上古??服???研究【電子書籍】[ ?秀? ]
価格:2,330 円
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<p>上古漢語服飾詞匯,包括服飾名物詞、服色詞、服飾材料詞。上古漢語服飾詞匯研究屬 特定語義範疇的斷代研究,以傳統訓詁學研究成果為基礎,綜合傳統訓詁學和現代詞義學研究的方法,借鑒義素分析理論和認知轉?理論,重點描寫漢語服飾詞在上古時期共時層面的靜態分?與語義差異,並致力於?示上古漢語服飾詞在?時層面的詞匯演變與詞義演變規律。本書分上下兩編。上編為上古漢語服飾詞匯共時分類描寫,利用“詞項屬性分析表”...
A Messenger of Love: The Biography of Dada J. P. Vaswani【電子書籍】[ Krishn...
価格:2,323 円
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<p>Revered Dada J. P. Vaswani, the illustrious spiritual leader and head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, was a saint, who carried forward the glorious message of India's rishis and seers. An epitome of ...
A Little Guide for Teachers: Supporting Behaviour in the Classroom【電子書...
価格:2,306 円
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<p>***Little Guide for Teachers: Supporting Behaviour in the Classroom***inspires you to rethink how you manage behaviour. Using the authors’ tried and tested approach, this book encourages you to man...
Rock 'n' Roll Songbook (with Audio) Saxophone Play-Along Volume 1【電子書籍...
価格:2,301 円
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<p>(Saxophone Play-Along). The Saxophone Play-Along Series will help you play your favorite songs quickly and easily. Just follow the music (including parts for B-flat and E-flat saxophones), listen t...
The Man Christ Jesus: Theological Reflections on the Humanity of Chris...
価格:2,290 円
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<p>Liberal attacks on the doctrine of the divinity of Christ have led evangelicals to rightly affirm the centrality of Jesus’s divine nature for his person and work. At times, however, this defense of...
価格:2,281 円
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<p>Have you been diagnosed with kidney disease and are overwhelmed by the dietary changes you need to make? Are you searching for a way to enjoy flavorful, satisfying meals while supporting your kidne...
Farlig tomandsf?rd Ny udvidet og illustreret udgave ved Naja Mikkelsen...
価格:2,272 円
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<p><em>Farlig tomandsf?rd</em> handler om et af den gr?nlandske histories mest eventyrlige afsnit. Bogen fort?ller om en lille h?ndfuld m?nds uforf?rdede kamp for i ?rene 1909?12 at l?fte resten af de...
The Awakening A History of the Western Mind AD 500 - 1700【電子書籍】[ Charl...
価格:2,267 円
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<p>A monumental and exhilarating history of European thought, from the fall of Rome in the fifth century AD to the Scientific Revolution thirteen centuries later.<br /> <em>The Awakening</em> traces t...
Homens Bons【電子書籍】[ Arturo P?rez-reverte ]
価格:2,265 円
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<p>Na Europa do seculo XVIII, dois homens viajam em segredo. A sua miss?o? Levar para Espanha algo proibido: os 28 volumes da Enciclopedia Francesa de D'Alembert e Diderot. A delicada tarefa esta nas ...
Sluts The truth about slutshaming and what we can do to fight it【電子書籍】...
価格:2,264 円
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<p><em><strong>'A must-read for anyone whose sexual expression has been used as a weapon against them'</strong></em> <strong>? Ruby Rare</strong></p> <p><strong><em>'A fascinating deep dive into the h...
The Unauthorized Version Truth and Fiction in the Bible【電子書籍】[ Robin L...
価格:2,264 円
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<p>The Bible is moving, inspirational and endlessly fascinating - but is it true? Starting with Genesis and the implicit background to the birth of Christ, Robin Lane Fox sets out to discover how far ...
For Lack of a Title【電子書籍】[ Nathan Wright ]
価格:2,262 円
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<p>For Lack of a Title</p> <p>by Nathan Wright</p> <p> </p> <p>Kentucky, a land rich in natural resourcesーnamely coalーwas causing a stir for landholders there. It seemed that land was being fraud...
Smart Sex【電子書籍】[ Dr Emily Morse ]
価格:2,257 円
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<p><strong>Host of the #1 podcast <em>Sex with Emily</em>, sex educator and expert in human sexuality, Dr Emily Morse offers a ground-breaking new guide to sex and pleasure.</strong></p> <p>Unlock the...
L'?claireur Du recrutement ? la formation, l'histoire vraie et stup?fi...
価格:2,250 円
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<p>≪?On ne choisit pas d'entrer au KGB, c'est le KGB qui vous choisit.?≫</p> <p>Lorsqu'il int?gre ? dix-sept ans l'Institut d'?tat des relations internationales (MGIMO) ? Moscou, Sergue? Jirnov est lo...
Devine mon ?ge si tu peux【電子書籍】[ Olivier Courtin-Clarins ]
価格:2,244 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>Et si vous aviez le pouvoir de pr?server votre capital jeunesse ?</strong></p> <p>C’est toute l’envergure de ce programme holistique que vous propose le docteur Olivier Courtin-Clarins. Bas...
