex zones of cultural interaction and conflict between Rome and neighbouring societies. A vast region, it became divided into urbanised provinces with...
Blackstone's Employment Law Practice 2012【電子書籍】
価格:21,527 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
Drawing together comprehensive coverage of practice and procedure in the employment tribunal, Employment Appeal Tribunal, and Central Arbitration Committee, Blackstone's Employment Law Practice 2012 i...
Foundations of Psychological Testing A Practical Approach【電子書籍】[ Lesli...
価格:21,360 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Foundations of Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach</strong> by Leslie A. Miller and Robert L. Lovler presents a clear introduction to the basics of psychological testing as well as ...
Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Behavior Psychological Research Perspectives...
価格:21,360 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Providing a psychological perspective on the use and abuse of alcohol and other psychoactive drugs, this <strong>Second Edition</strong> includes more coverage of the theories of alcohol and other ...
Basilio di Cesarea ? Omelie sui Salmi e altre omelie esegetiche Introd...
価格:21,349 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>La nuova traduzione italiana delle Omelie sui Salmi di Basilio, le pi? neglette degli scritti del Cappadoce, ? per la prima volta corredata di ampie note che inquadrano puntualmente il testo nel ra...
The Cambridge History of America and the World: Volume 1, 1500?1820【電子...
価格:21,342 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>The first volume of The Cambridge History of America and the World examines how the United States emerged out of a series of colonial interactions, some involving indigenous empires and communities...
Crystal Kingdom Unraveling Antarctica's Frozen Legacy【電子書籍】[ Pinarbasi...
価格:21,284 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Crystal Kingdom: Unraveling Antarctica's Frozen Legacy" beckons readers to embark on an extraordinary exploration of the enigmatic continent. This riveting ebook delves into Antarctica's icy expans...
The European Union REACH Regulation for Chemicals Law and Practice【電子書...
価格:21,269 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>This book discusses the law and practice of the European Union's new chemical regulatory programmes known under the acronym ''REACH'. REACH is intended to ensure the safe management of risks associ...
The Law of Reinsurance【電子書籍】[ Colin Edelman QC ]
価格:21,269 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>This concise and accessible guide to reinsurance law is an easy-to-read specialist reference focusing solely on reinsurance. The second edition builds on the success of the first which filled a gap...
Treaty Interpretation in Investment Arbitration【電子書籍】[ J Romesh Weeram...
価格:21,269 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>The rise of investment arbitration in the last decade has generated an unprecedented body of arbitral case law. The work of these arbitral tribunals has provided scholars and practitioners with pub...
Japan's Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century Continuity and Chan...
価格:21,250 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>This edited collection analyzes the innovative changes in Japan’s foreign policy. Pursuing new relationships with South Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe, Japanese initiatives include regional peace...
Cognition and Addiction A Researcher's Guide from Mechanisms Towards I...
価格:21,147 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Cognition and Addiction: A Researcher's Guide from Mechanisms Towards Interventions provides researchers with a guide to recent cognitive neuroscience advances in addiction theory, phenotyping, tre...
The Work and Family Handbook Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives and Appro...
価格:21,106 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><em>The Work and Family Handbook</em> is a comprehensive edited volume, which reviews a wide range of disciplinary perspectives across the social sciences on the study of work-family relationships,...
The Handbook of Communication Ethics【電子書籍】
価格:21,106 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>The <em>Handbook of Communication Ethics</em> serves as a comprehensive guide to the study of communication and ethics. It brings together analyses and applications based on recognized ethical theo...
Teaching Communication Theory, Research, and Methods【電子書籍】
価格:21,106 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>The field of communication was founded, in part, because of a need to make people better communicators. That meant teaching them how to communicate more effectively, whether it be in public setting...
Color Atlas of Forensic Medicine and Pathology【電子書籍】
価格:21,106 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Now in its second edition, the best-selling <strong>Color Atlas of Forensic Medicine and Pathology</strong> is an easy-to-read reference covering forensic pathology principles, from basic to advanc...
Handbook of Research with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Popu...
価格:21,106 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong><em>Handbook of Research with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations</em> provides a detailed examination of the current methods and theoretical frameworks for conducting resea...
Handbook of Divorce and Relationship Dissolution【電子書籍】
価格:21,106 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>This <em>Handbook</em> presents up-to-date scholarship on the causes and predictors, processes, and consequences of divorce and relationship dissolution. Featuring contributions from multiple disci...
Christian Theology The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ【電子書籍】[ T. A. Nob...
価格:21,105 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ is the first volume of a three-volume systematics, Christian Theology. The volume is in three parts.Part 1, Faith and History, introduces Christian Theology, expl...
Arbitration of International Mining Disputes Law and Practice【電子書籍】[ H...
価格:21,097 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>International mining disputes represent a significant and growing area of disputes over natural resources, yet the unique risks inherent in the mining industry set them apart, both in the nature of...
Strafverfolgung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Berlin (West)...
価格:21,076 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Die Generalstaatsanw?lte der Westzonen und der sp?teren Bundesrepublik Deutschland (einschl. West-Berlins) hielten ab Mitte 1948 aus eigener Initiative Tagungen ab, in denen wichtige Themen der Str...
L'adaptation des trait?s dans le temps【電子書籍】[ Athina Chanaki ]
価格:21,000 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Τout syst?me juridique, pour ?tre efficace, doit imp?rativement trouver un juste ?quilibre entre stabilit? et mouvement. En droit international et, plus particuli?ment, en droit des trait?s, le pro...
Exploring Environmental Violence Perspectives, Experience, Expression,...
価格:20,937 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>The contributors to this book represent a wide breadth of scholarly approaches, including law, social and environmental science, engineering, as well as from the arts and humanities. The chapters e...
People and Spaces in Roman Military Bases【電子書籍】[ Penelope M. Allison ]
価格:20,937 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>This study uses artefact distribution analyses to investigate the activities that took place inside early Roman imperial military bases. Focusing especially on non-combat activities, it explores th...
Classical Antiquity and the Cinematic Imagination【電子書籍】[ Martin M. Win...
価格:20,937 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>This book aims to enhance our appreciation of the modernity of the classical cultures and, conversely, of cinema's debt to ancient Greece and Rome. It explores filmic perspectives on the ancient ve...
The Cambridge History of Global Migrations: Volume 2, Migrations, 1800...
価格:20,937 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Volume II presents an authoritative overview of the various continuities and changes in migration and globalization from the 1800s to the present day. Despite revolutionary changes in communication...