The Origins and Development of the Roman Imperial Cult【電子書籍】[ Liam Wil...
価格:500 円
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<p>The history of Roman religion and politics is inseparable from the evolution of its empire. Understanding the Roman Imperial Cult requires a deep dive into the intertwining of these two realmsーreli...
The Spiritual Koinonia in the New Testament Church【電子書籍】[ Walter Smith...
価格:500 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>The concept of <em>koinonia</em> is central to the New Testament Church and provides a window into understanding Christian fellowship in its most profound sense. The Greek word <em>koinonia</em> is...
Buscando a Luz Divina na Cabala Cabala e Medita??o, #21【電子書籍】[ Eliel R...
価格:600 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Meditar ? buscar a luz divina, entrar em conex?o com o Criador.</p> <p>A Cabala n?o ? entendida, muitos converteram ela em uma forma de magia, mas ela na sua ess?ncia era uma forma de entender o Cr...
Das Universum als lebendiges Wesen Die Reise der Seele【電子書籍】[ Christia...
価格:1,100 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Mit der "Reise der Seele" in dem Buch "Das Universum als lebendiges Wesen" nimmt uns der Autor mit auf eine mitrei?ende und tiefgr?ndige Erkundung des menschlichen Daseins, die von pers?nlichen Erf...
Holy Week The Week That Changed the World【電子書籍】[ R.C. Sproul ]
価格:1,216 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>We’ve all experienced life-changing moments. Our calendars are marked with anniversaries of enduring significance. But Holy Week is a celebration of the most important week in history, the week tha...
Unstoppable You: A Teen’s Guide to Building Confidence, Finding Purpos...
価格:1,100 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Unstoppable You: A Teen's Guide to Building Confidence, Finding Purpose, and Thriving in Life</strong></p> <p>Life as a teenager can be overwhelmingーpeer pressure, self-doubt, and uncertain...
Απ? τη φυσικ? πραγματικ?τητα στο μεταφυσικ? σ?μπαν. Κβαντικ? εμπλοκ?, ...
価格:1,309 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Ο αναγν?στη? θα εκπλαγε? με την πρωτοτυπ?α των θεμ?των που αποτελο?ν τη β?ση αυτο? του βιβλ?ου. Απ? τον ευτυχισμ?νο γ?μο μεταξ? τη? κβαντικ?? φυσικ?? και του συλλογικο? ασυνε?δητου του Carl Jung γε...
American Politics Promise and Peril【電子書籍】[ Daniel Hofrenning ]
価格:9,285 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>This introductory <em>American Politics</em> textbook highlights political controversies and debates that make politics compelling and shows that politics has the potential ? against formidable odd...
My Dreams, God's Will Intersections of God’s Will and Your Dreams【電子書籍...
価格:1,433 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>My Dreams, God's Will depicts true occurrences of expectations against God's sovereign plan and will. This devotional provides thoughtful insight through the building blocks of the word, leaving th...
Tesoros Eternos: Sabidur?a Intemporal para la Vida Cristiana【電子書籍】[ Ar...
価格:800 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>"Tesoros Eternos: Sabidur?a Intemporal para la Vida Cristiana"</p> <p>Descripci?n: Descubre riquezas espirituales imperecederas en "Tesoros Eternos", una colecci?n de reflexiones b?blicas profundas...
Aion Contribuciones al simbolismo del s?-mismo【電子書籍】[ Carl Gustav Jung...
価格:3,200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Esta amplia monograf?a explora el arquetipo del s?-mismo a partir del estudio de la idea del e?n cristiano. La tradici?n cristiana no solo est? imbuida desde su comienzo por la idea, inicialmente p...
Heal in Silence 1, #1【電子書籍】[ Victor Roude ]
価格:1,400 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>What if the key to healing has been within you all along? <strong>"Heal in Silence"</strong> is not just a bookーit's an awakening, a journey into the depths of your own mind where true transformati...
Enqu?te sur les miracles de Lourdes【電子書籍】[ Yves Chiron ]
価格:935 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Lourdes, surnomm?e ≪ capitale de la pri?re ≫, est aussi une ≪ terre de miracles ≫. Peut-on conter l'histoire de miracles ? Oui, car ils sont d'abord des faits constat?s, avant d'?tre des gu?risons ...
Kad?nl???mYazarl???mYurdum【電子書籍】[ Erendiz Atas? ]
価格:785 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><em>Yirmi y?lda ?yk?lerin, romanlar?n d???nda ne ?ok yaz? kaleme alm???m! Kavga yaz?lar?, bar?? yaz?lar?, i?e bak?? yaz?lar?... Edebiyat, seyahat d???nceleri... Yitirdiklerimizin ard?nda kalan bo?l...