Steve Bannon L'homme qui voulait le chaos【電子書籍】[ Fiammetta Venner ]
価格:2,244 円
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<p>Le Brexit, l’?lection de Trump puis celle de Bolsonaro, le piratage massif de nos donn?es personnelles par Cambridge Analytica, l’essor des climatosceptiques, la mont?e des extr?mes en Europe, la g...
Closet Therapy La m?thode pour se construire une garde-robe styl?e et ...
価格:2,244 円
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<p>On porte en moyenne 30% de notre garde-robe et pourtant on n’a jamais achet? autant. Les placards d?bordent sans pour autant exalter, alors on ach?te, on rach?te, on re-re-ach?te dans la qu?te et l...
P?re Pedro Proph?te des bidonvilles【電子書籍】[ Pierre Lunel ]
価格:2,244 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Dans ce monde o? les trois-cinqui?mes de l'humanit? vivent dans une situation de grande pauvret?, peut-on esp?rer sauver les uns sans les autres ? S'il est urgent de r?inventer notre plan?te, cela ...
La Femme guerri?re【電子書籍】[ Maxine Hong Kingston ]
価格:2,244 円
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<p>Durant toute son enfance en Californie, Maxine Hong Kingston a entendu sa m?re lui narrer des r?cits ancestraux chinois o? les filles ne valent rien, o? l'honneur de la famille importe plus que tou...
?呀!不小心刻了一套 React UI 元件庫 : 從無到有輕鬆上手(iThome鐵人賽系列書)【電子書籍】[ 陳泰銘(Taiming) ]
価格:2,230 円
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<p>本書?容改編自【第13屆】2021 iThome鐵人賽Modern Web 組佳作網路系列文章──《30 天擁有一套自己手刻的 React UI 元件庫》</p> <p>《本書特色》</p> <ol> <li> <p>剖析並比較不同主流 React UI 元件庫<br /> 參考並剖析市面上知名並常用的 React UI 元件庫,瞭解其設計介面及元件結構,站在巨人的肩膀上來實作屬於自己的元件...
Psycome, Vol. 5 (light novel) Murder Machine and the Catastrophic Athl...
価格:2,208 円
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<p>Even cutthroat murderers have school athletics festivals! Aiming for the top place in the school's first murderathon, Kyousuke and his classmates suffer through backbreaking conditioning. His life ...
Kieli, Vol. 4 (light novel) Long Night Beside a Deep Pool【電子書籍】[ Yukak...
価格:2,208 円
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<p>It's been a year and a half since Harvey left Kieli and the Corporal in Beatrix's care. Though she hasn't heard a word from him in all that time, Kieli can't forget the Undying who took her under h...
Leben statt Angst【電子書籍】[ Felix R. Paturi ]
価格:2,200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Wovor haben Sie Angst? Vor Spinnen, vor Flugreisen? Vor gef?hrlichen Krankheiten, beruflichem Versagen? Vor Altersarmut oder vor K?ndigung? Vor ?rztlichen Kunstfehlern oder mangelnder ?rztlicher Ve...
Le pouvoir spirituel de l’empathie D?veloppez vos dons intuitifs pour ...
価格:2,200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>D?couvrez vos aptitudes inn?es d’empathie avec l’auteure bien connue Cyndi Dale comme guide. Gr?ce ? cette formation pratique, vous apprendrez ? utiliser plus facilement l’empathie pour entretenir ...
Psychodynamische Therapien und Verhaltenstherapie im Vergleich: Zentra...
価格:2,200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Nach wie vor existiert eine starke Konkurrenz der "Schulen" im Bereich der Psychotherapie, nicht nur in Bezug auf die Krankenversorgung, sondern auch auf das, was konzeptuell und therapeutisch f?r ...
Der Mittagsm?rder (eBook)【電子書籍】[ Petra Nacke ]
価格:2,200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Deutschland vor 50 Jahren: Der "Mittagsm?rder" sorgt f?r Schlagzeilen, h?lt das ganze Land in Atem. Erst nach Jahren wurde der wohl bekannteste Serient?ter der fr?hen Sechziger gefasst und nach ein...
Solomon Creed La route de Redemption【電子書籍】[ Simon Toyne ]
価格:2,200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p>Il est amn?sique et menac?. Seul un mort d?tient la cl? de son pass?.<br /> Redemption, d?sert de l'Arizona, ? quelques kilom?tres de la fronti?re du Mexique. Un avion se crashe au-dessus de la vil...
Made for Goodness And Why This Makes All the Difference【電子書籍】[ Archbis...
価格:2,200 円
レビュー件数:0 レビュー平均:0
<p><strong>"We are made for goodness. We are made for love. We are made for friendliness. We are made for togetherness."ーDesmond Tutu</strong></p> <p><strong>In this personal and inspirational book, t...
Roman Heavy Cavalry (2) AD 500?1450【電子書籍】[ Dr Andrei Evgenevich Negin ...
価格:2,197 円
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<p>In the twilight of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th?6th centuries, the elite of the field armies was the heavy armoured cavalry ? the cataphracts, clad in lamellar, scale, mail and padded fabric...
The Call of Intuition How to Recognize & Honor Your Intuition, Instinc...
価格:2,196 円
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<p><strong>Unleash Your Deepest Creative Wisdom and Gain a Renewed Zest for Life</strong></p> <p>It's time to integrate your three inner guidesーintuition, instinct, and insightーinto your life in new a...