An Unfinished Story: Return of Pinocchio【電子書籍】[ Grig McGuire ]
価格:760 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Dear reader, Remember what a metaphor is? In simple words, this is what we want to say, without naming names and positions, with elements of sharp humour, exposing the whole palette of political fr...
Quatre mil dos-cents vint-i-set su?cidis no exemplars Desig i melancol...
価格:1,800 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Quatre mil dos-cents vint-i-set ?s el nombre de su?cidis que es van comptabilitzar a Espanya l'?ltim any del qual es tenen dades contrastades. Un n?mero indefugible que assenyala quelcom estructura...
Logistik von Lebensmitteln Lebensmittelrecht, Transportrecht und Quali...
価格:12,800 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Der Transport und die Lagerung von Lebensmitteln sind ein anspruchsvolles Gesch?ft, da mehrere Anforderungen gleichzeitig zu erf?llen sind. "Die Beklagte hat ihre Pflicht, zur durchg?ngig ausreiche...
Witwenrente Der Renten- und Finanzratgeber f?r Hinterbliebene【電子書籍】[ I...
価格:2,600 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Verwitwet und finanziell abgesichert: Dein Wegweiser durch den Rentendschungel</strong></p> <p>Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum die Hinterbliebenenrente gek?rzt wird oder welches Einkomme...
Meant for Good Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video The Adventure of...
価格:2,333 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>The most-underlined verse in the Bible, Jeremiah 29:11, says that God has a good plan for youーa plan to give you a hope and a future. Are you ready to believe it? Do you think you can reall...
World War II River Assault Tactics【電子書籍】[ Gordon L. Rottman ]
価格:2,269 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>On the major European and Russian fronts throughout World War II, the challenge of crossing rivers under fire was absolutely central to any advance.</strong></p> <p>The Panzers that crossed...
Turkish-American Relations in the 21st Century【電子書籍】[ G?rol Baba ]
価格:7,891 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Turkish-American relations have been considered a model partnership between a great and middle power during the Cold War due to the positive nature of relations, being advantageous to both sides. W...
Foreign Aid's Effects on Development and Human Security in Kenya【電子書籍】...
価格:7,102 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>More than $1 trillion has been transferred to Africa from rich countries in development-related aid in the last 50 years. Despite this, poverty levels continue to surge. Using Kenya as a case study...
God’s Acts for Israel, Gentiles, and Christians A Theology of the Acts...
価格:8,440 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>The book of Acts is often read as a narrative. Here’s how to read it as theology.</strong></p> <p>In this landmark essay collection, Joshua Jipp explains how the biblical book of the Acts o...
Le F?minisme pour les Nul.le.s, grand format, 2e ?d.【電子書籍】[ Margaux Co...
価格:2,640 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Le livre de r?f?rence pour comprendre l'histoire et les enjeux actuels du f?minisme !</strong><br /> De la lutte des femmes pour le droit de vote ? #MeToo, <em>Le F?minisme pour les Nul・le・...
The It Girls Glamor, Celebrity, and Scandal【電子書籍】[ Caroline Young ]
価格:4,976 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>The first book to explore the history of the It girl across the centuries.</strong></p> <p>Nell Gwyn and Clara Bow, Marilyn Monroe and Edie Sedgwick, Jean Seberg and Margaux Hemingway, Pari...
Today's Facts Understanding the Current Evolution of Information【電子書籍】...
価格:7,102 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>This is the third and final volume in a broad study about the role of information largely in the Unites States since the early nineteenth century. This book summarizes how information changed since...
L’intimit? Infinie Femmes de la gloire, #2【電子書籍】[ Zacharias Tanee Fomu...
価格:200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Le Seigneur nous a mis ? c?ur d'?crire des livres au sujet <strong>des femmes de la Bible qui se sont distingu?es</strong> dans la connaissance, l'amour et le travail pour le Seigneur particuli?rem...
O Deus que se revela - Revista do professor Justi?a e reden??o em Isa?...
価格:150 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>O Deus que se revela ? o d?cimo segundo volume de uma s?rie sobre o Antigo Testamento, que examina o livro do profeta Isa?as, um dos mais impactantes textos das Escrituras. Em meio a advert?ncias d...
O Deus que se revela - Revista do aluno Justi?a e reden??o em Isa?as【電...
価格:100 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>O Deus que se revela ? o d?cimo segundo volume de uma s?rie sobre o Antigo Testamento, que examina o livro do profeta Isa?as, um dos mais impactantes textos das Escrituras. Em meio a advert?ncias d...
Animism and the Origin of Religion According to Edward Burnett Tylor (...
価格:500 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Edward Burnett Tylor's work in the late 19th century laid the foundation for the scientific study of religion, positioning animism as the foundational belief system in the evolutionary trajectory o...